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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby Karina » 02 Jun 2014, 05:49

cekoni wrote:
Karina wrote:... He's probably too proud to admit he didn't understand the situation.

"Dont understand" is really mild statement for his many stupid and evil statements :ps_ih: :-)

Okay, fair point. I was mainly referring to the "Go until the end" comment. I have no words for the Twitter hysterics. And his whole "retire, retire, retire" mantra has become incredibly one-note. I dunno what else he said... I'm probably missing something since I can't read Russian.
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 02 Jun 2014, 17:04

Karina wrote:... I was mainly referring to the "Go until the end" comment. I have no words for the Twitter hysterics. And his whole "retire, retire, retire" mantra has become incredibly one-note. I dunno what else he said... I'm probably missing something since I can't read Russian.

I really tried to not hate him, but Yagudin really made ​​an "efforts" that I do not make that. :kli_ny:

Half of his "statements" he wrote on twitter, knowing that media will be transferred it and later further spread... Here is just some of his "pearls" (approx only from october 2013 - time when Kovtun started to "show himself"):
- I do not follow competitive skating long time ago and I do not care
- sometimes was skating, now is nothing
- what today's skaters are doing, we not could (few months later)
- give way to the young
- I do not believe in Plushenko's injuries
- he already prepared medical records for withdrawal (before the team event)
- team competition sucks
- whom he won - 4th reserves of other countries?
- he won the gold medal at the back of his colleagues in the team
- he knew that he not could to perform at Oly, but still came - selfish
- he ruined the career of the young promising boy
- he can not compete at the Olympics, but can perform at shows?
- Plushenko and Yana threaten the lives of my family...
And of course, all the time: "I am so versatile and multitalented, he has no life outside of skating..."

I think it was more of that (just in these few months) but I can not remember eveyrthing :ps_ih:

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby Karina » 02 Jun 2014, 23:45

What the heck is wrong with this guy? Plush, as far as I recall, never said stuff like, "Yagudin faked his hip problems. He retired 'cause he knew I would kick his butt for the next four years." And that interview where Plush said "I have no enemies off the ice. On the ice, there was Alexei Yagudin, a wonderful athlete." And then proceeded to wish Yagudin happy birthday. (He did make fun of Yagudin's triple toe loops, but that's only after Yagudin said all this dumb stuff).

I'm not sure if Yagudin is just bitter, or if he's being a mouthpiece for the Tarasova camp. Or a bit of both.

- what today's skaters are doing, we not could (few months later)
Has he watched the men's free at Sochi? Or 2013 Worlds? Oh right, he doesn't watch anymore! :hi_hi_hi:

- I do not believe in Plushenko's injuries
- he already prepared medical records for withdrawal (before the team event)
- he knew that he not could to perform at Oly, but still came - selfish
Poor Plushy. I guess he really didn't want a fifth Olympic medal (his scores from the team event would make a comfortable bronze). I suppose our wonderful Plushy respects the great Gilles Grafstrom too much to break his record. /sarcasm

- whom he won - 4th reserves of other countries?
- he won the gold medal at the back of his colleagues in the team
Plushy won over Patrick Chan in the team SP. I wonder how Patrick feels about being called a "4th reserve"?

- he ruined the career of the young promising boy
If Kovtun's promising, then he won't be "ruined" by not getting to go to sochi.

- team competition sucks
Would be a valid opinion... but in light of all his other comments, it just sounds like petty resentment at Plush winning another Olympic medal.

- he can not compete at the Olympics, but can perform at shows?

- Plushenko and Yana threaten the lives of my family...

Sorry, obviously I'm preaching to the choir here, but I can't resist having some fun with Yagudin's comments. If I had Twitter, I probably would've tweeted some of this at him (said more nicely though).
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 03 Jun 2014, 02:17

Karina wrote:...
I'm not sure if Yagudin is just bitter, or if he's being a mouthpiece for the Tarasova camp. Or a bit of both.

Mostly bitter, but very gladly spit now on Plushy, saying that he would always support TAT and her's students (not forget and Averubkh )

- team competition sucks
Would be a valid opinion... but in light of all his other comments, it just sounds like petty resentment at Plush winning another Olympic medal.

Especially because he praise Lipnitskaya's Team gold medal, but not and Plushy's :ps_ih:
Objectively speaking, they two have contributed most to team gold, as they skated both programs - while couples more "easily" won medals, the "sharing job".

- he can not compete at the Olympics, but can perform at shows?

Because Plushy's show tour then was still not canceled.

- Plushenko and Yana threaten the lives of my family...

But this is not at all "funny", because Yags and now claim that pranker dont tell him that this is joke (still during this call), while he talked for days to the papers how he is "concerned about the fate of him and his family"... and most important - he was never apologized to Plushy and Yana, for misleading accusations.

Sorry, obviously I'm preaching to the choir here, but I can't resist having some fun with Yagudin's comments. If I had Twitter, I probably would've tweeted some of this at him (said more nicely though).

I also cant resist to sometimes analyze his behavior... especially since it seems that Kovtun continues his way (TAT's "school of psychology"?) :ps_ih:

Anyway, we already here "analyzed" him, Kovtun and russian press - in that same topic, and here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=354 :mi_ga_et:
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby Karina » 03 Jun 2014, 04:06

Yagudin does seem like the perfect man for a dirt-smearing campaign. He gets to insult Plushy; TAT gets someone to politic for her since it'll look "better" or "more objective" (LOL) than her speaking out against Plush directly.

