World’s Best on Ice - Германия || Germany 28-29.04.2010

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Re: World’s Best on Ice - Германия || Germany 28-29.04.2010

Postby Scarlett » 10 May 2010, 15:28

пришел ребенок и показал, как правильно надо делать :plush42:
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Re: World’s Best on Ice - Германия || Germany 28-29.04.2010

Postby cekoni » 10 May 2010, 15:41

Scarlett wrote:пришел ребенок и показал, как правильно надо делать :plush42:

Give a link to this post! ::yaz-yk:

Scarlett's videos from Krefeld show :mo-ro_zi_vo:

... add extension .mpg to files after download :mi_ga_et:


I congratulate to the child! :bra_vo: :plush46: :hi_hi_hi:
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Re: World’s Best on Ice - Германия || Germany 28-29.04.2010

Postby Ирина » 10 May 2010, 16:04

Scarlett wrote:пришел ребенок и показал, как правильно надо делать :plush42:

cпасибо ребенку :plush45:

Scarlett,а когда закачивала,куда дела название форматов? :plush35: У меня все файлы не открыватся,неизвестный формат пишет,приходится каждый переименовывать,дописывать в конце mpg,чтоб открылись :-)
Хотя может это только у меня :du_ma_et:
..."Российский фигурист Евгений Плющенко добился уникального достижения. Он выступил на четвертых Олимпийских играх - и выиграл четвертую медаль,став двукратным олимпийским чемпионом! "...
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Re: World’s Best on Ice - Германия || Germany 28-29.04.2010

Postby cekoni » 10 May 2010, 16:22

Ирина wrote:....,приходится каждый переименовывать,дописывать в конце mpg,чтоб открылись :-)
Хотя может это только у меня :du_ma_et:

Also... :mi_ga_et:
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Re: World’s Best on Ice - Германия || Germany 28-29.04.2010

Postby Scarlett » 10 May 2010, 16:23

Ирина wrote:Scarlett,а когда закачивала,куда дела название форматов? :plush35: У меня все файлы не открыватся,неизвестный формат пишет,приходится каждый переименовывать,дописывать в конце mpg,чтоб открылись :-)
Хотя может это только у меня

у меня они подписаны там, почему тогда не показывает? :du_ma_et:
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Re: World’s Best on Ice - Германия || Germany 28-29.04.2010

Postby Scarlett » 10 May 2010, 16:41

Ирина wrote:дописывать в конце mpg,чтоб открылись

:a_g_a: точно надо добавить mpg-
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Re: World’s Best on Ice - Германия || Germany 28-29.04.2010

Postby MiLa » 10 May 2010, 22:22

Мой нещастной опыт переводит из русского на английский по горячей просбе Скарлетт.
/a translation of Scarlett's report/

Part I

Notes of the mad one or my first meeting with Zhenja!
/the fans of other figure skaters have nothing to do here/

We reached Krefeld at 13 o’clock with my husband, because we wanted to be on time for the training of Zhenja. My husband drove like mad, although eventually it appeared to be in vain. I couldn’t make myself beautiful, I was so much in a hurry, but more important is that I bought the bunch of flowers. All the way we traveled in silence, for I was so nervous and all my thoughts were about the meeting with Zhenja and how could I make the best of me, so that I carry out all the tasks from the forum and not faint meanwhile. My husband tried to calm me down, obviously my appearance was not the best one. In a word, we arrived at the stadium and started searching for the administration to ask for an accreditation. We tried all the doors, no one opened, I panicked. My husband found at the side of the building one open door and we entered in. It appeared it was a cash desk for hockey tickets, but the woman was so kind to explain to us where we have to go and ring. We entered the building, explained who we are and whom we represented and they asked us : “From Herr Plushenko?” I smiled to myself, our Zhenja became a Herr. :-)
We were told, that we should come at 17 o’clock, because the skaters haven’t arrived yet. They were on the way, and the training will begin at this time. They were traveling from Nuenberg by bus. I asked if there will be a press-conference, they said it would not be, but after the performances the skaters would be asked some questions. Also, we could stand near the entrance to the ice. I will tell you in advance now that I have completely forgotten that we can go there and we didn’t. I think the local press was there.
We have to wait for 2 hours and we went for a walk in the town. I made photos of the stadium. For the poster I have to say that the names of Savchenko and Sholkovy / Germans call him Zolkovi/ were written with big letters and the name of Plushenko with very small ones, as if there was a mistake, because I saw that mostly all of the people were here for Zhenja. If you look at the photo, next to the poster there is another poster for the popular singer Hellena Fisher, who is born in Russia and is very much loved by the Germans.
I was so nervous that I could not eat anything, I only had tea and ice-cream. I felt hungry at 2 o’clock at night. Two hours flied quickly and we went to the stadium. We noticed at the back entrance a security guard, from what we understood that the quests were already waited for.
So we went and ring at the door, they let us in, met us very friendly, gave us badges and showed us where we could walk. They showed us the changing-rooms and where we could wait for Zhenja. The bus was late, because of a jam. We decided that the skaters will come soon and sat at the seats next to the entrance. At that time the organizers started putting roses on the seats of the first row. I thought this extraordinary.
Then they started to check the colour music, lights. But then we were tired of waiting and started to walk around. There was a long corridor with men’s and women’s changing-rooms, rooms for resting between the performances, one other room with a table, on which there were drinks and food I think, but I didn’t dare to go and see, a room for the little flower girls, who were training at that moment what they should do. At the end of the corridor we saw a girl training, this was an 18 years old one, who is a young hope for Germany and whose name I have forgotten. My husband liked this girl, more precisely her stretching :-)

