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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby Таня » 24 Oct 2012, 22:30

Ирина wrote:"Мир Новостей" http://www.mirnov.ru/mn/24-1.php
Его обожают, его ненавидят. Равнодушных нет, а Жене только этого и надо. Он не стремится понравиться всем и каждому, не строит из себя душку. Резкий, амбициозный, самоуверенный. Одиночники вообще народ особый, а Плющенко, такое впечатление, особенный среди особых. Вот кто мог подумать, что решится на четвертую Олимпиаду? Наверное, только он.

Без "наверное" было бы правильней! :plush41:
- «Плющенко не нашел себя в другой жизни, раз до сих пор катается», - это я привожу уже слова Ягудина.
- Что значит «не нашел себя в другом»? А в чем? У меня показательных выступлений полно, могу катать их сотни. Это другая жизнь?! Ведь этим и занимаются бывшие фигуристы. Они думают, сделали что-то новое?
- Слуцкая ведет новости на Первом, играет в театре; Ягудин играет в театре, ведет какую-то фитнес-зарядку. Наверное, это новое...

Да уж, так нашел себя, что с сильно больной ногой на шоу выступает и соревноваться поехал. Театр? Ну-ну... :plush37: Зарядка? Да наш Женька только свистни, будет вести такие зарядки, и не только в России. Давай Леша, признайся уже наконец, что ты тоже не можешь без этого и вовсе тебе не наплевать, как ты говоришь, на фигурное катание... Женя ЭТО уже давно сделал. :a_g_a:
А то, что кусают меня, так пусть кусают, ничего страшного. Население страны 140 миллионов. Сколько из них недовольных? Миллион? Да меньше! Тысяч сто строчат эти писульки в интернете. Ну и что? Что об этом думать? Как будто больше не о чем. У меня сын скоро родится - вот о чем думать надо!..

Надеюсь, что он не лукавит и на самом деле не ведется на все это. Вот бы мне еще так научиться :plush34:
maolmi wrote:Какие сто тысяч,Женя,тыщенка может и наберется и то я не уверена.

Да, Оль, "Тысяч сто"- это он погорячился ;;-)))

Спасибо, Ирин, хорошее интервью :plush39:
Евгений Плющенко: "Спорт - это моя жизнь. Спортивные достижения во славу России - это моя религия. Для меня это не просто слова, это суть всего, что я делал и делаю в спорте."

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 25 Oct 2012, 00:47

Ирина wrote:"Мир Новостей" http://www.mirnov.ru/mn/24-1.php

Евгений Плющенко: «В 11 лет мне приходилось собирать бутылки»

Scan: http://evgeni-plushenko.com/img/skan/big/401.jpg :mi_ga_et:

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 25 Oct 2012, 01:41

And here links for an Plushy's interview for italian "La Stampa" (with translations) from topic:
Golden Skate Awards 2012 - Turin, Italy 20.10.2012:

Plushenko: “Vinco a Sochi e poi vengo a vivere in Italia”:
http://www.lastampa.it/2012/10/21/sport ... agina.html
english translation - Plushenko: "I'm gonna win in Sochi and then I'll come to live in Italy" :
russian translation - Плющенко: «Стану победителем в Сочи, а потом буду жить в Италии»("La Stampa", Италия):
japanese - http://nsghiaccio.blog69.fc2.com/blog-entry-459.html

Here is more details about concrete ice rink in Padua, and interview with his "owner" (as I understand)), Dimitri Barbiero....

I repeat, as and in the discussion here: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=337&start=80#p74655 - this is just preliminary thinking of Plushy (like many of his previous ideas)! :plush45: .... also, i dont see, why he cant have many ice schools anywhere in the world - and yet, that his "base" will be in Russia :mi_ga_et:



Evgeni Plushenko cerca casa a Padova: dopo l'Olimpiade dirigerà una scuola di pattinaggio
di Redazione Winter, pubblicato mercoledì 24 ottobre 2012 alle 16:30

Quando parla, Evgeni Plushenko non è mai banale. È accaduto anche in occasione di in un’interessante intervista rilasciata al sito internet del quotidiano “ La Stampa” nello scorso weekend, durante il quale ha preso parte all'annuale appuntamento dei Golden Skate Awards di Torino. Il fuoriclasse russo, oltre a confermare l’intenzione di voler vincere una medaglia a Sochi prima di dedicarsi a tempo pieno ai remunerativi galà, non ha nascosto il grande amore per l'Italia affermando non solo di volersi trasferire al più presto nel Bel Paese, ma aggiugendo anche di essere già in cerca di una casa a Padova.

