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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby Ирина » 13 Sep 2009, 22:25

Яна о Жене после 3 минуты.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbKR0zB2 ... annel_page
..."Российский фигурист Евгений Плющенко добился уникального достижения. Он выступил на четвертых Олимпийских играх - и выиграл четвертую медаль,став двукратным олимпийским чемпионом! "...
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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby Ирина » 14 Sep 2009, 23:25

Мишин А.Н о Жене Плющенко в "Неделе спорта" на телеканале "Спорт", 14.09.09 :-):

http://files.mail.ru/W47BPE 121.7 МБ
..."Российский фигурист Евгений Плющенко добился уникального достижения. Он выступил на четвертых Олимпийских играх - и выиграл четвертую медаль,став двукратным олимпийским чемпионом! "...
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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby dimi » 15 Sep 2009, 00:06

Papa Mishin!!! :plush31:
what does he say? :plush39:
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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby cekoni » 15 Sep 2009, 08:13

Ирина wrote:Мишин А.Н о Жене Плющенко в "Неделе спорта" на телеканале "Спорт", 14.09.09 :-):

http://files.mail.ru/W47BPE 121.7 МБ

Thanks Irina! :plush45: :plush40:

.... translation... :son-ce:

Mishin about Zhenya Plushenko in "Sports Week" on channel TV "Sport" - 14.09.2009.

(from 1:57")
- Guberniev: Do you agree with me, that marriage of Plushenko and Rudkovskaya was the sporting event?
- Mishin: If you think so, I agree with you.

- G: Can Yana to help you, to be Evgeni win another Olympic gold medal?
- M: I think, she can, she knows how to wins. There are two types of wife - those that interfere in the work of coaches and disturb him ... and those who help him - I think taht Yana will be my good assistant in our path to victory.

- G: But they have had failures, negative experiences in life, I am talking about their previous marriages?
- M: I would now speak about the bad things, I wish them all luck. All three now need is focus to the future, where the first stage is the Olympics in Vancouver.

- G: Why is Evgeni so "long returns"? To be returned before, given the very weak competition in the men's figure skating last years, he would have had a few big wins?
- M: Immediately after Olympics 2006 raised the issue, but to win gold at the Olympics is very difficult, and it is a very big burden. All this years, Evgeni itself asking this question: come back or not? This year I was asked to train Lambiel ... or last year, during the European Championships in Helsinki, I approached the president of the French skating federation and told me that they are looking for Joubert's trainer, who has experience of winning at the Olympics ... I told him, I know how to win at the Olympics, but I know and Zhenya Plushenko, therefore, not more about the subject.
And how is solves the problem of return? Are solved so that - if a man feels that he still has the strength to fight, then he returns. But it is very rare.

- G: Many also wonder, why is him this necessary? Just married a rich and beautiful woman ... could deal with anything, making money... which does not in the skating competitions ...
- M: You know, outstanding people - make outstanding decisions - and this is in fully extent relations to Zhenya Plushenko!

- G: How would you rate its current form? They say that in one half-closed competition for a few days ago, he skate well?
- M: For the moment, he pretty good skate. About which I have feared? I feared above all, that Zhenya forgotten what it is competition, because it is not competed for almost 4 years, and may have forgotten what a fight ... but he is not forgotten.

- G: And how would you rate his skating in Novogorsk?
- M: You know, when we started the preparation, a few months ago, we decided to try get back him to the level of what he had before. I can tell you, that his spins is better than 2006 .... he have better intensifying to the fight ... has serious artistic outlook on life...

- G: Influence of Rudkovskaya?
- M: I would rather say, that they are 3 years of his life, in which everything went. And all this, incontinently broke out from him, while he skate .... and this is God's gift. You know, while skating, he is fighting for every viewer ... he just grabs the attention of every spectator.

- G: And the judges he can also grab it?
- M: You know, on the ice has people, which he not needed, people who are against him indifferently ...

- G: There are people who doubt about the possibility, that he can win ...
- M: You know, its still very far away and difficult road ahead of us, to the Olympics should get .... to win all these tournaments. So, I ask all media to not raise so much noise and applaud prematurely. It is important, that Evgeni in combat mood and ready for all the effort. Only more to help us God, and serve happiness ....

