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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby Scarlett » 06 Dec 2010, 21:37

Дарина wrote: я знал, что у него вспыльчивый характер

спасибо Дариночка что переводишь нам :plush39: И не вспыльчиый характер, а неординарный, поэтому и ждали от него Поступка :hi_hi_hi: На четвертой Олимпиаде покруче что нибудь отхлабучит :hi_hi_hi:
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby Дарина » 06 Dec 2010, 23:56

Scarlett wrote:
Дарина wrote: я знал, что у него вспыльчивый характер

спасибо Дариночка что переводишь нам :plush39: И не вспыльчиый характер, а неординарный, поэтому и ждали от него Поступка :hi_hi_hi:

Не стОит благодарности :-): Буквально в тексте - "огненный", пылкий - ну, не флегматик, это точно :plush34: Тем более такая ситуация!
покруче что нибудь отхлабучит :hi_hi_hi:

В морду Чинкванте дать за всё издевательство над фигурным катанием, терять уже нечего :-) Хотя - как потом тренерской работой заниматься? :hi_hi_hi:
М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby dimi » 07 Dec 2010, 01:22


thats the difference between just an athlete and a rockstar athlete! :ya_hoo_oo:
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 07 Dec 2010, 06:40

dimi wrote:...
thats the difference between just an athlete and a rockstar athlete! :ya_hoo_oo:

Yes! :plush41: ... but Americans think, that only they have rock stars! ::yaz-yk:
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby sarahjev » 07 Dec 2010, 07:37

dimi wrote:thats the difference between just an athlete and a rockstar athlete! :ya_hoo_oo:

Completely agree!!!!!
I loved that moment and laughed like crazy, even when I didn't know too much about Zhenya then, but, God, I wanted him so much to win at Vancouver! :plush47:
Besides I like the fact that his "insolence" still annoys some fs fans (boring and humorless) to no end. :-)
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby alysonshade » 07 Dec 2010, 14:07

dimi wrote:thats the difference between just an athlete and a rockstar athlete! :ya_hoo_oo:

Dimi, I really looooove your definition: rockstar athlete! It's great! :plush45:

Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby simona » 07 Dec 2010, 15:12

dimi wrote:thats the difference between just an
athlete and a rockstar athlete! :ya_hoo_oo:



DIMììì U


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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 15 Dec 2010, 07:26

:sh_ок: :hi_hi_hi:
http://www.baltinfo.ru/2010/12/14/Evgen ... ner-177473
14 декабря 2010, 19:35

Евгений Плющенко способен стать призером чемпионата России - тренер

Санкт-Петербург, 14 декабря. Фигурист Евгений Плющенко, временно утративший статус любителя, мог бы стать призером чемпионата России. Для этого, по мнению его наставника Алексея Мишина, достаточно выступать в шоу и показательных выступлениях. Свою точку зрения наставник олимпийского чемпиона обосновал в беседе с корреспондентом «БалтИнфо».

По словам Алексея Мишина, Евгений Плющенко, несмотря на потерю любительского статуса, регулярно тренируется. И претензий по качеству тренировочного процесса у мэтра фигурного катания нет. Мишин подчеркнул, что физической формой его подопечного уже сейчас восхищаются иные представители Федерации фигурного катания на коньках.

«Как только Евгений Плющенко появляется среди очень хороших фигуристов, все тут же превращаются в щенков, - полушутя заявил Алексей Николаевич. – И это сказал не я, а одна женщина, очень известный тренер по фигурному катанию».(repetition is the mother of science :-) )

Мишин уверен, что олимпийский чемпион и призер Олимпийских игр способен поддерживать хорошую физическую форму, выступая только в показательных шоу. Так, по словам Мишина, во время выступления в Ангарске Плющенко исполнил три тройных акселя. В качестве аргумента, подтверждающего свою правоту, Мишин привел пример японской Федерации фигурного катания.

«Японская федерация так организовала серию шоу, что спортсмены накануне сезона ездят по городам и весям Японии, Кореи и Китая, дают по 20-25 выступлений. И выступают прекрасно, хотя и переезжают с места на место, - подчеркнул Мишин. – Если нет соревнований, показательные выступления являются довольно серьезным компенсаторным фактором. Нет соревнований – выступай как можно больше в шоу».

Мишин не имеет ничего против и деятельности Евгения в Законодательном Собрании Петербурга. Правда, при этом тренер подчеркнул, что «спорт требует сосредоточенности».

«Но она может быть разной. Я уверен, если Евгений Плющенко приедет в Саранск на чемпионат России, он сможет стать призером. Почему не чемпионом? :plush46: Только взрослый, состоявшийся тренер никогда не станет обещать своему ученику золотые горы и золотые медали», - подчеркнул Мишин.


OK... this is just "generall" thought of Mishin :mi_ga_et:
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 18 Dec 2010, 11:56

cekoni wrote:From japanese FS magazine "Days Plus" - Men's singles (2010-2011)
フィギュアスケートDays Plus 男子シングル読本 〈2010‐2011〉
http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%83%95%E3%82 ... pd_sim_b_2


Plushy's interview from this magazine :ni_zia:
- scans of photos, you have here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=63&start=140#p43759 + viewtopic.php?f=3&t=63&p=44277#p44277

- When did you decide to skate Nijinsky?
- A while ago. I wanted to show different program at each shows. I don't want to skate only 1 or 2 programs. I want to skate another one every time. The reason why I skated Nijinsky this time was, because it was fan's request and I have a good memory about Tribute to Nijinsky. I won with this program. And I love this program. And I can feel. So, to skate Nijinsky is very comfortable. It is a special program to me. Moreover, I stated "I will skate Nijinsky" on twitter. Do you know twitter?

