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Re: Возвращение в спорт! || Back to sport! (training and camps)

Postby cekoni » 22 Sep 2009, 11:14

21.09.2009., Радио «Маяк»

Алексей Урманов: Плющенко хочет стать двукратным олимпийским чемпионом

Фигуристы сборной России представили свои олимпийские программы на открытом контрольном прокате в подмосковном Одинцове

Возрождение давней традиции проводить прокаты в присутствии публики должно пойти спортсменам на пользу, заявил в эксклюзивном интервью нашей радиостанции олимпийский чемпион Алексей Урманов. Он также поделился мнением о возвращении Евгения Плющенко и рассказал, насколько его подопечный, лидер мужской сборной Сергей Воронов, готов бороться с действующим олимпийским чемпионом.

УРМАНОВ: Это очень полезное новшество, и я очень рад, что сегодня есть возможность для наших спортсменов покататься с публикой. Это правильно, это хороший опыт для них.

— Что дает публика? С одной стороны, нужно показать себя перед федерацией, а с другой, есть зрители. Не рассеется ли внимание спортсмена?
- УРМАНОВ: Я думаю, в первую очередь это тренировка профессионализма. Ты катаешь свои программы, выставляя их на суд и зрителей. И специалистов. Здесь два в одном. Не нужно думать о том, что на тебя смотрят специалисты. Моделируется ситуация соревнований. Тем более сегодня у спортсменов не так много есть опыта катания на публике. У них не так много выступлений, не так много соревнований.

— Как Сергей Воронов себя ощущает?
- УРМАНОВ: Сергей на сегодняшний день еще не набрал хорошую спортивную форму, идеальную олимпийскую. Есть еще время поработать над этим. Что касается меня, то я все выводы для себя давно сделал и понимаю, куда нужно двигаться, но иногда бывают ситуации, когда спортсмен должен сделать вывод для себя.

— Вы верите, что Плющенко на самом деле удастся возвращение?
- УРМАНОВ: Я скажу так. Он всем специалистам фигурного катания с каждым разом доказывает, что да, он способен. Смысл, как мне видится, очень простой. Он заключается в том, что Евгений Плющенко хочет стать двукратным олимпийским чемпионом.

— Сергей готов с ним побороться?
- УРМАНОВ: Я готов как тренер, и делаю все возможное, и настраиваю своего спортсмена таким образом, чтобы он боролся со всеми сильнейшими фигуристами планеты, которые есть сегодня, в том числе (и, может быть, на первом месте) с Евгением Плющенко.
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Re: Возвращение в спорт! || Back to sport! (training and camps)

Postby cekoni » 22 Sep 2009, 11:36

Ирина wrote:http://www.sovsport.ru/gazeta/article-item/348464

Это же олимпийская медаль!». Евгений Плющенко поразил специалистов прекрасной формой ....

- download pdf (with text about Zhenya's) :mi_ga_et:
http://www.sovsport.ru/s/issue_page/pdf ... 1253566566

Pic from there :plush32:


... parts from interview with Zhenya :-):

22 сентября 2009, №144-В(18037), Абаренов Д.

Евгений Плющенко: Яна сказала, что надо возвращаться!


Сразу после своего проката Евгений Плющенко скрылся в раздевалке. А выйти из нее оказалось непросто. От толпы юных болельщиков и десятка телекамер Евгений решил побыстрее уйти через черный выход. Но там дежурил корреспондент «Советского спорта»....

... – Вы снова говорите о фигурном катании, и у вас горят глаза…
– А они и не гасли! Просто сейчас я сильно соскучился по делу, которым занимался всю жизнь. Для меня все – старое-новое.

– А сам фигурист Плющенко стал другим?
– Нет. Хотя, знаете, я стал еще сильнее. Прежде всего как человек.

– И что этому способствовало?
– Эта пауза – длиною в два с половиной года. Многое за это время произошло.....

... – Понимаете, что от вас ждут только золота?
– И да, и нет. Понимаю, что буду сражаться за победу, сделаю все ради золота, но не понимаю, почему я во что бы то ни стало должен привезти домой медаль высшего достоинства!

– Вы сами всех приучили к победам…
– И здесь я согласен, только меня не было в спорте два с половиной года! Вы представляете, что это за срок? Ко мне как-то подошли болельщики и говорят: «Женя, вот мы за вас так болеем, пообещайте, что выиграете Олимпиаду!». Никому и ничего обещать не буду. В мире много хороших фигуристов. Моя задача проста – откатать программу своего имени достойно. И если будет бронза, завоеванная в честной борьбе, буду счастлив. Тем более что тогда у меня соберется полный олимпийский комплект – серебро-2002, золото-2006, бронза-2010....
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Re: Возвращение в спорт! || Back to sport! (training and camps)

Postby Ирина » 22 Sep 2009, 11:37


Плющенко вернулся на лед с тулупом. Четверным

Борис Титов

Кандидаты в олимпийскую сборную России по фигурному катанию впервые представили публике программы, с которыми они планируют бороться за медали на Играх-2010 в Ванкувере. На контрольных прокатах, состоявшихся в переполненном ледовом дворце подмосковного города Одинцово, побывали корреспонденты "Известий". И выяснили: нашим фигуристам во главе с олимпийским чемпионом Евгением Плющенко, вернувшимся в большой спорт после четырехлетнего отсутствия, будет чем блеснуть в Канаде.

На публичные прокаты, традиционно проходящие накануне каждого зимнего сезона, кандидаты в российскую олимпийскую дружину приехали практически в полном составе. Исключение составили лишь действующие чемпионы мира в танцах на льду Оксана Домнина и Максим Шабалин. Согласно договоренности с руководством Федерации фигурного катания России они со своим тренером Натальей Линичук занимаются в США по индивидуальному плану. Домой фавориты Олимпиады приедут в октябре - на московский этап серии Гран-при.

