Golden Skate Awards 2012 - Turin, Italy 20.10.2012

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Re: Golden Skate Awards 2012 - Turin, Italy 20.10.2012

Postby simona » 22 Oct 2012, 01:30


I saw Yana and Evgeni right before they moved to the bus she
looks fantastic. Shining and sparkling He seemed truly happy!


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Re: Golden Skate Awards 2012 - Turin, Italy 20.10.2012

Postby lovplush » 22 Oct 2012, 02:03

lala630312 wrote:Girls! I have seen Plushy's Swan many times, and I love it!! :son-ce: But I don't understand, why they didn't use COP expert, when they choreographed the program? :plush38: I know they improved this thing, but more needs to be dealt with it. Zhenya can collect many points easy way!!!! I'm not an expert, I had this thought, when i watched the Skate America. What do you think?

Plushy said in interview that he will respect the rule so I guess he will continue polishing his program. However I doubt the end result will be very COP friendly as other top skaters. If we look at results from JO, he has level 4 steps, the spins (he got 2,3,4 levels for 3 spin sets) still can be improved. His weakness on PCS is TR and CH which I believe he is working on it. And if he skated clean, there are also room for improvement on PE and IN.

If you are referring to the jumping layout, I actually gave it some thinking. The popular points grabbing programs normally has a jumping layout of 3-5 by putting one or two sets of spins and one set of steps in the first half of the program, which is physically demanding for the jumps putting at the second half of the program. Sure Plushy can add some more transitions (choreographed dancing movements) in for the current program, but it will never be a 3-5 type program. Moreover, from music arrange point of view, it is not so easy to make it very COP friendly:

1. It is not possible to put the either steps in the first half of the program because they suit the music which are on the second half;
2. To front load spins also might influence the jumps so it is also not very likely since if the plan is 2 quads and 2 3A;

But Plushy is working on it for sure!!! The music has already changed from the initial version (also the version used on JO) by shorten the first part and extended the third part. Which means the jumping layout would change from 6-2 to 5-3. Of course 4-4 would be wonderful but it will depend on how Plushy's body can take. If you compare the JO and KOI version, you could also find changes in the choreography. I have not compared this version with the KOI version yet, but the potential is there :-)
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Re: Golden Skate Awards 2012 - Turin, Italy 20.10.2012

Postby lovplush » 22 Oct 2012, 02:05

And thanks for all the wonderful photos and videos. Cannot wait to watch the "Swan" live :-) It is just so classic plush48
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Re: Golden Skate Awards 2012 - Turin, Italy 20.10.2012

Postby Дарина » 22 Oct 2012, 02:47

cekoni wrote:Sara's "report" from twitter
отчёт Сары, перевод

Всем доброе утро! Простите, вчера я очень устала, и батарея на моём телефоне умерла.
"Шторм" был замечательным, полным энергии. Тройной тулуп, двойной аксель, и я думаю, был ещё третий прыжок, но камера заслонила мне вид в тот момент ([*]он сделал два тройных тулупа и тройной аксель). Удивительная скорость на дорожке шагов, неистовая!
По поводу «Лебедя». Конечно же, как всегда, он не разочаровал меня. Смотреть вживую эту программу – за это можно умереть. Что еще я могу сказать? WOW! :)
Он следовал техническим компонентам программы, как на соревнованиях, как он привык .Он, в конце концов, выполнил все прыжки и, если это возможно, его тройной аксель выше и сильнее, чем раньше. Надо полагать, мир кажется прекрасным со звезд! ;) Надо расспросить его, каково это – жить на небе! ;)
Кстати, здесь буквально каждый человек болеет за Евгения Плющенко. Я хотела бы, чтобы каждый настоящий поклонник во всем мире имел возможность приехать однажды сюда, в Турин, в Палавелу, потому что никто здесь не забыл, кто на самом деле является настоящим королем в королевстве фигурного катания. Турин для нас – волшебный край.
Что еще? Я видела Яну и Евгения прямо перед тем, как они пошли в автобус, и она выглядит фантастически. Сияющая и блестящая. Он, казалось, по-настоящему счастлив!
Повезло людям, которые собираются на Юбилейное шоу. Яна подтвердила мои мысли: большое и удивительное шоу! И они увидят много Жени!
Кстати, возвращаясь к Плющенко. Он творил свою обычную магию, и он смешной и очень добрый к людям. Определить его словами - это невозможно.
М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."

