Мужчины || Men

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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby cekoni » 21 Apr 2012, 02:00

lala630312 wrote:Interview with P. Chan, some parts:

http://ujszo.com/online/sport/2012/04/0 ... m-nizzaban

... - the spark, which makes you able to run a program and after the people has a sigh: what a pity that it's over. Maybe i have this advantage against them. :sh_ok: ...

... I try to create something wonderful on the ice, something that the judges can understand, feel and appreciate....

... I love enchant the audience and the judges....

... Well, they didn't like the result, but what can we do? They are French.

Just when I think that Chan can not leave me speechless - he surprise me :sh_ок: :kli_ny: :ps_ih:

Lala - thank you for this Chan's "pearls", scattered to us - "pigs" :)-(: :-)

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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby cekoni » 21 Apr 2012, 02:42

http://www.requiredelements.com/2012/4/ ... -situation

A Closer Look at Chan's Coaching Situation

Patrick Chan's split with Christy Krall, the coach who has been credited with getting him to a consistent (and oftentimes glorious) quadruple jump, seems a big deal to me. Some publications have been looking into it.

The official word is that Krall resigned. Krall told the Canadian Press that she had gradually been moved out of the coaching role as choreography Kathy Johnson moved more into it. Here's what Krall said:

But Krall said her role had diminished while Chan's other coach Kathy Johnson, a modern dance teacher who studied dance at Juilliard but also works with skaters, had assumed a larger role.

"It's all good, it works, it's successful," Krall said. "But I was stepping out of the coaching role I was in and becoming an instructor, and I personally wanted to do more than that.

"Things were switching inside the dynamics of my partnership with Patrick."

Krall has coached Chan in Colorado since he split with Don Laws just weeks before his fifth-place finish at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics.

Chan is going to continue working with Johnson in Colorado and will be making more trips to Toronto, his home. The article also notes that Chan had been dealing with a lack of motivation and frustration this season and even wanted to quit. (I am confused. It's not like he won the Olympics or something. OY).

Anyway. So now Chan is mainly with Johnson and I guess wants to continue to focus on the artistic side of the skating, and in that case, the ISU will have to raise the possible scoring totals for program components because he already gets such high marks in all the artistic areas as it is.

Examiner writes a love letter to the Johnson/Chan relationship. It doesn't actually interview anyone but gushes about the connection between Chan and Johnson. So lucky for Chan, the lovefest will continue.

Chan just recently came in second in the men's portion of the World Team Trophy.

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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby simona » 21 Apr 2012, 09:24

;;-))) Maybe it's better to laugh..
cekoni wrote:
lala630312 wrote:Interview with P. Chan, some parts:
http://ujszo.com/online/sport/2012/04/0 ... m-nizzaban

-" the spark, which makes you able to run a program and after the people say:
what a pity tha ;;-))) it's over. Maybe i have this advantage against them.. " :sh_ok:
Not only Plushy is a jumper, but Dai, and Yuzuru too... :sh_ok: :)-(: He's the real
artist...only he :ps_ih:
Just when I think that Chan can not leave me speechless - he surprise me :sh_ок: :kli_ny:
:ps_ih:Lala - thank you for this Chan's "pearls", scattered to us - "pigs" :)-(: :-)





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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby lovplush » 21 Apr 2012, 23:01

cekoni wrote:
lala630312 wrote:Interview with P. Chan, some parts:

http://ujszo.com/online/sport/2012/04/0 ... m-nizzaban

... - the spark, which makes you able to run a program and after the people has a sigh: what a pity that it's over. Maybe i have this advantage against them. :sh_ok: ...

... I try to create something wonderful on the ice, something that the judges can understand, feel and appreciate....

... I love enchant the audience and the judges....

... Well, they didn't like the result, but what can we do? They are French.

Just when I think that Chan can not leave me speechless - he surprise me :sh_ок: :kli_ny: :ps_ih:

Lala - thank you for this Chan's "pearls", scattered to us - "pigs" :)-(: :-)

Just when I thought he finally learns to be a bit modest and keep his mouth shut...... :ps_ih:

These words are the reason why Chan is a very good skater but will never be a great athlete. This attitude is what is called arragent no matter how nicely one smiles when saying that :plush34: He could not see his own weakness and never appreciate other skaters' merits. Of course as a Champion one needs to be confident but not ignorant.
Plushenko Chinese Fans Club: http://www.plushycnfanclub.org/

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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby whitebamboo » 22 Apr 2012, 19:57

Well, I'm going to prevent myself from talking about Chan in general, only that whenever I see this sort of thing, it always reminds me of how I really, really resent people actually calling Evgeni "arrogant" for all those nonsensical reasons they invent out of their own arrogance and then project onto him. :ps_ih:

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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby Вера » 23 Apr 2012, 14:53