Зато Одинцово увидело в этот день наши сильнейшие спортивные пары - Юко Кавагути и Александра Смирнова, Марию Мухортову и Максима Транькова, а также любимца публики Евгения Плющенко и других ведущих фигуристов. Высадка столь внушительного "звездного десанта" вызвала в подмосковном городе ажиотаж. На трибуны дворца можно было попасть только по специальным приглашениям, а у кромки льда рядом с легендарными фигуристами прошлых лет, а ныне тренерами Еленой Водорезовой, Алексеем Урмановым и Олегом Васильевым столпились журналисты крупнейших СМИ.

Наставник Жени Плющенко Алексей Мишин призывал репортеров не относиться к прокатам слишком серьезно. "Это всего лишь контрольная тренировка! Впереди много работы", - говорил он с мягкой улыбкой. Несмотря на эти успокоительные слова, еще до вызова фигуристов на лед казалось, что прохладный воздух арены наэлектризован тщательно скрываемыми эмоциями участников шоу. Да и как удержать нервы, когда на тебя направлены десятки камер, а переполненный зал бурно реагирует на каждый удачный или, наоборот, непокорный элемент?!

В первой смене на лед вышли спортивные пары. Бронзовые медалисты чемпионата мира Кавагути и Смирнов выступали с программой на легендарную музыку Сен-Санса "Лебедь". Но если публика приняла дуэт тепло, то тренер фигуристов Тамара Москвина прямо у выхода с площадки довольно строго отчитала подопечных. Судя по всему, Тамаре Николаевне не очень понравилось их катание в сравнении с основными конкурентами - Мухортовой и Траньковым, которые выбрали для своей программы не менее знаменитую музыку Love story. Действительно, для предсезонья ученики Олега Васильева находятся в приличной спортивной форме. Что будет к официальным стартам?

Неплохо перед стартом сезона выглядят и чемпионы Европы в танцах на льду Яна Хохлова и Сергей Новицкий, зажигательно выступающие под русские народные мотивы. А вот одиночницы в отличие от пар пока выглядят бледновато. Например, чемпионке мира среди юниорок Алене Леоновой демонстрировать преимущество над соперницами, вероятно, мешает лишний вес. Да и остальным девушкам еще нужно учиться потверже стоять на ногах.

Гвоздем же прокатов стал долгожданный выход на лед Евгения Плющенко. Напомним, о намерении вернуться в любительский спорт олимпийский чемпион Турина-2006 заявил на исходе весны. Теперь ясно, что возвращение состоялось. К своему выступлению Женя готовился настолько серьезно и отрешенно, что со стороны казалось: он уже репетирует олимпийский финал.

Кстати, даже беглого взгляда на фигуру Жени было достаточно, чтобы понять: фигурист уже набрал неплохие кондиции. Сквозь тонкое трико просматриваются плоский живот и мышцы, а в каждом выверенном движении читаются мощь и уверенность в собственных силах. Правда, сам он пока оценивает форму примерно в 70 процентов от идеальной, но ведь до Ванкувера еще больше четырех месяцев.

На лед Евгений вышел последним из одиночников. К этому времени весьма уверенно и выразительно свой танец на музыку Эдварда Грига исполнил еще один воспитанник Алексея Мишина - Андрей Лутай. Вслед за ним практически без помарок откатались Артем Бородулин и Сергей Воронов. Все заслужили аплодисменты, но только Плющенко публика встретила овацией.

Он не обманул ожиданий зала: для "разогрева" чисто прыгнул тулуп в четыре оборота и после выката радостно вскинул руки. А в середине программы, исполняемой под музыку друга-скрипача Эдвина Мартона, попытался выполнить комбинацию из тройного и четверного прыжков. Пока неудачно, приземлившись на руки.

"Я слегка поторопился войти в каскад, поэтому и не устоял на ногах. Но это рабочий момент, и для исправления ошибок пока есть время", - объяснил свое падение Плющенко. Остальными прыжками, которых корреспонденты "Известий" насчитали в программе фигуриста больше десятка, спортсмен остался доволен. Даже с этой ошибкой Женя после четырехлетней паузы в выступлениях выглядит лучше соперников.

..."Российский фигурист Евгений Плющенко добился уникального достижения. Он выступил на четвертых Олимпийских играх - и выиграл четвертую медаль,став двукратным олимпийским чемпионом! "...
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Re: Возвращение в спорт! || Back to sport! (training and camps)

Postby Scarlett » 22 Sep 2009, 22:07

Всем привет, я наконец то тоже вернулась :a_g_a: , хотя мое то возвращение намного легче, чем Женино :-)
Как тут много нового появилось и как много нового уже успел сделать Женя, я очень рада за него и за нас :ta_n_cor:
Фоты с проката отличные - единственный минус на мой взгляд - небритость Евгения (надеюсь это не новая мода :smu:sche_nie: )
Кстати кааак изливаются желчью теперь недоброжелатели Жени :mi_ga_et: . сами в принципе не сделавшие для своей страны и сотой доли, того, что делает наш трудяга, ну писать гадости много труда и ума не надо, так что нехай их - бумага все стерпит. Пусть это только доствляет больше задора и азарта Жене :mi_ga_et:
Женя:" Очень хочется добра от людей, просто нереально хочется..."
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Re: Возвращение в спорт! || Back to sport! (training and camps)

Postby cekoni » 23 Sep 2009, 06:46

Sorry everyone :smu:sche_nie: ... but due to the large number of texts, I must put here only on-line "raw" translations, just with little checks and repairs :nez-nayu:
... so, here's the translation of Russian newspapers, which have already been post here in recent 2-3 days



Evgeni lose weight in camps

Evgeni came to the base, dropping 12 kg, and is ready to fight for medals

Our skating is going through the regular and long-awaited boom. Show business is resting, and Evgeni Plushenko sits in the camp in Novogorsk, and participates at the "test skating's". Three years suspension for Zhenya ended. All the public attention dragged, of course, to Plushenko.

