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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2013 || European Championships 2013

Many thanks Lovplush for your report... I cant describe my feelings with words, nice as you :plush39:

Thank you Cekoni for your hard work on maintaining the website and other channels. That is huge amount of work. :plush39: :plush39: Nice meeting you in Zagreb and wish could meet you again soon in the future :mi_ga_et:

And many thanks for other girls who keep the news updated during the competition :plush39: :plush39:
by lovplush
30 Jan 2013, 12:14
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Re: Ваше творчество || Your creative works


These are the new banners for Chinese site and forum. Pray for Plushy :plush47: :plush47:
by lovplush
31 Jan 2013, 02:15
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Just to make sure I understand the method correctly, is the following description accurate?

When the count down is finished (use this site:, that is, Moscow time the 2nd of February 2 pm, use twitter sending the following message to Plushenko:

English: Evgeni, we are with you! We love you! Get well soon!@EvgeniPlushenko
Russian: Женя, мы с тобой! Выздоравливай! Мы тебя любим! @EvgeniPlushenko

I have put is on the Chinese forum but will post to some other places so I want to make sure :mi_ga_et:
by lovplush
02 Feb 2013, 02:02
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

OK, I have modified the message.
I will try to make it since at that time I am in middle of an event...... But anyway, I will send it to Plushy!!
I will inform other Chinese girls who have twitter account to do so!!
by lovplush
02 Feb 2013, 02:39
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Guys I dont know about flowers, but you can send him books and cds from amazon o another place like or and they arrive in two days. :)
bookdepository is not a good idea since i experience a lot of delay recently, but maybe if u want to pay express delivery, the story would be different. But in general, English books might not be that interesting to him. CDs could be good gift IMO.
by lovplush
03 Feb 2013, 14:47
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Re: For fans agreements

Loveplush I have a belgium account for you anyway, but for the rest with Bic and IBan in general it is easy.
Otherwise with paypal, either you sent from your credit card money or from your balance

WOW, you still have Belgium account :co_ol: Come visit me sometime, i will cook Chinese food for you :mi_ga_et:
by lovplush
04 Feb 2013, 02:29
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

dimi wrote:Actually I found russian books on amazon, cd is great idea too

:hi_hi_hi: Because I use to order English books from them so my mind is not switching...... And I know nothing about Russian books......

Flower is good idea if it can be arranged in Israel. Count me in :mi_ga_et:
by lovplush
03 Feb 2013, 18:10
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

The more I read the more I cant believe where he had the strength to skate through pain the last years. And on top of that WIN!

Actually it is unbelievable that he could finish the short program in Zagreb with such intensity and passion :co_ol:

If he can skate like that when he was severely injured, how well he will be when he is free of injury? Wish him a smooth recovery, no rush, take time to heal. Seriously, please follow the doctor's instruction strictly this time :plush47:
by lovplush
04 Feb 2013, 23:14
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Re: For fans agreements

Hen site can only use credit card, I don't think you can use paypal. But nevertheless, if in the end you do not have enough money, just let me know I will transfer from paypal to you.

If we send it from one site then from Hen. They do not have fruit basket but we can send sweet one: e.g.

Name and country:
lovplush: Xin WANG (China)
bigeyegugu: Hongmin LU (China)

I will pay for two of us.

As for card, actually I think Lilywang or whitebamboo has better English knowledge than mine :mi_ga_et: ... I will try to think of something but we can put all our wishes :plush34: together
by lovplush
05 Feb 2013, 12:46
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Re: Женя в Твиттере & ВКонтакте || Evgeni at Twitter & VKont

Сегодня нашему сынуле Гном Гномычу Александру 1 месяц!))
Today is our sonny elf Alexander, 1 month old!))

#1годдоигр #сочи2014 до встречи в Сочи!
#1yeartotheGames#Sochi2014 See you in Sochi!
by lovplush
07 Feb 2013, 01:53
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Re: For fans agreements

I have just contacted the Hen's flowers for my own order, when the lady found out that was for Evgeni, she was like "Ah, it is for Evgeni!" She said a lot of people ordered flowers for him :ya_hoo_oo: :co_ol: and they still have one order for today (probably the one Dimi ordered) :mi_ga_et: .