- G: This is not the first difficult period in Evgeni's life?
- M: This is a fourth difficult period in his life ... First, when he arrived in St. Petersburg, and lived, I can say in desperate conditions, in miserable joint communal apartment. Suffice it to say, that the woman in the neighborhood led the men in her apartment .. There is hunger, there is poverty ... I helped him, as much as I could, but I would not speak about it.
The second period, when he started winning, and when they reached the first money ... He gave all the money to his family, helped to the younger skaters. He was taught, how to cope with the burden of fame and money, had to prematurely ripen. He was always very devoted to family, and thus should be. I gives recognition to his parents, for all their trouble - a separate life, poverty ... Tatyana and Vladimir, his parents were not only done much for Zhenya, but and for the Russian skating in general, and for me, as his coach.... (known story - how Zhenya's mother wanted to return him home in Volgograd, and how he turn away her from it....)
The third a difficult period is when he was left alone, without Yagudin .... when Vaytehovskaya wrote: "Lonely King".

- G: You think, lonely in your group?
- M: No, in the world. Her sentence: "lonely king", well reflect a problem in which he was: to maintain the desire to fight, and there is nobody with whom he can to compete .... It is also difficult.
And now the fourth period: when the whole world against you! How will it all end - I do not know, I hope only to be ended successfully.

- G: You know better than us, but it seems that is the currently vacant position of the King ... If will the "old" king back for his crown, or will it be someone "new"?
- M: You know, when you have a known opponents, you know with which weapons will shoot you - it is much easier. And now you do not know, who will shoot you .... it is very dangerous.

- G: It is interesting that many skaters often change coaches. You are together for 15 years ... how did it happen?
- M: Coach is obliged to have one quality, that always works on the progress of his students. One, when Zhenya was little, I broke his finger on the hand. Instead of training, he went to play football with his friends .... and I will not hide to say - that it would punish him, I broke him finger. :sh_ок: I think, his mother was never criticized me for that, as was the severity at this moment, helped him that he might win, to properly understand the coach - athlete relationship.
But, If I was always been such to him, our association would be long time ago finished, because athletes grow and progress, and to him should be completely different act ...

- G: And how is yours relationship later continued?
- M. I am reply you with this ... sometimes, I went with him and advised him how to buy an apartment, which car ... Today, he advises me, which car to buy. I recently bought a car, which he was recommended.... So, you should listen to athletes, not only because he grew up, but because it has become wiser... And he has now become an accomplice in our the creative union, which makes a minimum: athlete, coach and choreographer. Zhenya is now fully equal with us, on this issue. So, you should listen athlete, his knowledge, his vision.... and it is very important, as the first thing. And second, the coach should not envy to athletes ... At one point, athletes started to earn more money than the coach - should not envy him. You helped him, and everything is fine, should be to remind... Most problems in relation to the coach - athlete, comes because of finances. Coach there should be very decent in that relations ... and all my students can confirm that: and Yagudin, Urmanov and Plushenko know, that I worked with them cleanly ....

- G: So, you are were confident in yourself?
- M: Of course, I am! That relationship would not last long, that I was not convinced. Fake relationship, jealousy, not good. So, the man should participate in it with full heart.

- G: What you are facing now with Zhenya's - preparations in Novogorsk, then the following tests, competitions... etc?
- M: Now, following routine preparation ... you know, it's as if painter create a picture, he knows what works - a move brush here, another strokes brush there ... It is a great and hard work. Because we want to Zhenya do something good, we work together - coaches, choreographers, costume designers, musicians ... Edvin Marton is there... David Avdysh, the famous choreographer, with whom I and Zhenya work of years ... We should put all elements properly. If each element are not in right place, our "Gioconda" not look well.

- G: I want you to yours the Vancouver's "Mona Lisa" make a lot of smiles, and bring you and Evgeni victory ... Professor Mishin know, how difficult it is.