We meets Alexey Mishin in Novogorsk with cup of coffee and a muffin. Tactfully takes a few minutes, and then comes back and suddenly said: "You have seen the local turtle?" Turtles - in a beautiful outdoor pool, water flows from the hose, and we stand with Mishin members of "Greenpeace", in one voice asking servantly: "They unless can live in chlorinated water?" He soothing: at one source, do not panic. "It is good to them, turtles" - Mishin notice - "do not need a quadruple jump, creep so bathed..." - "I do not know, I do not know" - pulling Mishin - "they train the same, and no one should be - is it good? ..."

* * *

Sitting in front of my tape recorder in the room the coach does not want to - on the street the sun. "We can walk and talk?" That's cut in outdoor circles. There are many questions, but they have a level of abstract - a season ahead. Yes, Plushenko announced his return. Yes, he lose weight - say, at twelve kilos. Yes, it was made already in the St. Petersburg event. But to Vancouver - both to the cosmos, it is very Mishin said. But why should they cosmos - Mishin explained without any pathos.

- Characterized by outstanding people is outstanding solutions. The man has won all the titles, which are in the world, what more do you want? Zhenya's decision to seek out a mercantile motive, or desire to establish some kind of record, would be wrong. It does now, everything is there: you want - you're leading, you want to - slave, you want - rolling around, you want - looking for skaters, you want - write, plyashi ... As once said Alexander Zhulin, can, of course, to think after the success: but on the how many years have enough of my financial condition at the dumplings? And you can take the "strange" decision. So - will reveal to you a little mental state of Zhenya. In St. Petersburg on the competition, he went on a quadruple toe loop cascade, made clean, then made a triple toe loop, and then useful into a triple Loop jump, which was once done at the Grand Prix in Moscow. It was not necessary, under the new rules this jump better to do separately. But it was a challenge to himself. And you know why? Just a man is not "enough skate".

Mishin so calmly stated recently, so clever, is not scientific and absolutely accessible for all words that had the feeling: it seems, Eugene indeed returned.

What cunning, because many of us still think: the laws of show business are capable of much. How much before the eyes of a naive public PR protests were held, how many rumors, it would seem most desirable, was not confirmed. But Plushenko since joined in this world is perfectly still, and it should be noted, quite naturally. But in sports should be all the proof. And what happened to Rublevke (the next day after talking with coach), in the heart of this very show business, has led to conviction: Olympic champion is not fools millions of heads.

What is "test skate"? Come let show everything you can, at the moment. No ratings, no seats. But experts all at once understand. Plushenko warm up surrounded by his team. Walked past the spectators, and Zhenya jumped on a rubber steps, the corners of the square which stood Mishin, choreographer David Avdysh, coach PFD Vitaly Balykin and guard. Then he went out and showed it. Purely performed a cascade of "four plus three, a triple axel and triple lutz, rolled himself in a beautiful steps. And after the program was suddenly surprised:

- I now decline in training, I even surprised myself that it was so clean all done. Evidently, my head still remembers everything. A large team of people who work with me, wants me to win, the same, and I wish. As my coach says: drain starts, drain ... I have to fight with myself. This is my tactics, my position. I do not pay attention to who, and how skating. And not because they are still internal starts. I'm just going to go on an international level. There is an element - it must be done. I know that when the time comes, competitors will skate well. And that's our Voronov, and the same Lutai will skate worthy. On the Championship of Russia will be fight, I'm sure. But there is already experience and understanding that must be attacked, and not take the siege. Need an attack, to kill all.

In fact, moraly so many killed, Zhenya's return. Our potential star (who during his absence - who screwed plenty who have been able for some reason to not work at full capacity) is now included in the game with attackers Plushenko. This is Eugene's not looking at competitors, and all the others, then compare. And what can you say? Gulliver does not happen much.

- You know what, - says Alexei Mishin, - spare no one should. And lament the fact that Eugene is back and someone turned off the road there, too. Shoveled difficulties to young athletes - is a dubious assistance, because you can not climb to the top and become a champion, if you swim in the warm, sweet milk.

- And you were ready to Zhenya's return, Alexey?
- I am in no doubt. Therefore, I do not respond to a request Lambiel - train him, refused help to Joubert - with me in Helsinki last year, spoke about preparations of Brian for the Olympic Games, federation president of France. The man who wins the gold medal of the Olympics, into a very serious situation. To be or not be returned or not. This is a very complex condition. But I felt, that Zhenya will unfold this way.

* * *

Sam Eugene "turned around here so" last year. It can not give a specific date when a final decision, but argues that the return was prepared last season.

- You know, there was an attempt, and the mood was very good, just not right, we entered the season: I would like faster, more faster. Also was overweight, I sprained my leg and was again suspected meniscus. I had to go to Germany, to do the injections, and after that I was not recovered, and the time had no choice. This year, we started preparing much earlier, without haste, I chose a doctor - to me work now, and the Chinese and Koreans, because a lot of injuries. I am very grateful to the team. The team listens to me and hears. If I feel that I need today is not training - do not. "We are important - not overdrive with skating", - says David Avdysh. Run somewhere, someone to drive - no, it is not the path.

"Are you scared?" - I asked Mishin. And then the same question asked and Plushenko: presentation entire team of Russia in Vancouver (not just the skaters) is alarming, every medal - what a feat. And seemingly, they all have all proved. But - double load.
- No, I'm not afraid, - says the coach. - But there is no element of haughty in my responses, feel, perhaps? ... much depends on the man, whose name - Evgeni Plushenko. The lion's share of success depends on the strength and loyalty to the steering motor. And, finally, at 99 percent - from the Eugene.