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Re: Golden Skate Awards 2012 - Turin, Italy 20.10.2012

Postby dustman » 22 Oct 2012, 07:08

21/10/2012 - INTERVISTA ... agina.html

Plushenko: “Vinco a Sochi e poi vengo a vivere in Italia”

Lo zar del ghiaccio rivela la sua fede juventina: “A gennaio, nascerà il mio secondo figlio. Si chiamerà Alex, come il mio amico Del Piero”.

Evgeni Plushenko è uno zar atipico. Spesso si dice che i russi siano un popolo freddo, lui invece è capace di scaldare le platee d’Europa quando infila i suoi pattini. E il suo cuore, a sua volta, si infiamma quando parla del Bel Paese. Plushenko ha già deciso che l’Olimpiade di Sochi 2014, sarà la sua ultima gara, poi si dedicherà soltanto agli show e si trasferirà in quella che è diventata la sua seconda casa: l’Italia. Ha già scelto anche in che città, a Padova, in cui ha in mente di mettere su un progetto che potrebbe aiutare a crescere tutto il movimento nazionale, sfruttando la sua sconfinata esperienza sul ghiaccio. D’altronde, lui del nostro paese sa già tutto ed è un grande appassionato di calcio, da cui nasce la sua amicizia con Del Piero. Il sovrano del ghiaccio ha già deciso di regalare un tributo al suo campione preferito nel pallone: suo figlio si chiamerà proprio come l’ex numero dieci bianconero.

Evgeni, sabato si è esibito a Torino, una città che non può non rievocare l’oro vinto nel 2006 oltre ai numerosi galà a cui a partecipato sul ghiaccio del Palavela. Si sente un po’ «coccolato» dal capoluogo piemontese?
«Non solo Torino, ormai l’Italia è come una seconda casa per me. Mi sento a mio agio, mi piace la gente, il cibo: insomma, tutta l’atmosfera che si respira nel vostro paese. Il mio piano per il futuro è di trasferirmi in Italia, per cui questa settimana sarò a Padova per vedere qualche appartamento. Laggiù c’è bel un palazzetto del ghiaccio, ho già parlato con il proprietario e mi piacerebbe trasferirmi lì».

Una mossa che avverrà prima o dopo l’Olimpiade di Sochi?
«Dopo Sochi. L’Olimpiade in Russia, davanti al mio pubblico, sarà l’ultima competizione della mia vita come amatore. Penso che sia giunta l’ora di dire basta, dopo quattro Olimpiadi».

Com’è riuscito a rimanere a così alto livello per tutto questo tempo?
«Ho sempre dato il mio meglio perché adoro gareggiare. Mi piace la sfida e sento una grande differenza rispetto ai galà. Con questo non voglio dire che non mi piacciano anche gli show, ma non c’è abbastanza adrenalina per me. L’atmosfera è diversa e io mi sento un animale da gara».

Quando ha deciso che avrebbe continuato sino a Sochi 2014? Forse l’argento di Vancouver le ha dato una spinta a riprovarci per l’ultima volta?
«Esatto, ho deciso subito dopo Vancouver, anche perché credo sia giusto che chiuda la mia carriera in Russia. Significa tutto per me: è da lì che sono partito ed è lì che disputerò l’ultima gara».

Cosa è cambiato nel pattinaggio di figura da quando si è affacciato sul panorama internazionale e cosa pensa di dover fare per vincere ancora anche tra due anni ai Giochi?
«Il pattinaggio è cambiato moltissimo. Ora si dà molta importanza alle transizioni, ai volteggi e ovviamente ai salti. Mi piace come si è trasformato il nostro sport. Quello di cui avrò bisogno è di pattinare pulito e di fare quello che so fare. Sarei felice anche solo di salire sul podio: avere una medaglia al collo a Sochi sarebbe già come una vittoria».

In questa stagione si è rivolto anche un coreografo italiano per il programma corto. Ci anticipa qualcosa del suo piano da qui alla prossima Olimpiade?
«Quest’anno ho lavorato con Pasquale Camerlengo per il programma corto e con il giapponese Kenji Miyamoto per il libero. Senza abbandonare i miei coreografi di fiducia, David Avdish e Sergei Petukhov, con cui alla fine ho deciso di rispolverare il vecchio programma. Il corto sarà sulle note di “Storm” di Yanni come l’anno scorso, perché era un buon programma e l’ho pattinato solo due volte ai Campionati Nazionali e agli Europei, dunque, perché cambiare? Così terremo segreto il nuovo programma per la stagione di olimpica. (Sorride)».