Da qui, il primo quesito: perché proprio Padova? È presto detto. È vero, la città veneta non avrà la stessa tradizione sul ghiaccio di altri capoluoghi “invernali” come Milano o Torino, però dispone da poco di un palazzetto multifunzionale, pronto ad essere sfruttato anche dai pattinatori. Un impianto che ha subito colpito il cuore di Plushenko. «Già dalla prima volta che ci siamo incontrati, ha espresso molti apprezzamenti. Anche Carolina Kostner è rimasta colpita in positivo dalla nostra struttura - spiega il gestore dell’impianto, Dimitri Barbiero, intercettato in esclusiva da Winter Sport News -. D’altronde in città si praticano sessanta discipline sportive ad altissimo livello: per citarne alcune, rugby, tennis, pallanuoto, nuoto sincronizzato. Quando saranno ultimati i lavori, potremmo accogliere all’incirca 4000 spettatori e l’attività del palazzetto sarà per il 90% legata al pattinaggio su ghiaccio».

Un indizio poteva essere il nome di battesimo del gestore, che non può non richiamare le origini russe. Una pista però, presto smentita dal diretto interessato. «Sono italianissimo, ho soltanto una bisnonna russa, ma per il resto sono fiero di essere nato qui - prosegue il direttore generale del palaghiaccio veneto -. A parte tutto, volevate sapere di Plushenko? È vero: Evgeni è stato qui fino a ieri e lunedì abbiamo impiegato l'intera giornata a cercar casa. Vuole fare le cose in grande perché intende coinvolger anche coreografi e atleti di scuola russa». Il progetto italiano del campione russo prende dunque sempre più corpo, spiega Barbero: «Vogliamo allestire una vera e propria scuola del pattinaggio. Una struttura di alto livello con coreografi, artisti vari e la partecipazione di professionisti russi e giapponesi con cui lui già lavora e a cui vuole insegnare. In più, vogliamo organizzare training camp per i ragazzi russi durante l’estate. Dopo tutto, Padova ha tutto ciò di cui c’è bisogno: ci sono le terme non lontano da qui, poi siamo vicini a Venezia e ci troviamo a soli 15 minuti dal mare».

Quali sono esattamente i tempi di realizzazione di questo progetto? «L’esperimento partirà già dall’anno prossimo, abbiamo già avuto molte adesioni anche da altri grandi pattinatori. Più avanti riveleremo i loro nomi – conclude Barbiero, che poi si lascia sfuggire -. Evgeni tornerà a Padova già il prossimo mese, dopo aver festeggiato il compleanno a St Pietroburgo il 7 novembre con uno spettacolo da dodici mila spettatori e musica lirica».

Dunque, la conferma c’è. Plushenko in pianta stabile nel nostro paese significherebbe grandi prospettive per il futuro del movimento azzurro. Con queste ultime rivelazioni il campione russo si è sicuramente guadagnato un ampia fetta di supporters italiani in vista degli imminenti impegni agonistici e delle attese Olimpiadi del 2014. Tutti pronti ad accoglierlo a braccia aperte se per la pensione sul ghiaccio opterà davvero per l'Italia.


Some translation? :ni_zia: :plush39:

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby Kudryavka » 25 Oct 2012, 04:11

cekoni wrote:... and why yout dont like this icon: :)-(: ? :-)

You didn't know that the teased icon seems to deride someone as a fool? :kli_ny:

cekoni wrote:I'm just trying to quiet stir "patriotic passions" in Russia :ps_ih:

I just wanted to write other info about Plushy :a_g_a:

La Stampa is a big press company but wintersport-news.it may be a kind of gossip press, according the Japanese woman. She asked her boss if they confirm the owner of the rink in Padova. Her boss said "Himself (the owner? plu?) said he didnt said so, wait and see." :-)
He didn't compete for three years, but as soon as I saw him, I knew that there was a true Olympic Champion on the ice. - Takahiko Kozuka, Rostelecom Cup 2009
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 25 Oct 2012, 04:51

Kudryavka wrote:
cekoni wrote:... and why yout dont like this icon: :)-(: ? :-)

You didn't know that the teased icon seems to deride someone as a fool? :kli_ny:

Do not be angry, dear :ro_za: ... I dont derided you, than people who atacks Plushy because of "lack of patriotism" :kli_ny: - I can only to mock them :)-(: , or to beat them! :v_i_k_i_n_g: :hi_hi_hi:
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 27 Oct 2012, 00:51

cekoni wrote:....

Evgeni Plushenko cerca casa a Padova: dopo l'Olimpiade dirigerà una scuola di pattinaggio

Lelo's translation :plush39:

Evgeni Plushenko looking for a house in Padua: after the Olympics he will lead a skating school

When Evgeni Plushenko speaks, he’s never trivial. It happened also during an interesting interview with the website of the newspaper "La Stampa" last weekend, during which he took part in the annual Golden Skate Awards in Turin. The Russian champion confirmed his intention to win a medal in Sochi, than devoting himself full-time to profitable gala. He made no secret of his great love for Italy. He said he wants to move as soon as possible to the “Bel Paese” (Italy) and also said he’s already looking for a house in Padua.

