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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby cekoni » 18 Jul 2016, 22:24

WADA urges banning Russian athletes from all international events, including 2016 Rio:

Russia should be banned from Rio Olympics, WADA says:
http://olympics.nbcsports.com/2016/07/1 ... -olympics/

Statement of the International Olympic Committee on WADA report:
https://www.olympic.org/news/statement- ... ada-report

Russia will suspend officials named in WADA commission’s report — Putin:


Russian skating star denies doping:
https://www.afp.com/en/news/207/russian ... ies-doping

Evgeni Plushenko, Russia's two-time Olympic figure skating champion, angrily distanced himself from a damning report Monday that revealed rampant Russian state-run doping at the 2014 Sochi Winter Games and other events.

"I, Evgeni Plushenko, declare that I've never used any kind of doping, I've always competed fairly," TASS state news agency quoted him as saying.

"At Sochi I gave samples for testing twice and there always was a man next to me who kept the procedure under control. And there has never been any additional medical interference, whatever anyone says."

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) called for Russia to be banned from the Rio Olympics next month and other international sport after an investigation found the FSB secret service helped a "state-dictated failsafe system" carried out by the Moscow sports ministry.

The 33-year-old Plushenko, who has competed at four Olympics, accused Russia's rivals of attempting to besmirch the country, after its track and field team was already barred from Rio.

"The Games in Sochi were the best in history and everybody knows that," he said. "I can say it with pride.

"I suppose the countries competing with Russia, who launched this campaign, are just nursing a grievance and are burning with envy because of that."

Dmitry Svishchev, who heads the lower house of Russian parliament's sports and physical culture committee, said the investigation by Canadian law professor Richard McLaren for WADA was just more "unconfirmed fantasy".

"We've already heard all of that and nothing new has been said," Svishchev told Match! TV channel.

He accused Grigory Rodchenkov, the former Moscow doping laboratory director whose allegations prompted the McLaren probe, of lying.

"He's a person that cannot ever be trusted. He said one thing in Russia and completely different in the United States.

"No one should believe him. Now we have just plenty of his fantasies and insinuations, but none of them were backed up by facts."


Evgeni Plushenko : «Je ne me suis jamais dopé»:
http://www.lequipe.fr/Tous-sports/Actua ... um=twitter

El doble campeón olímpico Plushenko rechaza conclusiones del informe McLaren:
http://noticias.lainformacion.com/depor ... 07586.html


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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby cekoni » 19 Jul 2016, 19:45

Дыр в лаборатории в Сочи не было, ОИ были на высоте благодаря Путину – Плющенко:


МОСКВА, 18 июл - Р-Спорт, Анатолий Самохвалов. Никаких дыр в сочинской антидопинговой лаборатории во время Олимпийских игр 2014 года не было, Олимпиада прошла замечательно, за что стоит выразить благодарность президенту РФ Владимиру Путину, заявил агентству "Р-Спорт" двукратный олимпийский чемпион по фигурному катанию Евгений Плющенко.

Американское издание New York Times в мае опубликовало материал с высказываниями экс-главы московской антидопинговой лаборатории Григория Родченкова, который утверждал, что минимум 15 российских спортсменов, выигравших медали на зимней Олимпиаде в Сочи, были частью "допинговой программы" России, направленной на доминирование на домашних Играх-2014. Позже WADA заявило, что проведет собственное расследование по высказываниям Родченкова. Результаты расследования комиссии, возглавляемой Маклареном, были объявлены в понедельник в Торонто. Докладчик настаивал на том, что якобы положительные допинг-пробы россиян подменивались через некую дыру в стене сочинской антидопинговой лаборатории.

"Есть спортивные чиновники, чтобы комментировать эту ситуацию. Я скажу только то, что я горжусь, что Олимпиада в Сочи прошла на высочайшем уровне, - сказал Плющенко по телефону. - Я благодарен нашему президенту Владимиру Путину, благодаря которому Олимпиада прошла на столь высоком уровне. Никаких лабораторий я не видел. И не было этого, и никаких дырок там не было".

Плющенко завоевал на Играх в Сочи золото в командных соревнованиях.

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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby cekoni » 19 Jul 2016, 20:06

cekoni wrote: Дыр в лаборатории в Сочи не было, ОИ были на высоте благодаря Путину – Плющенко:

There was not holes in the laboratory in Sochi, OG was at the high-level, thanks to Putin - Plushenko

American newspaper "New York Times" in May published an article with the statements of the former head of Moscow's anti-doping laboratory of Gregory Rodchenkov, who claimed that at least 15 Russian athletes who won medals at the Winter Olympics in Sochi, were part of Russian "doping program", aimed domination in the home games-2014.
The results of the investigation commission, led by McLaren, were announced in Monday in Toronto. The reporter insisted that the alleged positive doping tests of Russians atheletes was substitutes through some hole in the wall of the Sochi anti-doping laboratory.