A "very" double burden does not deny, just noticed that the big sports without loads to do nothing at all. A lot of medals does not happen ever.

- All my sporting life, I felt the pressure, - argues Plushenko. - Because I've always fought for first place. But I do not want to this focus my attention. I understand the interest the country, and the federation, and the fans, and friends. Yana (Rudkovskaya insisted on the return. My mother did not insist, but returned to the previous scheme of life: an evening training runs with me, as before. So - everything is just beginning. All, perhaps, will change. And for the better, and for worse. I'll try ...



Figure skater Evgeni Plushenko: "My knees hurt, but so far can handle"

At the weekend, Russia's best skaters, except for the world champions in ice dancing Oksana Domnina and Maxim Shabalin, first presented new versions of their programs. Traditional business rolling, which usually takes place in a narrow circle of specialists, this time to have raised interest because of the participation in the 2006 Olympic champion, three time world champion Evgeni Plushenko, attempting to return to competitive sport. Having fulfilled in the short program, the entire set of required elements, including a cascade of jumps in four and three turns, a famous skater confessed "Novye Izvestiya" that talk about his return as a fait accompli yet still early.

- Zhenya, now, after a three-year hiatus in career, striking your detachment from everything that happens around. And in training before the rental, and prelaunch workout you replied to greetings, watching what they do on the ice more, but like a wall dissociated ourselves from all ...
- And so it was actually. Truck. At a training session went, did everything he needed, left. Then came ... I was competing against himself, caught the competitive spirit. Hence, this detachment. I must first of all with a fight. There is an element - it must be done. 's All. This is my position.

- For what you can praise yourself today?
- Because a cascade made clear. The task, which today stands on the right. There are lots of details, which I alone pay attention. And in this sense, the work still to be enough. But with such rental at the Olympics I probably agree with pleasure. Now the main thing - to treat each such rental business-like, from the worker. For me now all important. In recent days, for instance, generally decrease is small, and, frankly, I did not expect that all elements are made today. Apparently, the head of something else to remember ... So moving forward quietly. Until February a lot of time left. While all around say that is not enough. But in fact, it is enough. I just need to go, step by step - this one skating, tomorrow another, and a couple of weeks in Perm will be very serious competition. In the words of my coach Aleksei Mishin, drain, drain ...

- Eugene, last season you already had one attempt to return ...
- Yes, but it ended in failure. Although the mood was very good. But apparently, the forces are not calculated. In the season began to enter too quickly, I would even say aggressively, so wanted to quickly restore everything. As a result, could not stand leg. Suspected meniscus had to do punctures ... After that there was no point in continuing as normal to prepare for the Olympics, we have no time. This year's training began much earlier. Quietly, without fuss. I carefully gathered my team. Doctor, for example, I was looking myself. And now, with me a lot of people are working - and the Chinese and Koreans, and our specialists, because the injuries are still a lot, my knees hurt. But while profoundly. Very grateful to my team, because everything in it listened to me. If, sometimes, not feeling well, no one pulls in the hall or on the ice forcibly. The main thing now - not overdrive with skating. There is experience, there is knowledge, it makes no sense to run away somewhere, someone to catch up ...

- Maybe someone's example to return to the big sports in particular inspired you?
- Artur Dmitriev, our two-times Olympic champion in pair skating. Always admired this man, but now, when I went down the same path, admire more. I am just recently talked with him on this subject, he wished me good luck. For me it's well worth it.

- You find this hard to give way?
- Very. It is always difficult. And start anew - even harder. The more I know that everyone is watching, discussing, waiting. I know there are those who are waiting for mistakes, falls and failures. But I will refer to it calmly. I plant: what to prove to yourself, what something else I can.

- The fact that you, as shown by these rolling, and now out of competition in our team, adds confidence and tranquility, or conversely, relaxes?
- First of all, I repeat, I have to fight with myself. And those skating, nothing can say. Head start is still ahead, at the end of December, in the championship of Russia. There will be a selection, and there will be a struggle. Because the same Voronov and Lutai, I'm sure will look decent. About foreign rivals, I can say same. But I am calm. Have experience and understanding of how we should act. Do not wait, for example, the siege from rivals and himself to attack.

- Do not bother even the fact that the situation is now before the Vancouver team Russia difficult? Each medal - worth its weight in gold. And for those who can conquer them, of course, additional psychological stress ...
- I do not get used to it. I have all my sports life feel pressure, because I have always fought for first place. And now I just do not want to focus on this account. At least not yet. Simply, there is interest on the part of our Figure Skating Federation, the fans, so, I came back. So, I try. It is clear that all those who worked with me, want only one thing - victory. I myself wish it. But think about medals specifically is early. While it is difficult to evaluate something, make predictions. Season has just begun. Everything else can change. And as for the better, and for worse.

- Speaking of fans. Bilan and you, so many people supported on the "Eurovision" ... would not stir such support and the Olympics?
- ... If there is such support, where shall I go? I need a good skate. Incidentally, since it was already at the Games in Turin, the fans helped me very much then. Actually, I'm happy about the fact that once again plunged into a familiar atmosphere. Again, this adrenalin, this aura at the rink ... judges, journalists ... I missed this. Very nice to see familiar faces. Even caught myself thinking, that I am looking forward to the first international start, winning it, and meet you at the press conference (smiling).

- Let's say - you have not returned. All of today's leaders, you have long and well know. Who would have put in Vancouver?
- Very difficult question. Take the same Joubert, who made the short program quadruple jumps with errors, and put it in the first place, which is amazing. Or Lysacek, who not have a half-turn in his triple Axel, which is also considered an error, but he gets good marks. Very good is Patrick Chan, but he does not jump quads. Takahashi, too, may intervene in the dispute. I skate with him to showcase tour in Japan, and he did just a fabulous skating. He added stability ... Who else? Well, probably, Lambiel. It is great in plastic, in steps, in the spins, but without a triple Axel, which he limps, will be hard. We all have drawbacks and, of course, a lot of pluses. Therefore it is very difficult to predict anything. I think the judges will look at the situation. Our guys, probably, will not take into account, they must still skating. To me is very like Italian Contesti. Good athlete. Easy. And unpredictable. Here it can be to wait for any surprises. You see, five or six people actually qualify for medals.