Yagudin praised Yulia's contribution? Wow, that just makes his bitterness more obvious. Objectively speaking, the ones "carried" most by their team were Bobrova/Soloviev, who 1) only skated one segment, coming in third 2) and didn't medal in their individual event. Should Yagudin criticize them, perhaps? (I don't, personally, begrudge B/S of their medals and I think they did as much as they could for their team. But just saying, by Yagudin's weird logic...)

Prankster situation: I was laughing at Yagudin there. The whole incident makes him look ridiculous. Seems like he's still stuck back in 2001 or something.

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 04 Jun 2014, 05:53

Interesting and long psychological article (lecture), published already in 2007 - very popular and today on Russian the Internet...
"Minuses of perfectionism" - in fear of making mistakes, perfectionists become "Ideal losers" :mi_ga_et:


Минусы перфекционизма («Psychology-General»)
Фриц Моисеевич Морген (fritzmorgen)

Идеальный лузер :

Давайте, коллеги, обсудим такую черту человеческого характера, как стремление делать всё идеально. Есть люди, у которых эта черта выражена очень ярко. Эти люди пытаются делать идеально абсолютно всё. Для таких людей есть даже специальное название: перфекционисты.

Перфекционистами принято восхищаться и ставить их в пример. Но я собираюсь доказать, что тот, кто пытается сделать всё идеально — это, по сути своей, просто лузер. Или, говоря по-русски, неудачник.

У меня нет цели кого-то клеймить. Скажу больше, какое-то время назад я и сам был перфекционистом. Сейчас, к счастью, я успешно переболел этой болезнью. Но вот воспоминаний осталась масса. Ими я и хочу поделиться.

Начну, как обычно, с примеров.

.... Дорога к успеху лежит через ошибки.

Давайте напоследок обсудим великих футболистов и прочих спортсменов. Которые стремятся делать всё идеально. Как же с ними, спросите вы?

Очень просто. Они не боялись ошибаться и падать. Великие спортсмены достигли совершенства после того как совершили свою тысячу ошибок. Плющенко не сидел двадцать лет на печи и не изучал литературу по конькам. Плющенко шёл путём опыта и ошибок. И именно этот путь сделал Плющенко олимпийским чемпионом.

Итог. Главная проблема перфекционистов в том, что они боятся ошибок. Из-за этого они постоянно совершают две глупости:

а) пытаются перескочить через необходимый этап несовершенства ;
б) тратят время на «вылизывание» второстепенных мест.

Всё это вместе и делает большую часть перфекционистов неудачниками.

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 05 Jun 2014, 23:01

In new Japanese WFS magazine wil be "special interview with Plushy" .... can we get some details, japanese girls? :mi_ga_et:


「ワールド・フィギュアスケートNo.64」予約受付中/「世界フィギュア2014大阪EX 」「SOI」「PIW」「臨スポ目標達成御礼フェスティバル」「羽生結弦仙台凱旋SP」のほか浅田真央選手のトピックスやプルシェンコのスペシャルインタも。

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby Вера » 09 Jun 2014, 22:02

http://xn--80adffaavxqag0a8f2c.xn--p1ai ... nyi-dokazh

Тамара Москвина: Пускай молодые спортсмены докажут, что Евгений Плющенко хуже них!

Российская федерация фигурного катания представила окончательный список спортсменов, которые войдут в сборную России на следующий сезон. Среди них и Евгений Плющенко, восстановившийся недавно после операции. «Евгения Плющенко включили в основной состав сборной вполне заслуженно, — сказала в интервью сайту тренер, доверенное лицо президента России Тамара Москвина. — Ведь в основной состав включают тех, кто в течение года достиг высоких результатов, а Плющенко стал чемпионом Олимпийских игр в Сочи. Он прошел восстановительный период после операции, и оснований для того, чтобы он не попал в сборную, нет. Пускай те молодые спортсмены, которые будут соревноваться с ним, докажут, что он слабее их, и выиграют у него!»

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby Karina » 09 Jun 2014, 23:05

^Wonderful to hear some support. Best wishes to Plushy, Moskvina, Kavaguti/Smirnov and the St. Petersburg school. :plush47: :bra_vo:
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby Вера » 11 Jun 2014, 19:41

Почему профессиональный спорт часто направлен против здоровья?

Многие родители мечтают видеть своих детей профессиональными спортсменами. Но мало кто задумывается о том, какой ценой достаются медали и рекорды и сколько в профессиональном спорте трагедий! О том, с какими травмами чаще всего сталкиваются спортсмены, «КВ» беседуют с врачом по спортивной медицине БК «УНИКС», кандидатом медицинских наук Маратом Алукаевым.
- Снятие фигуриста Евгения Плющенко с Олимпиады в Сочи вызвало ожесточенную дискуссию. Ваше мнение как спортивного врача?
- Как профессиональный спортсмен он принял важное решение. Несмотря на травмы, решил бороться за олимпийский пьедестал. Если бы это могло привести к каким-то серьезным медицинским последствиям, то ни тренер, ни сам спортсмен не стали бы заявляться и выступать на соревнованиях подобного уровня. Точно могу сказать одно: спортсмен, выступая с таким видом травмы, совершил подвиг. У Плющенко искусственный каркас позвоночника. Это тяжелая травма. Видимо, параметры организма, обследования, показанные результаты позволили надеяться, что фигурист выполнит ту программу, которая на него была возложена во время Олимпийских игр. Но возникли непредвиденные обстоятельства.

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