Отличная работа о П. Чане. :co_ol:
Цитаты зарубежных поклонников фигурного катания о ПЧ.
Автор Ellin. Спасибо за ссылку Дарине! :plush39:
http://www.sports.ru/tribuna/blogs/fsle ... 19054.html
Патрик Чан – король транзишенсов и «GOE-чемпион»

Особенно мне эти понравились:

Чан – великий инноватор! Его инновации – падения! По 2 или 3 падения в каждой программе!!!)
Фигурист, который никогда не катается чисто, но всегда побеждает (даже тех конкурентов, которые откатались без помарок), никогда не станет чемпионом в моем сердце. И мне плевать, насколько глубокие у него ребра и насколько сложны его шаги
Он – не легенда ФК, но его оценки войдут в историю. Печально
Он не меняется в артистическом плане – год за годом у него одна и та же программа и хореография, хотя он утверждает, что пытается расти с художественной точки зрения. Не вижу доказательств).
Патрик Чан – самое печальное, что могло случиться в фигурном катании…
Я был там и могу сказать, что свист перекрывал крики «ура». Без сомнения, аудитория на 50 % состояла из японцев, но они обычно не выражают такие эмоции на публике. Так что свист мог исходить как от них, так и от множества других болельщиков, которые не согласились с таким странным разрывом в оценках произвольной программы между Такахаши и Чаном
Что касается интерпретации музыки Чаном – я могу воспринять это только как шутку
Ни разу никто не освистал Плющенко за его выступление. НИ РАЗУ. А ведь он катался десятилетиями. Не случилось этого и тогда, когда он выиграл ЧЕ в Шеффилде всего два месяца назад по той же самой системе судейства с теми же самыми… «хитросплетениями». Как вы думаете, почему? Впрочем, предположим, что эти «хитросплетения», как вы их называете, действительно существуют. Очевидно, публика не замечает их, иначе она бы не освистала Патрика «Переоцененного» Чана. Эти «хитросплетения», безусловно, не должны быть фактором, определяющим чемпиона. В противном случае Патрик «Переоцененный» Чан может просто кататься перед судьями в пустом стадионе, безо всяких ТВ-трансляций).
Чан – фаворит, и соревнования в этом сезоне были фарсом. Они хотят сделать Чана чемпионом мира в любом случае – с падениями, с ошибками… Это позор. ПОЗОР!)
ИСУ: ты можешь кататься не в музыку и все равно получить девятки за перфоманс, хореографию и интерпретацию только в том случае, если ты – Патрик Чан. Это называется «Оценка Патрика Чана» (Patrick Chan’s Score), также известная как PCS

Чан не выражает вообще ничего лицом и телом, он – хороший фигурист, но не артист. Я ничего не чувствую, когда он катается; что он ощущает, какие эмоции испытывает? Он НИКОГДА не показывает эмоций. Такахаши делится с нами энергией, Фернандес – весельем. У Чана есть только «скейтинг скиллз»… так что вы можете создать робота или компьютерную анимацию и получите «Чана» (без падений). Одни «скейтинг скиллз» и транзишенсы – это еще не фигурное катание

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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby Вера » 25 Apr 2012, 06:01

Nat7 ,эта ссылка уже стоит выше :mi_ga_et:
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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby Kudryavka » 25 Apr 2012, 12:20

Japan Skating Federation announced today that Yuzuru Hanyu moved to Brian Orser. The reason for changing the coach is he wants to challenge abroad and improve more. He will train in both Sendai city and Toronto, for the time being.

http://www.jiji.com/jc/c?g=spo&k=2012042500765 Hmm. I can't imagine Hanyu + Orser :plush38:
He didn't compete for three years, but as soon as I saw him, I knew that there was a true Olympic Champion on the ice. - Takahiko Kozuka, Rostelecom Cup 2009

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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby clairdelalune » 25 Apr 2012, 13:12

Kudryavka wrote:Japan Skating Federation announced today that Yuzuru Hanyu moved to Brian Orser. The reason for changing the coach is he wants to challenge abroad and improve more. He will train in both Sendai city and Toronto, for the time being.

http://www.jiji.com/jc/c?g=spo&k=2012042500765 Hmm. I can't imagine Hanyu + Orser :plush38:

Oh, no!!!! Look what happened to Fernandez! :plush44: Hanyu is Japan's main hope for Sochi, but to sent him to Orser? Who knows, maybe it will be a successful partnership. :du_ma_et:
What about Javi? :ne_vi_del:
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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby Kudryavka » 25 Apr 2012, 14:55

As far as I know Javi moved to Orser because he wanted to be paid more attention from coach. So now Javi has some options: 1) "Live and let live" :-| 2) Be friend with Hanyu 3) Fight with Hanyu over Orser (Like Yags/Plush) 4) Split again :du_ma_et:
He didn't compete for three years, but as soon as I saw him, I knew that there was a true Olympic Champion on the ice. - Takahiko Kozuka, Rostelecom Cup 2009
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