- Zhenya, is it among the people close to you was not a single person, who would dissuade you from returning to the ice? Somehow, it seemed that it would be your mother.
- No, mom not so much dissuaded. She just immediately said, that back will be very hard for me. And because Yana wanted me to return, insisted, and incited to this, the mother simply said: "Think about it. And decide for itself ". Maybe, deep down, she still doubted that I was right, I do not know. But the form does not show. On the contrary. Just as in childhood, and all subsequent years, again comes to my training. Only now sits, next to her, and Yana ...
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Re: Возвращение в спорт! || Back to sport! (training and camps)

Postby cekoni » 23 Sep 2009, 06:50


Plushenko progressing every day - Valentin Piseev

Olympic figure skating champion Evgeni Plushenko shows his high level of training, progressing with each passing day told to RIA Novosti the president of the Russian Federation of figure skating, Valentin Piseev....

"Evgeni's mindset, his desire to perform has made a good impression. He did both programs (short and free) at a good level."

Alexei Mishin also was pleased with the performance of his student:

"The short program, he skated it flawlessly, in an free ones, there were small mistakes, including the fall, but the quality of his skating left a positive impression."

Coach award-winning athlete said that with every new perfromance, Plushenko increasingly get used to the image, refining the program to perfection.

"In the tournament in St. Petersburg (10 September) he was more formal, but now he had even fewer defects. This skate has shown that he will gradually get used to the program. Many places have become brighter and more interesting, than in previous competitions, appeared coloring. Like any artist, he begins to seek out the edges to express his own "I", - said Mishin.

According to Valentin Piseev, level Plushenko and the other candidates in the Olympic team in the men's figure skating varies widely.

"If Plushenko fights for every element, then the rest of them were just helpless. They need more skate their programs entirely. If there are already were problems in the short program, then there were barely crawling around in the long one. I seriously talked to them after the performance, I think the scolding will help them in their advantage",- said the president FFKKR ....

... On Sunday, skaters were awarded with certificates of candidates for the Olympic team of Russia .. Certificates not received Oksana Domnina and Maxim Shabalin, Evgeni Plushenko...

"Oksana and Maxim are trained in the United States, they were not on the "test skate" in Odintsovo. Plushenko not received a sign, because it diverted by the journalists, he gave a TV interview.... All of them permit will be presented later", - explained Piseyev.

President FFKKR clarified that the signs and certificates do not guarantee their recipients, hundred percent entry in the Olympic team of Russia.

"This is - the advance. The final composition of the team will be determined after the European Championships, which be held in January in Estonia", - said Piseyev.



From test skating - and immediately in Olympians
Our skaters received signs of candidates for the Olympic team


Shakespeare on ice

When asked young journalists: "And with whos might you compare Evgeni Plushenko?", His coach Alexei Mishin, not without humor, but candidly replied: "You have heard about Shakespeare? Well, consider, what is Plushenko - he is Shakespeare on the ice."

Now you can say for sure: the return held. Skating of Plushenko was as in champion. Two days in a row, he made a fantastic quadruple jumps. In the short program - perfect, in an long initially such, it seemed that hard rendezvous with ice is provided. However, obscure, but in very beautiful way, breaking the resistance forces of gravity, Zhenya successfully landed easily (apparently) complete jump.

"It is only by genius", - breathed, normally not generous with compliments a coach, TV commentator and the first in Moscow merited sport's master of figure skating, Alexander Gorelik. - Which there some Joubert and Lambell..."

Zhenya, sitting in the locker room, where we looked for an old friend, rubbing his leg, and frankly:

- I have a task - not one, but two quads. Make two - and the judges will be much easier with an arrangement (in places - Auth.). Else and little speedm slightly slow down grams ... ...

- So, you did well and won, lost weight for those few weeks, when we have not seen.
- There is a great help to me one more member of our team. With me working on physical training coach. Chasing me, watches, so and ran, and cowering correctly. And the kilos is going.

Trainer of physical training, tall, slender young man with spectacles, about whom we first think that he is bodyguard, explained that Eugene does not spare himself, he is disciplined and diligent. That's why he almost won a victory over the bulge. It remains quite a bit, even slightly.

However, Zhenya's sometimes disturbing leg.

- And how are you with that you're fighting? And is it possible to deal with the pain?

Rubbing his leg, Plushenko smiled sadly:
- The main thing, that we (a nod to his feet) stand. But as fighting? Yes, I suffer. Can not get used, and can withstand. Helps acupuncture. That one distant country doctor gave me a needle. The pain subsided. One of these days I'll go to St. Petersburg. And there who knows me well, a Chinese doctor, too, come to the rescue with his needles....

... Well, if you Evgeni thinks about it, it means that the Olympic plans stretched flying arrow straight to Vancouver.

And even usually not too fond of specificity, Alexey Mishin at a late evening dinner, told us loud and clear, that the entire team of skaters, and his pupil Evgeni Plushenko will go to Vancouver with most serious intentions. Period of uncertainty, doubt, prikidok - behind. The time has come to embody the work done in the case. Maitre did not say "with the medals", but it is implied.

... fotogallery: http://search.rg.ru/gall/4d7c8f00?1 :mi_ga_et:

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Re: Возвращение в спорт! || Back to sport! (training and camps)

Postby cekoni » 23 Sep 2009, 07:50

http://www.stadium.ru/index_local.asp?c ... &region=52

In Odintsovo glimpse Vancouver

Today, his programs showed six dance duets, 4 Pairs and 5 skaters in singles skating (women and men). General public's attention in the days of "test skatings" has been focused on (in the stands were no free seats) to the program, which showed 2006 Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko.

