Here he mentioned that there were not enough trash bins in the park. As the result people (bad people
) throw the garbage on the ground (*letsy- honestly, I am not sure but I think trash bins were removed everywhere in Moscow after the terrorist acts). He also said that at home he doesn't clean anything, he only messes things around
. Yana is in charge of the house. (*letsy- in Russian the equivalent of the English "home maker/housewife" "домохозяйка" literally means "administrator of the house"
). He said he cooks only when he is at the training camps, alone. At home they usually don't cook, they eat out in restaurants. But they live on the same territory with his parents but in different houses. Both his mother and especially his father can cook very well: fish, meat, soups, everything! So there they can enjoy home cooking
. He added that he is an active athlete, he is often on diets and rarely eats a lot. The journalist asked him why he was wearing Gucci for such a thing as a park cleaning. He said he loves this firm and he wears Gucci even when he goes picking up mushrooms to the forest