Nevertheless, she said the clinic accepts the flowers. So I guess even though Plushy might not stay there for the night, he will still go there for rehabilitation. So do not worry :mi_ga_et:
by lovplush
07 Feb 2013, 11:54
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Re: For fans agreements

Thanks Dimi for you job! :plush40: ... I hope you will be healthy soon :ro_za:


Kisses for all of you girls :ki_ss: .... I have some personal problems, so I can not be so much on the internet :plush34:

Take enough time and good care of yourself first :plush36: . We are not going anywhere :plush45:
by lovplush
08 Feb 2013, 13:58
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Re: Женя в Твиттере & ВКонтакте || Evgeni at Twitter & VKont

He violates the ethical code for journalist nevertheless, since:

1. He is commenting on 4CC competition when he made such comments. Plushy's situation has nothing to do with 4CC, what he said there is purely gossip thing. Is he a real man?

2. He can have his opinion of course but when he sat in that booth as a commentator, he represent the image of the station, if Russia is in the competition he might even represent image of the country. He is not there because who he is as a man, but because he is journalist from EUROSPORT. Therefore, to say what he said is very unprofessional and unethical;

He later gave an interview saying that he deliberately did such thing to provoke such reaction from Evgeni and Yana (, this is just outrages, with that interview alone, he should be sued.

But in my opinion, if in his comments he hinted that Channel 1 is involved in this faking the evidence, Channel 1 should also sue him for slandering their professionalism and ethical standards.
by lovplush
10 Feb 2013, 23:40
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

I don't understand. Zhurankov wanted to provoke Plush and Yana? Or is he lying? He needs to know, if Plush will show his documents he will lose the case. How did he think, Plush, Yana, Mishin, Chanel 1, the Israelian doctor, the director of hospital and many other persons lied ? And why? Because he withdrew in the competition? This is so illogic. They can much more to lose, than they can win with this "PR".
At first, he said "IMO There was no surgery." And now "My intention was to stop Yana & Plu's showbiz-ish behavior." He already missed the point of the argument. I think he must lose at a court. I don't know why he refuses to apologize.

Also, I want to know why does Zhurankov so believe Plu's surgery is a lie. I think there might be a possibility that he heard it from someone who is worthy of trust (at least he think the person is worthy of trust).. I don't know. I'm just guessing :du_ma_et:

Of course, Zhurankov has a right to freedom of speech, but he should learn the responsibility is attached to the right of freedom of expression/speech. Plushy is not public's toy.

Yes, everyone is entitled to have their own opinion, but bad mouthing among your friends is one thing, to wrongfully accuse someone through national TV broadcasting is another. Besides, if this is a talk show discussing about whether Plushy had surgery, it is OK to express his doubt (whether he has proof does not matter, since the program would be on THAT topic). But he was not on such show, he was commenting 4CC. That is not the correct time and event to talk about it, let alone to wrongfully accuse a great Russian athlete. He does not have ethical sense as a journalist (especially he said in an interview later that he deliberately said those things, this is really not just gossiping, this is SLANDER), and he does not have any sense of patriotism. He should be ashamed of himself but apparently he is not. He is just low.
by lovplush
11 Feb 2013, 12:59
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Врач Плющенко: Мою работу называют пиаром? Я потрясен
11 февраля 2013 г.

Врач Илья Пекарский, делавший операцию Евгению Плющенко, потрясен заявлениями о том, что операция фигуриста – пиар ход.

"Мою работу называют пиаром? Я потрясен! Если вы приедете ко мне в Израиль и понаблюдаете за моей работой, - я а делаю 8-10, иногда 12 операций такого рода в неделю, то вы увидите своими глазами, что на следующий день встают все. Другое дело, что проходят при этом разное расстояние. Кто-то может дойти от кровати до двери. А Женя смог выйти в коридор и пройти порядка 150 метров до операционной, чтобы показать ее телевизионным журналистам, приехавшим снимать сюжет. Правда, его палата находилась на том же этаже, что и операционная. Евгений уже третий чемпион мира по счету, которому я делаю подобную операцию. Один из них - прыгун в воду Глеб Гальперин", - цитирует слова доктора "Советский спорт".
by lovplush
12 Feb 2013, 02:51
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Адвокат Плющенко: Видим основания для возбуждения уголовного дела
11 февраля 2013, 14:24

Евгений Плющенко и его адвокат Татьяна Акимцева после полудня вышли из здания ОМВД по Пресненскому району города Москвы, где ими было написано заявление на имя начальника ОМВД по Пресненскому району подполковника полиции Толмача О.В. Сразу же после этого адвокат олимпийского чемпиона дала эксклюзивное интервью «Советскому спорту».