"There are sports officials to comment on this situation. I will only say that I am proud that the Olympics in Sochi was held at the highest level -. Plushenko said on the phone. - I am grateful to our president, Vladimir Putin, thanks to whom the Olympic Games took place at such a high level. I have not seen labs, and there was not any holes."

(cekoni: in previous longer interview for TASS, Plushy mentioned how he dont saw "any other secret laboratory" - so it's probably missed in this text)

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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby cekoni » 19 Jul 2016, 21:40

I can only say, for people which dont know, that doping in figure skating is almost impossible, that is - does not work and therefore, do not use it. :plush34:


Statement of the Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee on the WADA Independent Person Report:
https://www.olympic.org/news/statement- ... son-report

The IOC will initiate reanalysis, including forensic analysis, and a full inquiry into all Russian athletes who participated in the Olympic Winter Games Sochi 2014 and their coaches, officials and support staff. For this purpose, a specific Disciplinary Commission is set up under the chairmanship of Mr Denis Oswald. Following the report of this Commission, the IOC EB will impose all the appropriate sanctions.


МОК инициирует повторный анализ проб спортсменов РФ с ОИ в Сочи - заявление:

"МОК инициирует повторный анализ проб всех спортсменов РФ с Олимпийских игр в Сочи 2014 года. Для этой цели создана специальная дисциплинарная комиссия под руководством Дениса Освальда. Решение о санкциях будет принято после доклада данной комиссии", - говорится в заявлении, размещенном на официальном сайте МОК.


Мишин: доклад WADA компрометирует не сборную России, а само агентство:

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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby whitebamboo » 19 Jul 2016, 23:20

cekoni wrote:Statement of the Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee on the WADA Independent Person Report:
https://www.olympic.org/news/statement- ... son-report

The IOC will initiate reanalysis, including forensic analysis, and a full inquiry into all Russian athletes who participated in the Olympic Winter Games Sochi 2014 and their coaches, officials and support staff. For this purpose, a specific Disciplinary Commission is set up under the chairmanship of Mr Denis Oswald. Following the report of this Commission, the IOC EB will impose all the appropriate sanctions.

Мишин: доклад WADA компрометирует не сборную России, а само агентство:

Look at the way IOC statement is stated. Presumption of guilt already. Frankly, I don't trust this "reanalysis". Given how much of a political tool WADA has revealed itself to be, some kind of "special committee" is not to be trusted either. There is no low to which these people won't go. People say there is a concept of "projecting". If they are able to talk about of switched samples, clean for tainted, then I cannot rule out that they won't do it themselves, but the other way around.

I like Mishin's words about it very much. As for the so-called report, I just wanted to mention a few facts: that it is very much based on the words of just this one witness, and some "confidential sources". The report claims it has other evidence from "scientific analysis" and "erased emails", but refuses to show them. The author of the report openly said that he was not interested to hear what the Russian side has to say, because "they would just deny it". This author of the report, Richard McLauren, is a Canadian lawyer. Also, before the report was released, it was revealed that the U. S. and Canadian Olympic Committees have been circulating a letter calling for the blanket banning of all Russian athletes--in other words, what was in this so-called 'confidential" and "independent" report was already known to them. This is completely unethical.

With Evgeni, at first I momentarily thought whether if it would be best if he didn't say too much, and kept himself "clear" from what is obviously a difficult and highly politicized situation, but I realized, there is no longer any choice of keeping clear. As these people have made it very very obvious, they do not intend to let anyone be "clear". Their goal is to attack all Russian athletes, and Evgeni is a Russian athlete. He's one of the faces of Russian sport. At the risk of overestimating his importance, maybe some people even have him marked as some sort of representative of Russian "soft power", for all I know. And if so, those people are the ones in possession of the world's most powerful propaganda machines. As is already obvious, this is not about sports itself. The cold war has restarted; maybe it had never ended. You don't have to "get involved" in it; like all wars, it will come looking for you.

I am sorry, I guess I am talking about politics, not "sports politics", but the real, far more dangerous kind. It's something I've tried to refrain from before. People may not share my views about it in general. And in the end, when one thinks about the hundred thousands of human lives lost in the pursuit of geopolitical goals on the part of the few, maybe people will say some athletes' dreams and honor are just....nothing. But in the end, that's not the case.

P. S. I just saw a good English article about the attempt to ban Russian athletes. It doesn't mention Evgeni himself, but it does have to do with him, in that it is about Russian athletes in general. I hope you don't mind me putting the link here:
http://theduran.com/stalinist-witch-hun ... -athletes/

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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby cekoni » 20 Jul 2016, 02:09

whitebamboo wrote:...
With Evgeni, at first I momentarily thought whether if it would be best if he didn't say too much, and kept himself "clear" from what is obviously a difficult and highly politicized situation, but I realized, there is no longer any choice of keeping clear. As these people have made it very very obvious, they do not intend to let anyone be "clear". Their goal is to attack all Russian athletes, and Evgeni is a Russian athlete. He's one of the faces of Russian sport. At the risk of overestimating his importance, maybe some people even have him marked as some sort of representative of Russian "soft power", for all I know. And if so, those people are the ones in possession of the world's most powerful propaganda machines. As is already obvious, this is not about sports itself. The cold war has restarted; maybe it had never ended. You don't have to "get involved" in it; like all wars, it will come looking for you. ...

