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Re: Различные голосования,рейтинги и т.п || Voting, ratings,

We did it, everyone! :ya_hoo_oo: Such a strange poll. It seems like voting technically still "hasn't closed," hence why the Yuna fans are complaining in the comments (sour grapes, haha). I assume Plush was the one who had the most votes on the moment voting officially ended, hence why he w...
by Karina
17 Jun 2014, 18:41
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Различные голосования,рейтинги и т.п || Voting, ratings, etc
Replies: 1182
Views: 2196276

Re: Различные голосования,рейтинги и т.п || Voting, ratings,

Sorry everyone, false alarm. Looks like we can keep voting for It's Your Move until the end of the day today. Plush is currently at #1 (quads) and #3 (Biellmann). I recommend voting non-stop for his quads to keep them in the lead (we could try to get his Biellmann to #2, but it seems like bad taste ...
by Karina
16 Jun 2014, 21:24
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Различные голосования,рейтинги и т.п || Voting, ratings, etc
Replies: 1182
Views: 2196276

Re: Различные голосования,рейтинги и т.п || Voting, ratings,

Just a reminder: It's Your Move voting ends tonight (North American time)! (Well, maybe... It says you can vote "until" June 16 but I don't know if you can vote on June 16). Plushy quads are now #2 behind Yuna, and his Biellmann is #4. I was starting to despair after voting about a thousan...
by Karina
16 Jun 2014, 02:40
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Различные голосования,рейтинги и т.п || Voting, ratings, etc
Replies: 1182
Views: 2196276

Re: Общая дискуссия || General discussion about Evgeni

But yes, Kovtun is a RN champion which Yagudin never managed to get, maybe that is why they think Kovtun has the potential to be Yagudin 2.0? :hi_hi_hi: But that means he already isn't Yagudin 2.0. :mi_ga_et: The mystique of Alexei Yagudin is that, although he won against Plushenko in their biggest...
by Karina
13 Jun 2014, 23:24
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Общая дискуссия || General discussion about Evgeni
Replies: 261
Views: 182032

Re: Общая дискуссия || General discussion about Evgeni

All the time they are convinced that Plushy "stole" Team medal from Kovtun, no matter how he skated there (due to successful performances of other Russian skaters) - they are completely indifferent to others, or how he would performed at individual - only is important that one more medal ...
by Karina
12 Jun 2014, 09:07
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Общая дискуссия || General discussion about Evgeni
Replies: 261
Views: 182032

Re: Общая дискуссия || General discussion about Evgeni

Thank you, WhiteBamboo, for these posts. Very informative, well-argued, and excellently researched. Thank you, for shining out a little bit of the truth. There's no way I can match your research. My own, simpler take on the situation, through the lens of basic logic: 1) The selection for Sochi is ba...
by Karina
11 Jun 2014, 10:19
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Общая дискуссия || General discussion about Evgeni
Replies: 261
Views: 182032

Re: Различные голосования,рейтинги и т.п || Voting, ratings,

IceNetwork's It's Your Move finale! We got both of Plushy's moves into the top 10. Now, let's get him to #1! (I'm going to place my weight behind quad combinations, because it's what he's more known for, even though I personally find his Biellmann more memorable). Vote here:
by Karina
09 Jun 2014, 23:17
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Различные голосования,рейтинги и т.п || Voting, ratings, etc
Replies: 1182
Views: 2196276

Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

^Wonderful to hear some support. Best wishes to Plushy, Moskvina, Kavaguti/Smirnov and the St. Petersburg school. :plush47: :bra_vo:
by Karina
09 Jun 2014, 23:05
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news
Replies: 2221
Views: 4783546

Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Oh Plushy... Surely he isn't going to compete next season!? I can only pray for the best.

Go Liza, too! I hope she's healed and ready to kick some butt. A bit sad she's in the "reserve" team, but it can't be helped when she spent last season injured. Competition is so stiff in Russia...
by Karina
08 Jun 2014, 04:33
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice
Replies: 3755
Views: 10903415

Re: Статьи о фигурном катании || Articles about skating

^I actually do agree with him, to a certain extent, that 6.0 gave skaters more freedom. And now it's points, points, points, do this-and-that finicky turn whether it fits the music or not. Because you better get 'em levels for the step sequences/get the transitions mark higher! Not sure about him tr...
by Karina
07 Jun 2014, 04:41
Forum: Мир фигурного катания || Figure Skating
Topic: Интервью, Статьи о ФК || Interviews, Articles about skating
Replies: 349
Views: 375275

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