Lei è un ambasciatore dell’edizione olimpica in Russia. Riuscirà a non farsi distrarre?
«Penserò prima di tutto al mio di lavoro e mi concentrerò sulla mia gara. Poi, se avrò tempo, sicuramente andrò a vedere l’hockey e tutto il resto».

Ha detto di essere appassionato anche di altri sport ed ha avuto occasione di incontrare i giocatori della Juventus, ricevendo in dono la maglia bianconera da Alessandro Del Piero. Che cosa ne pensa della sua scelta di andare in Australia?
«Adoro il calcio italiano e ovviamente la Juventus è la mia squadra preferita. Sono ancora in contatto con Ale però, per quanto mi riguarda, avrebbe dovuto rimanere a Torino perché ormai è diventato una leggenda di questa squadra. Forse anche la Juventus avrebbe dovuto dargli la possibilità di giocare ancora per due anni. Ora invece è in Australia e so che la sua squadra finalmente ha vinto. È un fuoriclasse, è intelligente, simpatico, in una mossa è ancora capace di servire l’assist vincente o fare un gol. Con queste caratteristiche farebbe ancora molto comodo alla Juve».

Che cosa ne pensa, invece, di Carolina Kostner? E cosa le consiglierebbe di fare dopo tutte le polemiche che l’hanno tormentata nell’estate per la positività del suo fidanzato, Alex Schwazer?
«Carolina è una grandissima pattinatrice, una principessa sul ghiaccio. Penso che dovrebbe continuare a pattinare almeno fino a Sochi e magari anche dopo. Ha dei movimenti del corpo stupendi, fa bellissimi salti ed interpreta il pattinaggio in maniera sublime. Per quanto riguarda il resto, è un loro problema e non voglio intromettermi troppo».

Ha già deciso che cosa farà dopo Sochi?
«Abbiamo già organizzato un grandissimo tour, costituito da almeno un centinaio di galà: in Russia, poi in Europa, Giappone e Cina. Dopodiché, mi piacerebbe rimanere in questo mondo e certamente allenare nel pattinaggio. Come dicevo prima, è per questo che vorrei trasferirmi in Italia e portare con me un po’ di studenti russi. Sono completamente aperto alla possibilità di aiutare il pattinaggio italiano a crescere. Con me verranno anche alcuni allenatori e coreografi ed abbiamo già parlato con gli allenatori italiani per cercare di insegnare il pattinaggio ai ragazzini».

Cosa fa, invece, nei brevi momenti in cui si allontana dal ghiaccio?
«Al momento, sono focalizzato soprattutto sul mio lavoro. Però, da due anni ho cominciato a giocare a golf, e pian piano sto migliorando. Dopo Sochi, mi piacerebbe essere seguito da un allenatore ed imparare a giocare ancora meglio. Poi gioco a calcio, a tennis, vado in moto, mi piacciono le macchine. Mi piace anche rilassarmi e stare in famiglia, con mia moglie e mio figlio».

Sarà anche lui un piccolo re sul ghiaccio?
«Vedremo. In realtà, ora la novità è che mia moglie aspetta un altro figlio. Nascerà a gennaio e sarà anche lui un maschietto. Si chiamerà Alex, o come dite voi Alessandro. Mi piacerebbe fargli fare calcio, soprattutto se vivremo in Italia. In alternativa, hockey su ghiaccio».

I'm waiting for a translation :plush47:

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Re: Golden Skate Awards 2012 - Turin, Italy 20.10.2012

Postby dustman » 22 Oct 2012, 07:09

one more pic
#plushenko #goldenskateawards #2012 #torino #palavela #memorable #moments #20 #ottobre #instacold #love

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Re: Golden Skate Awards 2012 - Turin, Italy 20.10.2012

Postby Ирина » 22 Oct 2012, 10:36

Таня wrote:
Дарина wrote:
Таня wrote: Вроде никаких заявлений не было о смене программы. Или были, а я не знаю?

Заявлений со стороны Евгения не было, только упоминание в этой статье:
Я сначала подумала, что он катал "Шторм" на "KOI" в Карелии только потому, что ему нужно было делать номер с Мартоном. А теперь мне тоже кажется, что они возьмут старую КП. Тем более если Женя не поедет на ЧМ, сезон будет короткий, можно было бы оставить прошлогоднюю прогу :du_ma_et: .

lala630312 wrote:I don't know..I don't know... :plush44: Maybe...