- Of course.
- Japanese fans asked me whether I skate Nijinsky there. So I said "Yes. I will skate it in Hachinohe."

- Why Hachinohe? There were numerous shows in various regions in Japan.
- Well, yes, there was a request from fan, but after all that's my feeling. My feelings felt that I should perform Nijinsky here.

- Do you change something when you skate competitive program at show?
- I didn't try a quad today. Ice was not so good.

- Soft?
- Soft and drench.

- I see the rink was flooded (Laugh)
- I know. But we had no choice. I guess ice machine didn't work well because outside air was very hot. But, the machine worked very well during our practice. Oh, and show is show, competition is competition, each program is different. When I skate at show, I put effort into expression. Very. At the competition, I put a lot of effort into focus on jump, spin, step. But I think today's my feeling might be like a competition, rather.

- There was more steps in your program layout today. Did someone arrange it before coming to Hachinohe?
- Slightly changed.

- By yourself?
- Yes. I can arrange layout of program by myself because I understand how I should skate. Sometimes I add arrange more if change is needed. For example, if there are the calm audience on this side, I do toward them.. ["appeal" gesture]. If there are the excited audience, I do toward them.. ["appeal" gesture]. See. I am not a machine. So, I don't skate a plain program. I wanted to please the audience, so watch the audience well. That's why I am beloved of all. [smile sweetly]

- Tha's nice. This summer you did many shows. How is the life in Japan?
- I like Japan so much. Always I have a lovely time here. Japanese skaters and staffs are friendly. We go to somewhere to play, to eat, together. They support also my wife Yana, so I am very comfortable. But after Japanese shows, I will have the shows in Russia and Europe, so I am very busy. The show will be held not only in Japan.

- Oh, that's tough. Do you enjoy off-ice in Japan?
- I enjoy also off-ice so much. Akihabara, Ginza... many other places. Shopping, relaxation, and food. I love Japanese oyster and Sashimi, Shabu-shabu. It's very healthy and taste delicious. Excellent. And, I love Adamami.

- Edamame? (Boiled green soybean)
- Edamame! I love it. And I love Japanese sauna so much.

- You love.. sauna?
- Yes, sauna. I take a sauna almost everyday after the show. Because it's very good for my health. After Olympics, I will give a lecture and a master class more. Then I will tell it to everyone.

- That's good idea. I heard that you were learning Japanese from Japanese skaters. Can you say something?
- "Watashi wa skate chotto dekimasu!" [Proud face >:^> ]

- [Everyone LOLed]
- *uhuhu* [Giggle]

- Not "chotto"! [Laugh]
- Not "chotto" [Laugh]. I try to learn Japanese but it's not so easy.

- I have also heard that you took a note for study Japanese.
- Yes. I made many notes. [Shy smile]

- By the way, did you see young Japanese skaters?
- Yuzuru!

- Yes Yuzuru. How do you feel about him?
- I practiced with Yuzuru together. He landed very beautiful quads. He is a very good skater. Sometime, when the time that he beats me has come, I will say "Time is yours" to him. I will say, your time has come. He's very good. And young. He is only fifteen years old now, three to four years later, he will reach great time as a competitor. I feel he will be more great skater, by 2014 Olympics.

- He will be glad to hear that. He really respect you. Are you going to continue armature sports until 2014, aren't you?
- If I am not dead [Laugh]

- That would be fine [Laugh]. Do you have a plan or something new to challenge at competition in future?
- Secret. [Grin]

- Eh! I want to know so much. Do you really have to keep a secret?
- Everyone wants to know that. Don't worry. You will see. I have a plan. If those are possible, I may try them until Sochi. I have still three years. And then, when Sochi is over, the end. I will have my tour after Sochi. I will tour worldwide and I will do the last exhibition tour as an amateur skater.

- It's wonderful plan.
- This plan will surely succeed. And I want to do it with my American, Japanese, European, Russian friends. But it will be after Sochi. I just skate before Sochi. Skate, skate. It's a hard work. New program, new choreographer.

- New program and new choreographer!
- Yes. I've started to make it.

- Can we see the program at Japan Open?
- I will skate another one at Japan Open. I guess it will be one of my program which I have skated at the show till now. The premiere of my new program, it won't be for a while yet.

- I can't wait. So far, most of your choreographers were floor dancers. New choreographer, too?
- Yes. A ballet dancer. I will show (new program) someday somewhere.

- Some rules were changed, there isn't so much of a difference score between combo and halfloop combo now. Do you have a plan to perform Triple Axel + Half Loop + Triple Flip in future?
- Of course, yes. Because nobody does it yet except me. But I've been doing for a long time. Despite that, nobody can do it yet? [He put a "Look what I can do! Ain't I great?" look on his face] So, I can do it, I can do it. I can still do it. Maybe, I can perform even quadruple jump + half loop + triple flip.

- Oh, seriously?
- Do you think I can't? [grin]

- No. I think you can do it.
- I may not open those all but I think someday you will be able to see the thing what I want to do.

- How is your injury?
- I'm okay. Of course, I think that anyone who does sports has some health problem. Maybe it would be wrose, or it would be better. But now I'm fine. Getting worse or getting better, anyway, these things can happen in a long life.

- So, you are all right now..?
- Yes, I'm okay now! I'm always okay (Laugh).

- That's good. Thank you very much for your time.
- Arigato!

(Hachinohe, Japan. August, 2010)
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby Ola_1 » 18 Dec 2010, 12:20


"If those are possible, I may try them until Sochi (new programs). I have still three years. And then, when Sochi is over, the end. I will have my tour after Sochi. I will tour worldwide and I will do the last exhibition tour as an amateur skater."

:plush31: :plush31: plush48
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