In the short program, Eugene purely performed cascade "four plus three", two triple jumps - axel and lutz. And in the long program - coped with almost all of the stated jumps, including and quadruple toe loop, but fell in the performance of triple Lutz.

According to President of the Russian Federation of figure skating Valentin Piseev, which he shared with reporters, Eugene, firstly, "showed the potential to further improve his programs," second, "finally proved that he returned to the amateur figure skating earnestly".

Your correspondent in an interview with Alexei Mishin - coach of Plushenko - wondered whether much has changed his pupil for nearly three-year break to work together.

"I am pleased that Eugene has not lost a sense of novelty - answered honored coach of Russia. - He is without any resistance, taking on new training methods and new versions of those, or other decisions. It seems that during a break in training, he not lost focus and a sense for victory. Early, one of the coaches called him a "murderer" of skaters. So, he retained the potential opportunities for that. If you ask me, whether he intended, that on these "test skating" necessarily performe better than anyone else, then I'll answer that specifically for this event, we are not prepared - this was only the start of verification, without grading. But I must say that, along with some mistakes, with he has already appeared bright colors - Eugene begins to live the programs. This is the most important. His fall - certainly unpleasant. But today - it doesn't matter.



Return of the Jedi

"Plushenko! Plushenko!" - chanted little girl with a notepad and pens, at the door of men's locker rooms of the palace of sports in Odintsovo. This image, more than demonstrate, who is the hero of the day, today. Olympic champion, and now more and again, hope of Russian team Evgeni Plushenko took the ice again. On the face of his coach, Alexei Nikolaevich Mishin, very complex range of feelings. On the one hand - the joy of the return of the beloved disciple, on the other - the concern and responsibility. But the master of the national figure skating, still stops before the skating to confirm: yes, worry. Return to the amateur sport - the event is not of the easiest.

- Worked on each indicator. Here, after all, it is important: the physical training and psychological. No endurance - will not have confidence for the good performance. If there is no force or speed, nothing can be done. Of course, the return is always difficult.

Olympic champion in synchronized swimming Maria Kiseleva once said that: "To return, after already got an Olympic medal, it is achievement". So, sunday skating in Odintsovo held under the motto - "Forward to the new achievements!"

In the Olympic team Russia, still had two places for male singles. It seems, now vacant of them only one. To Evgeni Plushenko, trip to Vancouver already guaranteed. And not a single title.

This "test skating" has shown that equal contenders among Russians for Plushenko is still not here, even if he purest performances. Despite missing three seasons. Audience an ovation, standing ovation at-rail coaches, choreographers and representatives of the Federation The only picky critics proved themselves a figure skater and coach.

"The program sounded interesting, but there were lapses and shortcomings. If Eugene is less tired, we would be able to show full force, to express all the artistic power. However, this is only a reference skating, the errors were in all athletes. Watch have that inherent in staging, as in its 'megatons'. In the end, a moment will come, when all will do all. And then will win the program, whose intent was stronger," - said Mishin.

Evgeni Plushenko also said that he's not in optimal physical condition. "Two weeks ago I took part in the competitions ("St Petersburg's Cup", which took place on September 9-11), followed physical form is always on the decline. So, expecting that there will be some blots. And they were. Jump only one quadruple, the second is folied, and only one triple toe loop. But, I am glad that I made two triple axel, and in general, I am satisfied with the skating. Although, of course, have things to work on."

Accomplishes the "test skating" ceremony identity "Candidates for the Russian Olympic team". Skaters lined up on the ice in a row. Plushenko was not among them - a similar procedure to the current Olympic champion nowhere. At this time, he gives interviews to journalists.

Hearing the announcer declares: "Evgeni Plushenko identity of the candidate will be presented later", he smiling indulgently - nods: "Thank you". And he continues to answer on questions.

- Eugene, if the decline now, then when you should expect a surge?
- Yes, today there is fatigue, as were solid workout. In front of me waiting the Grand Prix and the Championship of Russia. But the experience also is, and besides I have a great coach - Alexey Mishin. So, I think, to these starts we will achieve the desired shape.

- By the way, what told you coach, after your skating?
- Praised, as three years ago. He embraced and kissed me. If we take yesterday's short program - skating was clean, I would almost leave this to the Olympics. And as the long, then it should simply more skate....

... - Do not wander out of the mood of excitement around your return?
- You know, I was invited to the show before the European championships. But I said, that I should still get to this championship, to performe good on Russian Championship, which will be selection for national team....
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Re: Возвращение в спорт! || Back to sport! (training and camps)

Postby Ирина » 23 Sep 2009, 09:08

Scarlett wrote:Всем привет

Привет :mi_ga_et: ,с возвращением! :plush45:

Scarlett wrote:Как тут много нового появилось и как много нового уже успел сделать Женя, я очень рада за него и за нас

ага :a_g_a: :plush4: :plush5: :plush14: :bra_vo:

Scarlett wrote:Фоты с проката отличные - единственный минус на мой взгляд - небритость Евгения (надеюсь это не новая мода :)

а он перед стартами никогда не бреется,примета такая :plush35: и к ПП трёхдневная щетина появляется :-) (но мне всё равно нравится :smu:sche_nie: )

Scarlett wrote:Кстати кааак изливаются желчью теперь недоброжелатели Жени :mi_ga_et: . сами в принципе не сделавшие для своей страны и сотой доли, того, что делает наш трудяга, ну писать гадости много труда и ума не надо, так что нехай их - бумага все стерпит. Пусть это только доствляет больше задора и азарта Жене :mi_ga_et:

Ага,если больше ничем себя не могут выразить,пущай ;;-)))
А Женьке злости и азарта придаёт :du_el: :-)
..."Российский фигурист Евгений Плющенко добился уникального достижения. Он выступил на четвертых Олимпийских играх - и выиграл четвертую медаль,став двукратным олимпийским чемпионом! "...
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Re: Возвращение в спорт! || Back to sport! (training and camps)

Postby cekoni » 23 Sep 2009, 09:20

cekoni wrote:
Ирина wrote:http://www.sovsport.ru/gazeta/article-item/348464
Это же олимпийская медаль!». Евгений Плющенко поразил специалистов прекрасной формой ....