We went back to our places and we were told that the bus is coming. We hold our breaths and starting staring at the entrance. They came and I nearly started shouting, so much pressure there was. But I could not see Zhenja, my husband said he saw him /I leave this to his conscience/ . I started waiting till the skaters eat and rest. Then we decided to approach a little further to where they were. And then my husband hit me on the side “Look, Zhenja”. Zhenja appeared at the other door with a plate in his hand eating something, looking at the ice. We decided not to go to him and give him time to come to himself /it was not clear who needed this more – we or he/. Then we noticed other skaters coming and going to train immediately, not on the ice , but in front of it.
But then some of the organizers came to us and said that the boys went to play football. Of course we ran to see them. It was sunny and warm on the street / 28 oC/. There were : Our Sunshine, Olivie, Morozov, Robin, Staviiskii. My husband started making video, I made a few photos. I think Zhenja looked at me suspiciously.
I don’t understand much of football, but Zhenja hit the ball with a head very often and my husband shouted several times that he advanced excellently. I think Zhenja smiled to the camera. To my mind, he couldn’t help it. Then my husband noticed that the boys played very carefully, as if they spare themselves. I explained for the prohibition of the doctors. My husband smiled and said that Zhenja played nevertheless.
Zhenja appeared to be not tall, with a very pale skin / he has to go to the Maldives – to improve his colour/ . There were also other people behind the fence making photos .

to be continued........
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Re: World’s Best on Ice - Германия || Germany 28-29.04.2010

Postby Scarlett » 10 May 2010, 22:24

MiLa wrote:Мой нещастной опыть переводит из русского на английский по горячей просбой Скарлета.

ты мое солнце :plush40:
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Re: World’s Best on Ice - Германия || Germany 28-29.04.2010

Postby Scarlett » 11 May 2010, 10:38

еще кусочек тренировки / training Krefeld 29.04.2010
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Re: World’s Best on Ice - Германия || Germany 28-29.04.2010

Postby MiLa » 12 May 2010, 00:16

/a translation of Scarlett's report/

Part II

At that time a woman came, who spoke German and English / I mean she didn’t speak Russian/. I said that we hope to meet Herr Plushenko. She went and said that to someone, I think to the managers of the show / but Ari was not to be seen, I was looking for him all the time./ Then the woman came back and said the meeting should take place till the show begins, because after that there will be no time. She would take them with a bus and lead them to the hotel. I asked where the hotel was, she said in Nois / a nearby town/. If we would have met him after the show, the other skaters would have had to wait for him.
While we were waiting I saw Albena several times /I like very much their couple with Maxim. Albena is always so tender and beautiful on the ice./ She was looking at her partner, who played football, and I saw him smoking a cigarette. Then she gave him a sign that it was time for training and he went away very obediently.
We were watching this beautiful display of football, which to my horror had to end soon, and my going to Golgotha had to begin. If you only knew how much I was horrified !!! When I saw that the boys were preparing to go away I dragged myself with softened legs to Zhenja.
I hope I had no wild look and horrified face when I said : “ Hello, Zhenja, I am an administrator from your site and I am here on a permission of Max Satler.”
Zhenja greeted me and I went on , “ Couldn’t you please meet us, we have errands and presents from the site. Zhenja said as calmly as possible, “Of course, after the training”. I hope I didn’t shout at that moment. / It seemed to me he had no spirit, and I warned Hilfer about that. But my husb told me that Zhenja answered me completely calmly and normally. Probably I only fancied that, or may be he was tired, traveling so much from Nuernberg and going to train without a rest./ Zhenja went to the changing-room and I started ringing Hilfer nervously, thank God, she was at home and answered. I told her she should come as quickly as possible, because Zhenja will meet us soon. She had just come home from work, poor her, she didn’t expect such a hurrying, but immediately set off and landed like a meteor on the stadium. I met her at the door and took her inside.

A little retreat from Zhanja / do not throw slippers on me/:
While we were waiting for Zhanja at the ice and watching the other skaters I didn’t recognize anybody. This could not be. The girls were little, the boys were not giants too. Till then I saw them only on the tv, with costumes and make up. And here they were plain, with simple clothes and exhausted from traveling. By the way, while watching the football, we joked with my husband, that the people who didn’t know these skaters would think these are just some boys playing on the lawn.
Then I calmed down, came to my senses and recognized Sara Mayer, Stephan, Volosozhar / she is so little, thin and with a doll face/. Now there was some mystery – I made photos from other skaters, several ones from Stephan but nothing came out of them, they were all spoiled, and from Zhenja I got all. One can start believing in the extraordinary - as if the presence and the magic of Zhenja didn’t allow unfaithfulness even in such a small thing as a photo !

/to be continued/
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