- Татьяна Владимировна, каковы ваши исковые требования?
- Пока это не иск, а только заявление с просьбой к соответствующим инстанциям разобраться в этой ситуации и применить меры по факту оскорбления человека, являющегося достоянием нашей страны. Статья, которая может быть применена по отношению к господину Журанкову – 129 УК.

- Вы видите в этом уголовное дело?
- Безусловно, потому что это была самая настоящая клевета, ничем не подтвержденная.

- Андрей Журанков в интервью радиостанции «Эхо Москвы« сегодня сказал, что его слова были переданы Евгению в искаженном виде. Что об операции речь не шла, а всего лишь о том, что «вокруг Плющенко сейчас слишком много пиара и шоу-бизнеса и мало спорта, и в преддверии Олимпиады в Сочи это не очень хорошо».
- Журанков только и делает, что изворачивается и врет. Ничего «в искаженном виде» Жене не передавали. Он сам смотрел эту трансляцию, ее смотрела вся его семья, так что передавать что-либо не было никакой необходимости. Журанков совершенно определенно высказался: никакой операции, по его мнению, не было, и у него якобы есть неопровержимые доказательства этого. Вот пусть их и представит! А доказательств нет и быть не может. Журанков не мог не видеть репортажей на Первом канале, интервью врачей, снимков из палаты. Соответственно, человек пошел на заведомую ложь. И продолжает говорить глупости. Вчера он объявил, что «забросил Плющенко наживку и тот ее заглотил». И такое позволяет себе комментатор канала «Евроспорта», канала, который смотрит весь мир? Или он почему-то решил, что работает на канале «Рыболовство и охота»?

- Я знаю, что сегодня Евгений Плющенко спрашивал номер телефона Журанкова. Евгений собирается ему звонить? И если да, то зачем?
- С Женей мы вместе вышли из отделения милиции полчаса назад. Он мне не говорил, что звонил Журанкову и я не думаю, что он собирается это делать. Просто, может быть, хочет, чтобы у него был этот номер телефона. Если бы Журанков был мужчиной, он давно уже сам позвонил бы Плющенко и попросил у него прощения. Женя сказал мне, что видел несколько раз Журанкова на турнирах, знает его в лицо, но никаких конфликтов между ними не было, никаких неприязненных отношений. Женя в недоумении, почему этот человек решил так поступить с ним.
- Евгений также пообещал, что будет добиваться отстранения Журанкова от эфира. Разве это возможно в судебном порядке?
- Нет, невозможно. Руководство «Евроспорта» будет принимать решение самостоятельно: нужен ли такой комментатор, которые позволяет себе клевету, оскорбления чести и достоинства выдающихся фигуристов, и как это сказывается на репутации канала. А статья 129 УК предполагает очень большие денежные штрафы и даже участие в общественных работах. Какое именно наказание будет применено к Журанкову, будут определять компетентные люди в ОМВД.

- Если Журанков извинится, вы готовы отозвать заявление?
- Пока мы видим обратное. Совершенно циничное поведение… Если же все-таки извинится… Решать этот вопрос будет только Евгений.
by lovplush
12 Feb 2013, 02:58
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Do not worry - he now enjoys in the protection of his "fellow journalists" and his 5 minutes of fame ... for such mediocrities it is enough :ze_le_ny:

:mi_ga_et: She meant Plushy's safety since this guy sound a bit...... mental......

If you ask me, Plushy should just ignore him, or at least waited until doctor said he is ok to leave. We are furious at what Zhurankov did, but even more worried about Plushy's health. According to Doctor's interview, Plushy has great chance of recover fully, so I really hope Plushy will leave all these ugly stuff to his lawyer and focus on recovery, and follow the doctor's instruction strictly. :plush47:
by lovplush
13 Feb 2013, 00:25
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Maybe this is God's will to let Plushy know the seriousness of his back injury. Now is better than later. It would be quite painful and "boring" during the recovery period, hope little Sasha will keep his mind occupied and happy :mi_ga_et:

Please follow doctor's instructions strictly :plush47: , do not rush for training. As long as he is healthy, with his determination and years of experiences and skills, he will get into the shape in time for the big battle. First health! Then everything will be in order :plush41:
by lovplush
17 Feb 2013, 01:49
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Yes, i found this link on FSU - but do not be angry, there no one has even thought to talking nonsense, or "doubted" about Plushy's surgery :plush45: .... unlike of corrupted enviable fools on russian sites and forums (even and Zhurankov thanked to FSO for their support :kli_ny: - they would support and devil, if he is against Plushy) :plush43: :ze_le_ny: - pity, because ofc, Plushy more concerned about the opinion of russians :plush34:

I bring up voodoo thing is because just a moment ago i found one poster on GS expressing hints of media stunt from Plushy team :kli_ny: . Of course he/she does not doubt the surgery itself, but it still makes me angry. He/she must be a saint at this difficult time to withdraw a low blow because he/she is of sympathy of Plushy :ze_le_ny: .