- download pdf (with text about Zhenya's) :mi_ga_et:
http://www.sovsport.ru/s/issue_page/pdf ... 1253566566
- pic from there :plush32:


It's already a Olympic medal!
Evgeni Plushenko struck specialists with excellent shape

... Turin champion-2006 reassured the skeptics. Complex elements, excellent physical shape, and it seems a good chance of success in Vancouver - it is Plushenko-2009!

Mishin: Zhenya's jump to Yana is correct

Half hour before test skating. At the stands of center Odintsovo is no free seats. The machine for filling the ice, causing the flash surface, enters in the final round. Along ice is already warming up Sergei Novitski, Katarina Gerboldt, Yuko Kawaguchi ... Not only Evgeni Plushenko. And it was waiting for him, and a half thousand fans.

In the lobby alone wandering champion coach Alexei Mishin. Man, as himself Plushenko later said, who played not the last role in his return.

- Alexei Nikolaevich, you're happy because a saturday performance? - Interested in the opinion of the famous coach about the short program, which Plushenko has demonstrated day before.
- Let's look at the performance Zhenya's in different planes - offers Mishin. - For example, take the technical section. Jumping clean, steps are good, the spins too encouraging. We take the physical condition - skated the program without any problems. The third point - emotional: charisma was. Fourth - the desire to fight manifested. Now I will not admire Zhenya. But there is a lot of positive points.

- We saw a program, which Plushenko will performance at the Olympics?
- Yes. In terms of new elements, it is difficult to complicate things. But over the purity of execution is more work.

- Such a good form of Eugene in September was a revelation for you?
- For me in Zhenya, nothing can be a revelation: hi_hi_hi:. Too well I know him. I know all what he can do. But before the main starts, I will be restrained in the estimates.

- But you will agree, that your student has changed. Became more hungry to figure skating, or something ...
- You know, what for me was the revelation? He does not panic because returning. And he became more concise, elegant, sophisticated and saturated.

- Who persuaded him to return to the amateur sport - you?
- No one I do not persuaded. Eugene asked to work with him again, he said that he returned.

- Came up - and suddenly asked?
- Our friendly relations process is not interrupted by these two and a half years. I knew that sooner or later, he would return. And such a moment.

- Recently Evgeni is married. This will affect on his career?
- On this question is answered life.

- What do you wish the newlyweds a wedding?
- What should be. The coach in figure skating has always appreciates jumps. It was a jump Evgeni to Yana Rudkovskaya. And this jump, I think, is correct.

- What are the immediate plans for Plushenko?
- We are going to performance to Perm. Then - Moscow GP. Next - the Championship of Russia.

- That there are three start to the Olympics?
- At the Games still need to select. Do not jump ahead.

Kononykhin: He became even strongers

Voice of the judge-informant. He introduces the assembled audience with the rules of the upcoming "test skating". They say all will be as to competitions, but without ratings...

.. And here's Evgeni Plushenko. Accompanied by a guard, to the sounds of the tango, drifting from the ice, where they began dancing couples, Zhenya go to the locker room. Throw a bag and, muttering something under his breath, went to the audience, stopping at the rail. Apart from all, he begins his warm-up, dancing right on the rubber steps, incidentally, seems to scroll in the head coming skating.

- Here is Plushenko! - jumps up some woman in audience.
- Come on, Zhenya is much thicker - interrupts her friend with a connoisseur.
- I'm telling you, he lost weight - not desist first.

Only rentals Sergei Novitski with Jana Khokhlova and Yuko Kawaguchi and Alexander Smirnov... Then he will show himself Alexander Uspensky, Artem Borodulin, Andrei Lutai and Sergei Voronov. Guys, of course, promising, but before the Olympic medals, they are unlikely to reach. Fall, blots - this at the Games will not forgive them.

But all this was - only a prelude.

... Spectators rise. Plushenko was not yet on the ice, it all just comes. That touch of ice one skate's - and ... ovation, second touch ... hall is shaking walks, greeting ... furious roar of applause.

How poorly it looked skating without this guy! : a_g_a:

I hooked to the vice-president Russian Figure Skating Federation, a judge of the international category, the well-known TV commentator Sergei Kononykhin. Hardly in the country there are professional, who are better able to comment Evgeni's skating.

- "Evgeni molodec, lose weight. He has, in my opinion, the ideal balance of weight and height" - considers Kononykhin. - "His shape is beautiful."

- "Look at this - now he will go on a quad" - is easy to foresee the actions of Plushenko our expert. So it. - "Beautiful quadruple toe loop. I wanted to exit was a little bit softer, but this jump a hundred percent would be counted, more than that - for it can get a bonus. And here is a magnificent triple. Classic departure: a long arc and a soft landing."

Evgeni seemed to flirt with the audience, managing to smile, and seems to wink at the first rows.

- "There will be three and a half" - continues Kononykhin. - "Easy, beautiful, naturally. Triple Loop jump, too, goes very well. Now Plushenko shows us the whole set of difficult jumps. Nothing like in the boys, who performe before him, was not. Spins with the change of position, the case is. Now, according to the requirements, it is very important. And here is his famous steps. Look, he goes in one direction, skate running in one direction, then in another. This, of course, the fourth level. It seems, Evgeni looks even better, than two and a half years ago."