Перед началом сезона я так и думала, что короткую оставят на этот сезон, а произволку поменяют и будут обкатывать к ОИ. Так и перед Турином было, правда тогда обстоятельства другие были, но все-таки....А то слишком много сил надо на это надо, :sh_ок: а он чай не мальчик уже,(некоторые "мальчики", вон, по 2 сезона катают и не парятся) беречься :k_i_n_g: надо.

Вот и я в Кондопоге подумала :plush38: ,что скорее всего решили оставить КП старую на этот сезон.Нет времени уже шлифовать новую,с новой ПП бы разобраться...
..."Российский фигурист Евгений Плющенко добился уникального достижения. Он выступил на четвертых Олимпийских играх - и выиграл четвертую медаль,став двукратным олимпийским чемпионом! "...
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Re: Golden Skate Awards 2012 - Turin, Italy 20.10.2012

Postby clairdelalune » 22 Oct 2012, 11:20

lovplush wrote:
lala630312 wrote:Girls! I have seen Plushy's Swan many times, and I love it!! :son-ce: But I don't understand, why they didn't use COP expert, when they choreographed the program? :plush38: I know they improved this thing, but more needs to be dealt with it. Zhenya can collect many points easy way!!!! I'm not an expert, I had this thought, when i watched the Skate America. What do you think?

Plushy said in interview that he will respect the rule so I guess he will continue polishing his program. However I doubt the end result will be very COP friendly as other top skaters. If we look at results from JO, he has level 4 steps, the spins (he got 2,3,4 levels for 3 spin sets) still can be improved. His weakness on PCS is TR and CH which I believe he is working on it. And if he skated clean, there are also room for improvement on PE and IN.

If you are referring to the jumping layout, I actually gave it some thinking. The popular points grabbing programs normally has a jumping layout of 3-5 by putting one or two sets of spins and one set of steps in the first half of the program, which is physically demanding for the jumps putting at the second half of the program. Sure Plushy can add some more transitions (choreographed dancing movements) in for the current program, but it will never be a 3-5 type program. Moreover, from music arrange point of view, it is not so easy to make it very COP friendly:

1. It is not possible to put the either steps in the first half of the program because they suit the music which are on the second half;
2. To front load spins also might influence the jumps so it is also not very likely since if the plan is 2 quads and 2 3A;

But Plushy is working on it for sure!!! The music has already changed from the initial version (also the version used on JO) by shorten the first part and extended the third part. Which means the jumping layout would change from 6-2 to 5-3. Of course 4-4 would be wonderful but it will depend on how Plushy's body can take. If you compare the JO and KOI version, you could also find changes in the choreography. I have not compared this version with the KOI version yet, but the potential is there :-)

IMO Evgeni should work on: SS, CH, TR. With two quads and improved SS and TR, the judges will forget his program is not so COP friendly as other programs. :co_ol: :a_g_a:

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Re: Golden Skate Awards 2012 - Turin, Italy 20.10.2012

Postby simona » 22 Oct 2012, 11:57

dustman wrote:PATTINAGGIO 21/10/2012 - INTERVISTA.. ... agina.html

I'm waiting for a translation :plush47:

Image My personal translation with some Google help..


Plushenko: "I'm gonna win in Sochi and then I'll come to live in Italy"


The king of ice reveals his faith for Juventus: "In January, my second son will be born. He will be called
Alex,as my friend Del Piero. "


Evgeni Plushenko is an unusual Tzar. It is often said that the Russians are cold people, he instead is able to lighten up audiences in Europe when puts on his skating boots . And his heart, in return, lightens up when he speaks of the "Bel Paese"/"Beautiful Country." Plushenko has already decided that the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014 will be his last competition, then he will do only shows and will move in what has become his second home: Italy. Has already chosen in that city, in Padova, where he plans to put on a project that could help grow the entire national movement, using his boundless experience on the ice. Besides, he already knows everything about Italy and he is a huge football fan, from which his friendship with Del Piero. The ruler of the ice has already decided to give a tribute to his favorite champion in football: his son will be called just like the former Juventus number ten.