But indeed, on these forum at least they do not doubt about the surgery. :plush34:
by lovplush
17 Feb 2013, 02:59
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

I found one israeli article, and translated it over Google - sorry, i dont make many correction, just to understand sense :ps_ih: :hi_hi_hi:

טיפול בארץ הציל את האלוף האולימפי
Dr. Pekarsky explains that the analysis included replacement one artificial disc. "Fixing him two vertebrae, and let others the sense of nervous," added the doctor, explaining that this is a complex analysis results, which will be revealed only in a few months. "In three months he could return to training, and I hope that will all good." Most important goal is the Winter Olympics to be held in the Russian city of Sochi the next year, where he hopes to take the gold medal in front of a home audience.

"Israel, Germany and United States are considered three popular countries for medical treatments," estimate Dr. Alex Tanzer, the leaders of the Russian aliyah and fan of Plushenko. He said the sophisticated center brings more and more medical tourism to Israel, and Prokhorov, who in the past tried to become president of Russia, will open in the near future Israeli chain of clinics in Russia.

I gave this link on either GS or FSU to explain the possible reason why some Israeli bloggers were the first to attack Plushy, but nobody cares about it. They all want to know what is the outcome of the lawsuit. I mean, if you care about Plushy, you do not discuss the lawsuit but worry about his health. But of course on those forum you have more enemies than friends. If I can voodoo someone, I will have a long list :plush43:
by lovplush
17 Feb 2013, 02:26
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

:du_ma_et: Hm, can we understand all this campaign against Plushy, actually, as a campaign against: "Prokhorov... who will open in the near future Israeli chain of clinics in Russia"? :hi_hi_hi:


More "suspicious"... Averbukh? :)-(:

Mishin claims Zhurankov insulting his student is just part of a plan meant to destroy Plushenko's career.
"It is necessary to get rid of such a strong competitor and have the opportunity to put forward his alternative. Certain persons, who are now closer to show business than professional sports , are not interested in that career Plushenko continued."


But I still do not exempt of "suspicious", nor Tatiana Tarasova... :plush38: :plush34:

Oh, if you say that, it sounds logical. Who is the substitute skater for those ice shows in Czech and Opera on Ice? You know who :mi_ga_et:
by lovplush
17 Feb 2013, 02:30
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Я вижу большую перспективу в нашем мужском одиночном катании, но – в будущем, через два-три года.

- Значит, к Играм-2014 готов только переживший все эти стадии самый опытный и титулованный фигурист нашей сборной Евгений Плющенко?
- Бесспорно. Ведь каждый фигурист должен не только совершенствоваться и подниматься в мастерстве, в технике. Одновременно с этим нужно заработать себе авторитет. Тот же Максим Ковтун сейчас прекрасно выступает по технике, но у него нет имени, нет авторитета. А для судейства это имеет очень большое значение! Это политическая игра стран, которые борются за лидирующее положение в мировом фигурном катании! С этим же моментом мы столкнулись на недавнем чемпионате Европы в женском одиночном катании.

Yes and no. Canadian can bring their lady singles quickly into very high level of PCS marks, you just need to have the right people in ISU. :mi_ga_et: Or you have to be the one to make the rules.

As for young skaters, yes they possess good technique, but performance wise is still far from mature. Or simply because they do not possess Plushy's Charisma. What I want to say here is that the credibility is not the only thing that Plushy has to be able to stay at the top.
by lovplush
17 Feb 2013, 13:09
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

As for young skaters, yes they possess good technique, but performance wise is still far from mature. Or simply because they do not possess Plushy's Charisma. What I want to say here is that the credibility is not the only thing that Plushy has to be able to stay at the top.
Maybe they will become mature... but I can not see any trace of charisma in any of them, which Plushy already had with his 15 yo :plush34:

Yes, charisma in art is something come with birth. If you ask me, even when Plushy is 9 years old, he is very cute on ice :hi_hi_hi:
I think Mishin once commented on Plushy's skating, saying that he has very rare ability to project something other than just skating skills. For me, it comes from his passion and love for skating, you can feel it. He is not acting to music, the music is serving for him to emit the emotions.
by lovplush
18 Feb 2013, 12:47
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