Thanks Irina's for help in translation :ki_ss:
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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby Ирина » 15 Sep 2009, 10:09

cekoni wrote: (please, help me with 3 words, which I did not understand - they are underlined :mi_ga_et: )


cekoni wrote: M: You know, nezyauradni (??? :ne_vi_del: - 05:11") people - make nezyaurodne decisions - and this is fully extent to Zhenya Plushenko!

Чтоб было более понятней,приведу высказывания с одного форума на тему незаурядной личности :mi_ga_et:

незаурядный,в русском языке означает: не такой как все,выделяющийся среди других людей

Незаурядная личность-сильная личность, а сильные люди ставят большие цели и добиваются их.

Быть незаурядным - значит быть самим собой, а не таким каким хочет видеть эту личность общество

Цвет волос, прическа и пр., к понятию незаурядная личность не имеют никакого отношения!
Личность, это то, что внутри.
Талант, способности, обаяние, темперамент.
Умение необычно мыслить, убеждать, создавать что-то новое

Чтобы быть незаурядным необходим ум, фантазия, отсутствие штампов и стереотипов в образе мышления, широкий круг интересов, общительность... и еще много-много всего.

стремящийся быть первым во всём.

cekoni wrote: Coach there should be very careful ( ??? - 14:55")

тренер должен быть" очень порядочным в этом отношении".

Думаю, :plush38: не только не завидовать заработку своего воспитанника,но и не требовать от спортсмена слишком большого процента в денежном выражении от его гонораров.... :-)

cekoni wrote:- G: So, you are were confident in yourself? (? ... or maybe: you are were confident in them?")

Губерниев спрашивает Мишина:"А в себе Вы уверенны?" :hi_hi_hi: (имеет наверно ввиду,что, не будете ли Вы просить слишком много в деньгах и не завидовать Женьке :-) )

Между тренером и спортсменами высоких достижений,как говорит АНМ,существуют финансовые отношения.
Т.есть спортсмен,даже после ухода из спорта продолжает выплачивать какой-то процент от своих гонораров от шоу (и наверно не только :du_ma_et: )Я так понимаю,что между его спортсменами (Женей,Ягудиным,Урманов) не были заключены официальные договоры по выплатам тренеру,всё строится на доверии. И в этом отношении он подчёркивает,что все его выдающиеся ученики, "чистоплотны"(c) ,т.е. регулярно и честно ::yaz-yk: выплачивают своему тренеру % от гонораров.Интересно только как долго? :du_ma_et: Урманов с Ягудиным наверно уже расплатились :hi_hi_hi:
Я читала,что Ягудин до сих пор выплачивает % от дохода Тарасовой Т.А.
..."Российский фигурист Евгений Плющенко добился уникального достижения. Он выступил на четвертых Олимпийских играх - и выиграл четвертую медаль,став двукратным олимпийским чемпионом! "...
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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby cekoni » 15 Sep 2009, 11:01

Spasibo Irina :plush40: - you made a great efforts to help me! :plush39:

Ирина wrote:Чтоб было более понятней,приведу высказывания с одного форума на тему незаурядной личности :mi_ga_et:

незаурядный,в русском языке означает: не такой как все,выделяющийся среди других людей

Незаурядная личность-сильная личность, а сильные люди ставят большие цели и добиваются их.

Быть незаурядным - значит быть самим собой, а не таким каким хочет видеть эту личность общество

:kli_ny: .... I chose the meaning: "outstanding" :hi_hi_hi:

Ирина wrote:тренер должен быть" очень порядочным в этом оношении".

Думаю, :plush38: не только не завидовать заработку своего воспитанника,но и не требовать от спортсмена слишком большого процента в денежном выражении от его гонораров.... :-)

cekoni wrote:- G: So, you are were confident in yourself? (? ... or maybe: you are were confident in them?")

