Дискуссии по прокатам,программам Жени на ОИ (продолжение)

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Re: Дискуссии по прокатам Жени (продолжение)

Postby Antolla » 23 Feb 2010, 02:22

Разошлись вы тут не на шутку смотрю :-)
Еще посмотрим, может и не подаст. Скорее всего он до сих пор в состоянии аффекта находится, может отойдет все, Алексей Николаевич - мудрейший человек, хотя тоже бунтарь и правдолюб :-) , может тоже отговорит. А Яна говорите подбивает..., ну а вы бы на ее месте что делали? Я бы за мужа тоже билась как не знаю кто, тем более что нервы у нее достаточно уже потрепаны :v_i_k_i_n_g: Все уляжется. Как в песне из фильма" Неделя другая, и все успокоятся, что было то было прошло" :mi_ga_et: . Ну я так надеюсь по-крайней мере :a_g_a: . Женя просто видит корявость системы и молчать не может, а когда он у нас молчал то? А Чикванта с Рогге молчали бы уж, чесслово. Вобщем что будет то будет. Я за Женю, в любом случае :bra_vo: .
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Re: Дискуссии по прокатам Жени (продолжение)

Postby Belka » 23 Feb 2010, 07:09

Antolla wrote: Я за Женю, в любом случае :bra_vo: .

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Re: Дискуссии по прокатам Жени (продолжение)

Postby Вера » 23 Feb 2010, 08:02

Ничего себе вы здесь накатали! :-) :sh_ok:
Спасибо всем за дискуссию! :co_ol: С интересом прочитала. :-):
Antolla wrote:Я за Женю, в любом случае

И я :a_g_a:
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Re: Дискуссии по прокатам Жени (продолжение)

Postby Gal4onok » 23 Feb 2010, 08:56

Nyssa wrote:А вроде бы Тарасова сказала по телевизору вчера, что Писеев ей лично сказал, что будет проведено расследование в то, как были поставлены оценки за короткую програму. Кто-нибудь что-то ещё об этом слышал? Я больше ничего нигде об этом не нашла. Но вроде бы Тарасова сказала с такой уверенностью, что Писеев пообещал, что будет расследование. Я не знаю, если это на самом деле или просто, чтобы народ успокоить.

...девчонки,с чего бы Писей ей звонил лично? комментатор сказал,со слов Писеева, что они (представители федер) занимаются разбирательством короткой программы и работают по оценкам отдельных судей,так как они были слишком несоизмеримо низкими, а протест на решение судей как я поняла,сейчас подавать запрещено... и ТАТ потом сказала,что очень рада хоть каким-то подвижкам и что по короткой программеэто надо было делать сразу...
...вообще надо немного успокоиться, ведь ничего пока оффициально не подтверждено (я говорю о письме Жени) ... но я согласна с Женей (уже говорила и повторю)
надо проводить реформы и в нашем мин-ве спорта, ну а главное саму систему оценивания,четвертной должен оцениваться как элемент ульта-силы...а не приравниваться к комбинациям из 3х прыжков...но мое ИМХО,Жене одному,это будет сделать очень трудно или даже невозможно...
Last edited by Gal4onok on 23 Feb 2010, 11:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Дискуссии по прокатам Жени (продолжение)

Postby Cooky » 23 Feb 2010, 09:48

I don't understand Russian very well, so I hope I haven't misunderstood anything too badly in this thread. I like to try and keep up even if it's difficult...
Anyway, I just wanted to offer up my own opinion as well, even if it's not very important, haha.

I do think Zhenya deserved the gold medal and that the judging system is inherently flawed - especially the bonus for performing jumps in the latter half of the program. I don't understand this bonus at all. I assume it's meant to be based on stamina, but it still seems superfluous to me.

I do like Lysacek as a skater and as a person and I think he's being very kind about the whole thing - if a little understandably disappointed, who wouldn't be in his position, I suppose? I would want to believe I earned it fairly, too - but it is sad to see him win on such an unremarkable (though cleanly skated) routine that has little to offer when it comes to exciting jumps or such risky elements... it's just weird, I suppose. I want to be happy for him - and if he had beaten Zhenya completely fairly, I would be - but it's difficult when I know that Zhenya is the more technically able skater. And it was obvious in his program, even if he faltered slightly some landings, they were minor faults compared to other skaters' falls and slips. A quad with an awkward landing, but a landing nonetheless, should still receive more points for being an achieved quad... I don't see why that doesn't make sense to everyone and why Zhenya is getting so much flack for saying so. He's right in saying that it's just ice dancing if the skaters don't attempt more challenging jumps and other elements. I'm with Stojko - if you want to perform, be in a show. If you want to be an athlete, be a competitive skater. Takahashi also knows this - the fact that he attempted a quad deserves respect in my eyes.

Still, as much as I support Zhenya in any endeavour he makes to get the judging system changed again, I hope he will take the silver medal as a token... as much as I want him to have gold, I don't want him to receive a "concession" gold like the Canadian pair in 2002. Even if he was offered one, I think it would be even more admirable if he refused it and kept the silver, especially as it's already been proclaimed as "worth gold" by Putin and "platinum" by others. I like the thought of it as a historical token. I'm already starting to grow fond of it as it will remind me of these days for years to come.

He already knows he was the best in that competition, as do his fans and many people around the world, and that the gold is really his at the end of the day - no need for the physical thing itself. Of course, if he chooses to make a formal protest I will be behind him, but I don't expect the North Americans to listen. Many Americans and Canadians are already convinced he's just being a sore loser - nothing is going to change their minds very soon, especially when so many people watching this time are not regular figure skating fans. Any further protest just makes them think Zhenya - and Russians by extension - are just sour about losing to them. So let the Americans have their day for now - it'll be tainted by controversy from now on while our champion adds a third Olympic medal to his collection, all rightfully earned. And we are happy because we know we'll get to see our favourite skater on the top of the podium again soon, no matter what happens, and that he's going to go down in history as one of the greatest male skaters of all time. If not the greatest.

Sorry for the long post! I had to say something. Please let me know if I don't make sense... I am from Ireland where figure skating is not very popular, so I suppose I have a Western European viewpoint on the situation.
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Re: Дискуссии по прокатам Жени (продолжение)

Postby Belka » 23 Feb 2010, 09:52

Cooky, in many respects you are right, and I agree with you
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Re: Дискуссии по прокатам Жени (продолжение)

Postby Cooky » 23 Feb 2010, 09:54

Thanks. I worry that I phrase things in ways that don't make much sense... but I try to be rational at least!
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Re: Дискуссии по прокатам Жени (продолжение)

Postby Cooky » 23 Feb 2010, 10:10

I can understand how Zhenya is coming across badly - and he certainly is to the Americans and Canadians, who will take anything he says and play it up as "the sore Russian who can't stand losing" - but it is fair to feel cheated if you feel you have lost for unfair reasons, I think.

He did say he would "take any result" but I'm sure he meant any FAIR result... and right now the judging system is not fair.
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Re: Дискуссии по прокатам Жени (продолжение)

Postby dezza » 23 Feb 2010, 10:11

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Re: Дискуссии по прокатам Жени (продолжение)

Postby Ирина » 23 Feb 2010, 10:57

Belka wrote:
Antolla wrote: Я за Женю, в любом случае :bra_vo: .


Вера wrote:
И я :a_g_a:

и я :a_g_a:
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