Plushenko makes another perfect triple toe loop, but is mistaken in the performance of triple Lutz.

- "Forgive" - calms us Kononykhin. - "It's not a terrible mistake, for the Games Zhenya corrected everything. You better watch out, how the program is built. Just perfect. Used the entire territory of the rink, nice distributed elements. Spin in the low seat - think turnovers - eight. Changes the leg, again all good."

- "Bravo, Evgeni!" - Along with the rest of the audience, applauding and our interlocutor to Olympic champion, which with one blot'll skate the most complicated program. - "In the old system of ratings, I would give him 5.9, and the new - somewhere beyond the 210 points, it would be accurate. Now, for me is absolutely clear - it is, an Olympic medal."

... Five minutes later, in the male locker pandemonium. The kiddies of the local section of figure skating chanting: "Plu-shen-ka! Plu-shen-ka!". But Evgeni did not appear, than went through the back exit, not even receiving badgges of "candidates for the Olympic team", which in a solemn ceremony were presented to all our skaters, Olympic athletes.


cekoni wrote:... parts from interview with Zhenya :-):

Евгений Плющенко: Яна сказала, что надо возвращаться! ....

Evgeny Plushenko: Yana said that I should come back!

Immediately after his skate, Evgeni Plushenko disappeared into the locker room. And get out of it was not easy. From the crowd of young fans and a dozen cameras, Evgeni decided to quickly went through the back exit. But there was on duty, correspondent of the "Soviet sports"....

... - You are again talking about figure skating, and you are burning eyes ...
- And they not quenched! I was just very homesick for the case, who worked all my life. For me is - old-new.

- And skater Plushenko became someone else?
- No. Although, you know, I became even stronger. First of all, as a human.

- And that this helped?
- That pause - the length of two and a half years. Much of it includes .....

... - You know that from you, waiting only the gold?
- Well, and yes, and no. I understand, that I will fight for victory, I'll do everything for gold, but I do not understand, why I in whatever of any cost, should bring home medal of higher dignity!

- You have yourself, all enure to victories ...
- And here I agree, but I was not in the sport two and a half years! Can you imagine, what is this time? To me some fans came up and said: "Zhenya, we so cheer for you, promise that you win the Olympics!". Anyone and nothing, I will not promise. In the world is many good skaters. My task is simple - skate program, worthy of my name. And if it is bronze, won in a fair fight, I will be happy. Especially, because I then have a full Olympic kit - silver 2002, gold 2006, bronze 2010...
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Re: Возвращение в спорт! || Back to sport! (training and camps)

Postby cekoni » 23 Sep 2009, 10:57


Alexei Urmanov: Plushenko wants to be a two-time Olympic champion

Skaters team Russia presented their Olympic program for the opening of the box office in the suburban Odintsovo

The revival of the long-standing tradition for "test skating" in the presence of the public should go to the benefit of the athletes, said in an exclusive interview to our radio station Olympic champion Alexei Urmanov. He also shared his opinion on the return of Evgeni Plushenko and told how his client, leader of the men's team Sergei Voronov, ready to fight with the current Olympic champion.....

.... - Do you believe that Plushenko will actually return?
- Urmanov: I will say so. He is to all skating professionals every time proves, that yes, he is capable. Point is, as I see it, very simple. It lies in the fact, that Evgeni Plushenko wants to be a two-time Olympic champion.

- Sergey Voronov is ready to fight with him?
- Urmanov: I am ready as a coach, and doing everything possible, and set up my athlete in a way that he can fought with all the strongest skaters of the planet, which is today, including (and perhaps, in the first place) with Evgeni Plushenko.



Sergei Voronov: next to Plushenko, all somehow mechanically pulled, trying to look better

.... Returning to "test skating", I can say that from the singles on the elements, better than anyone looked Evgeni Plushenko, continued Sergei Voronov. - What can I say, he is an outstanding skater. Next to him, all others somehow mechanically pulled, trying to look better. The presence of Evgeni automatically contributes to a climate, increases all around....



Plushenko is back on the ice with a toe loop. Quadruple

... Mentor of Evgeny Plushenko, Alexei Mishin urged reporters not to treat this test skating too seriously. "This is just a control exercise! Much work is ahead" - he said with a soft smile. Despite these reassuring words, even before calling the skaters on the ice seemed that cool air arena electrified carefully concealed emotions of participants shows ...

.... The centerpiece is rolled steel long-awaited release on the ice Evgeni Plushenko. Recall of the intention to return to amateur sports Turin Olympic champion-2006 stated at the end of spring. Now it is clear, that the return took place. To his performance, Zhenya prepared so serious and aloof, that it seemed: he had already rehearsed the Olympic final.

By the way, even a cursory glance at the figure of Zhenya was enough to understand: the skater has already gained good condition. Through the thin tricot viewed is flat stomach and muscle, and each calibrated motion read power and self-confidence. However, he still appreciates the form of about 70 percent of the ideal, but to Vancouver is four months.

Evgeni came out on the ice the last of the singles. By this time, very confidently and expressively performed to the music of Edvard Grieg, another pupil Alexei Mishin - Andrei Lutai. After him followed, almost without errors Artem Borodulin and Sergei Voronov. All they get applause, but only Plushenko from audience gave a standing ovation.

He did not disappoint the expectations of the audience: for "warming up" purely jumped qudruple toe loop, and then cheerfully threw up his arms bulging. And in the middle of the program, performed to music friend and violinist Edvin Marton, tried to execute a combination of quadruple and triple jumps. While unsuccessful, landing on his hands.

"I am a little hasty to enter into a cascade, and therefore could not hold on my feet. But it's working time, and to correct errors while there is time," - explained his fall Plushenko. With other jumps, which the correspondents of "News" counted in the program of figure skater is more than a dozen, athlete is satisfied. Even and with this error, Zhenya after four years of pause in performances, look better than rivals.
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