Губерниев спрашивает Мишина:"А в себе Вы уверенны?" :hi_hi_hi: (имеет наверно виду,что. не будете ли ВЫ просить слишком много в деньгах и не завидовать Женьке :-) )

Oh, Mishin is a very clever "capitalist" :sh_ok: - does not surprise me then, that he agrees so well with Yana ;;-)))
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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby Ирина » 15 Sep 2009, 12:30

ещё сюда загрузила интервью с Мишиным :mi_ga_et:

http://rutube.ru/tracks/2372563.html?v= ... 65fafa0e61
..."Российский фигурист Евгений Плющенко добился уникального достижения. Он выступил на четвертых Олимпийских играх - и выиграл четвертую медаль,став двукратным олимпийским чемпионом! "...
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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby Ирина » 15 Sep 2009, 16:32

Интервью Татьяны Анатьльевны Тарасовой на радио Свободы :


о Жене -40.45

цитирую Т.А Тарасову: :-): :plush39:

......." Я могу радоваться,кого-то любить. Я ,например,люблю Жубера,
но Я БУДУ ПРЫГАТЬ ДО САМОГО ПОТОЛКА :ya_hoo_oo: :plush40: :plush39: ,КОГДА ПОБЕДИТ ПЛЮЩЕНКО! plush48
Потому что я в состоянии оценить его вклад в мировое дело...Я в состоянии оценить то,что он вышел :plush41: после четырёх лет.Я в состоянии оценить,что мой коллега тренер его подготовил!
Я в состоянии это оценить! :plush46: ...."
..."Российский фигурист Евгений Плющенко добился уникального достижения. Он выступил на четвертых Олимпийских играх - и выиграл четвертую медаль,став двукратным олимпийским чемпионом! "...
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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby Вера » 15 Sep 2009, 21:49

Ирина, классная подпись! :plush45:
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Re: Женя и его окружение || Zhenya and his environment

Postby cekoni » 16 Sep 2009, 01:09

Ирина wrote:Интервью Татьяны Анатьльевны Тарасовой на радио Свободы :
о Жене -40.45

цитирую Т.А Тарасову: :-): :plush39:

......." Я могу радоваться,кого-то любить. Я ,например,люблю Жубера,
но Я БУДУ ПРЫГАТЬ ДО САМОГО ПОТОЛКА :ya_hoo_oo: :plush40: :plush39: ,КОГДА ПОБЕДИТ ПЛЮЩЕНКО! plush48 ...."

Interviews Tatiana Tarasova on radio "Svoboda":

(about Zhenya - 40:45" :mi_ga_et: )
- listen whole interview: http://www.svobodanews.ru/audio/program/99890.html
- download whole interview: http://realaudio.rferl.org/RU/2009/09/1 ... rogram.mp3
- download only part about Zhenya: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zjm2lrnzui2 :plush28:

Tarasova quote :plush32: .....

"... I can rejoice, someone to love. For example, I love Joubert, but I'll jump to the ceiling, when Plushenko wins! Because I am in a position to evaluate his contribution for world's thing ... I am able to assess the he's back after four years. I am in a position to assess, that my colleague-coach his prepared! I am in a position this assess! ...."


I adore Tarasova - she has such a "colorful" statement about Zhenya! :plush31: :plush40:

What a coincidence :hi_hi_hi: ... I am encountered on the intenet her interview (I think of a few months ago :du_ma_et:), from the TV show "School of bad words" (roughly translated :mi_ga_et:) ... I cut the part when she talks about Plushy. :plush45:

Tarasova interview - about Plushy (Skola zlosloviya - NTV 2009).avi:

... quote....

"I love any talent, and I am able, even yet, to admire someone else's...
And I saw him close many times... I was sitting at the rim of rink, enjoyed in it, because I got there... in its charm.
I saw how he grew up, how he would add, how he learned to take away the public... how he learned first, and then began to feel.... You see, I saw all that, so, I'm in a position to evaluate.
I understand, that he would go again, it is very difficult, it is so hard... and if he will that, I'm just ready to stand on my knees... because he need to lose weight, because he should totally turn his own life upside down... present, on the other, strict... I do not know, how it will turn out...
- Usually do not go back.... (comment of host)
Yes, usually do not go back... but if he return, I'm ready on my knees pray for him! :plush47:
... Because someone, should do it!..."


P.S. Many thank Irina for help :plush39:
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