Yes, you are right - speaking, not speaking - it's the same: each russian is suspicious and guilty by default. :plush34:

To me seems that some people in the west, their hatred towards people with different color of skin, gays, communists... (which is not anymore "popular", or is forbidden), replaced with hatred towards other nations, particularly "dangerous capitalist Russians". As if that hatred (chauvinism) thereof has not likewise unethical, the only thing that is not prohibited yet.
... The only thing which I can not understand is how nobody in the West does not see how even pattern of campaigns (spin) is identical, since the 90s - how in sports, so and in politics (wars). :plush44:
(sory for my personal thinking here)

Thanks for link :plush45:

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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby whitebamboo » 20 Jul 2016, 04:15

cekoni wrote:Yes, you are right - speaking, not speaking - it's the same: each russian is suspicious and guilty by default. :plush34:

To me seems that some people in the west, their hatred towards people with different color of skin, gays, communists... (which is not anymore "popular", or is forbidden), replaced with hatred towards other nations, particularly "dangerous capitalist Russians". As if that hatred (chauvinism) thereof has not likewise unethical, the only thing that is not prohibited yet.
... The only thing which I can not understand is how nobody in the West does not see how even pattern of campaigns (spin) is identical, since the 90s - how in sports, so and in politics (wars). :plush44:
(sory for my personal thinking here)

Thanks for link :plush45:

Yes, well, I don't know. I think some people in the West do see it, but it is very difficult (I speak from my own experience). I think perhaps it is because the powerful needs and wants them not to see. Perhaps it is because to feel superior to others is a strong psychological need, and sometimes I wonder if that feeling is not conditioned into people in certain countries, more so than in others, to the point where otherwise nice people start to not see Russians (for instance) as real individual persons, but just a stereotype to be belittled. We saw that to a far lesser extent even at the time of Vancouver. They would not consider anything Evgeni said, but just said "stupid arrogant Russian" and felt happy that they dismissed him, in part precisely because they didn't want to have to think about what he said. But ultimately, maybe Vancouver will look like nothing compared to what we may possibly expect now--because the larger political situation has changed. Far more is at stake now. Now it's certain organizations and countries deliberately attacking on a greater scale.

As for whether there are abuses on the part of some Russian athletes and sports officials, I certainly am not saying that there aren't any problems, especially in some disciplines. But the report is clearly and outrageously biased. It, as far as I can tell, consists of accusations. And WADA's instant recommendation, as if all the accusations have already been proven the incontrovertible truth, would not stand up in any normal court--except a "kangaroo court", where the outcome was already pre-determined. And unfortunately, this appears to be a kangaroo court. (As for the notion of collective punishment based on nothing but nation of citizenship, the article said it better than I can: "practices formerly considered unacceptable in civilized countries".)

I guess, I don't know what to say. At times it seems these forces are just so much more powerful than some "mere athletes". But one still needs to speak one's opinion. I'm glad Evgeni did so, even if the Western media will inevitably try to twist his words.

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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby cekoni » 20 Jul 2016, 11:43

Just to remind people about 1st articles in "New York Times"...

Russian Insider Says State-Run Doping Fueled Olympic Gold:
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/13/sport ... p=cur&_r=1

Russian Doctor Explains How He Helped Beat Doping Tests at the Sochi Olympics :
http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016 ... -2014.html


I really do not know what is truth, and dont want to claim if there was or not massive (and under the influence of the Russian state) doping to win as many medals, but this photo made me laugh especially as "evidence" ... probably, any of us could have to shoot a similar photo, anywhere in the world :)-(:

The hole in the wall (covered by a removable cap) through which tainted urine samples were passed and replaced by clean samples during the Sochi Games, according to Dr. Rodchenkov. Credit Grigory Rodchenkov, via Bryan Fogel, ICARUS DOCUMENTARY FILM


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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby lala630312 » 20 Jul 2016, 12:04

cekoni wrote:Just to remind people about 1st articles in "New York Times"...

Russian Insider Says State-Run Doping Fueled Olympic Gold:
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/13/sport ... p=cur&_r=1

Russian Doctor Explains How He Helped Beat Doping Tests at the Sochi Olympics :
http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016 ... -2014.html

I don't understand how can they put the original label with the "Unique 7-digit code" on the new buttle?
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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby whitebamboo » 20 Jul 2016, 15:27

lala630312 wrote:
I don't understand how can they put the original label with the "Unique 7-digit code" on the new buttle?

The report's author, McLauren, claims in an interview that his staff has done experiments that proves itis possible, but refuses to reveal the actual experiments. And of course, even proving "this can be done" is not at all proving "the FSB did this".
https://www.rt.com/sport/351957-wada-do ... a-mclaren/

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