Evgeni Saturday, he performed in Turin, a city that can not fail to recall the gold won in 2006 as well as numerous galas that participated on the Palavela ice. Do you feel a bit '"pampered" by Turin?
"Not only by Turin, whole Italy is now like a second home for me. I'm comfortable, I love the people, the food: in short, the whole atmosphere in your country. My plan for the future is to move to Italy, so this week I'll be in Padova to see some apartments. There is a beautiful ice rink, I have already spoken with the owner and I'd like to move there. "

A move that will take place before or after the Olympic Games in Sochi?
"After Sochi. The Olympics Games in Russia, in front of my home crowd, will be the last competition of my life as an amateur. I think that the time has come to say "that's enough, after four Olympic Games. "

How sid you manage to remain at such a high level for so long?
"I always gave my best because I love to compete. I like the challenge and I feel a big difference compared to galas. I don't wanna say that I don't like the shows too, but there is not enough adrenaline for me. The atmosphere is different and I feel like a "competition animal"

When did you decide that you would continue until Sochi 2014? Perhaps the silver in Vancouver has given you a boost to try again for the last time?
"That's right, I decided immediately after Vancouver, also because I believe it is right to close my career in Russia. It means everything to me, that's where I started and that's where I will finish my last competition. "

What has changed in figure skating since you're facing the international scene and what did you have to do to win again even in only two years time before the Games?
"Skating has changed tremendously. Now we attach great importance to transitions, the vaulting and of course jumps. I love how it has transformed our sport. What you'll need is to skate clean and do what I do. In Sochi I'd be happy just to get on the podium to have a medal around my neck would already be a victory. "

This season you turned to an Italian choreographer for the short program. Can you give us ab anticipation of your plans from here to the next Olympics?
"This year I worked with Pasquale Camerlengo for the short program and the Japanese Kenji Miyamoto for the free. Without abandoning my choreographers of trust, David Avdish and Sergei Petukhov, which in the end I decided to re skate last years SP. The short will be on "Storm" by Yanni like last year, it was a good program and I skated it only twice at the National Championships and the European Championships, so why change? So I'll keep secret the new program for the Olympic season. (Laughs). "

You are an ambassador Olympic edition in Russia. You won't be distracted?
"I will think first of all about my work and I will focus on the competition. Then, if I have time, I'm definitely going to see hockey and everything else. "

You are also fond of other sports and had the opportunity to meet the players of Juventus, receiving a gift of the black and white jersey from Alessandro Del Piero. What do you think of his decision to go to Australia?
"I love Italian soccer and of course Juventus is my favorite team. I'm still in contact with Ale though, for me, he should have stayed in Turin because now he has become a legend for this team. Possibly also Juventus should have given him the chance to play for another two years. Now it's in Australia and I know that his team finally won. He's is a champion, he's smart, funny, an within one movement he is still able to serve the winning assist or to score a goal. With these features he would still be very convenient to Juve. "

What do you think, instead, of Carolina Kostner? And what would you recommend her to do after all the controversies that have plagued the summer for the positivity of her boyfriend, Alex Schwarzer?
"Caroline is a great skater, a princess on ice. I think she should continue to skate at least until Sochi and perhaps until even later. She has beautiful body movements, she does great jumps and "acts" skating in a sublime way. As for the rest, that's their problem and I do not want to intrude too much. "

Have you already decided what to do after Sochi?
"We've organized a great tour, consisting of at least a hundred Galas: in Russia, then in Europe, Japan and China. After that, I'd stay in this skatingworld and for sure becoming a skating coach. As I said before, that's why I want to move to Italy and bring with me a small amount 'Russian students. I am completely open to the possibility of helping the Italian skating to grow. With me are even some coaches and choreographers and we have already talked to the Italian coaches trying to teach skating to the kids. "

What are your hobbies, however, during the brief moments when you're off the ice?
"At the moment, I'm mainly focused on my work. However, two years ago I started to play golf, and little by little I'm getting better. After Sochi, I'd like to engage b a coach and learn to play better. I also play football, tennis, go running, I like cars.. I also like to relax and be with my family, my wife and my son. "

Is he already "little king" on the ice?
"We'll see. Actually, now my wife is expecting another child. It will be born in January and it will be a boy. He will be called Alex, or as you say Alexander. I'd like him to play football, especially when in Italy. If not, ice hockey. "


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Re: Golden Skate Awards 2012 - Turin, Italy 20.10.2012

Postby dustman » 22 Oct 2012, 12:11

Simona, Thanks a lot! :plush40: :plush40: :plush40: :plush39:

Photos of Golden Skate Awards 2012 ... ards-2012/

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