First question: why Padua? Of course the city don’t have the same ice tradition of other winter’s capitals as Milan and Turin, but has a new multifunctional palace, ready to be used also by skaters. Plushenko was immediately impressed by this plant. "From the first time we met, he expressed much appreciation. Carolina Kostner is also positively impressed by our structure” - explains the manager, Dimitri Barbiero, in an exclusive interview by Winter Sports News -. In the city there are athlets at the highest level in sixty sports: for example rugby, tennis, water polo, synchronized swimming. When works will be finished, we could accommodate about 4000 spectators and the activity of the palace will be for 90% related to ice skating. "

The first name of the ice rink manager can let us think he has Russian origin. But he said: "I'm Italian, I only have a Russian grandmother, but I am proud to be born here. Do you want to know something about Plushenko? It's true: Evgeni was here until yesterday and Monday we spent the whole day looking for home. He wants to realize a great project in fact he has the intention to involve also choreographers and athletes of the Russian school." Barbero also said: "We want to set up a real school of skating. A high level structure with choreographers, various artists and the participation of Russian and Japanese professionals with whom he already worked and he wants to teach. We also want organize training camp for Russians young athlets during the summer season. Padua has everything you need: there are thermal spa not far from here, we are close to Venice and we are only 15 minutes from the sea. "

How much time is needed to realize this project? "The experiment will start next year. Many other great skaters already confirmed us they will take part to this project. Later we’ll reveal their names - said Barbiero, who then said us: Evgeni will return to Padua next month, after his Birthday Anniversary Show in St.Petersburg, a show with twelve thousand spectators and opera."

So, there is confirmation. If Plushenko will have a permanent basis in our country, this would mean great prospects for the future of the italian movement. With these revelations the Russian champion has certainly gained a large slice of Italian supporters in view of the upcoming competitions and Sochi Olympics. If he will choose Italy, everyone here is ready to welcome him.

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby Дарина » 27 Oct 2012, 04:03

Ирина wrote:"Мир Новостей" http://www.mirnov.ru/mn/24-1.php

Евгений Плющенко: «В 11 лет мне приходилось собирать бутылки»

translation :smu:sche_nie:
(rough as always, sorry for mistakes!)

Evgeni Plushenko: "At 11 I had to collect bottles"

People adore him, people hate him. No one is indifferent, and that's just what Zhenya needs. He does not seek to please everyone, not acts like nice fellow. Sharp, ambitious, self-confident. Single skaters are all special, and Plushenko seems to be particular among special. Who could admit that he would go to the fourth Olympics? Probably he is the only one.
At just 30 (his mini-anniversary will be on November 3) it seems he's been through everything. The incredible highs and painful falls, brilliant wins and bitter defeats both on the ice and in his personal life. Still he sets a new goal and achieves it. He is such a person. Now number one goal for Plushenko is Sochi 2014. With confidence we can say only one thing: he will try his best. To spite those who do not believe in him...
We met in the Odintsovo Ice Palace after he had just finished one more skate. Perhaps the millionth one...

- What are you preparing for, Evgeni?
- For the new season. It was open test skating for the whole team. It was very successful for me; I did a new quad for the first time, skated worthy program, so the season begins positively.

- And what are the plans for the season? As far as I understand the European Championships is scheduled?
- Plans for the season are: now I’m going to team competitions in Japan, then preparations for the Russian Nationals. And we'll see how I'll perform. In general, the European Championship is planned.

- Why do you ignore the Worlds so many years? They say, Plushenko does not go the Worlds, because he's afraid to lose, and in this case, say, the 2014 Olympics would be questionable.
- I do not ignore the Worlds. Take, for example, last season. I was injured, I had an operation. In 2006 I won the Olympics, nothing else already mattered for me. 2007-2009 I didn't compete. Therefore those who say that I am ignoring the Worlds are ignorant or just do not like Plushenko, and there are many such people.

- Why, by the way? What do you think?
- Well, people here are like that. But I try not to pay attention. And if I even pay attention, that just turns on.

"The ex-wife was extremely jealous"

- You know, Ilya Averbukh, -who admits that he is not an athlete by nature and that's why, as he says, only now he came to success in his life, -calls you his antipode: Plushenko, he said, always needs to compete with someone, to win over someone.
- Yes, I love the competition. And after 2006, when I retired ... that is, took a break, time out… I felt the lack of this drive. We did a lot of exhibitions, and yet it lacked a competitive moment. And now I felt this sporty atmosphere – I must overcome myself again, step over again, and again do something new. That is, I prove that I'm the best: to my competitors, my coach, and above all, perhaps, to myself.

- "Plushenko did not find himself in different life, that's why he is still skating," – now I'm quoting Yagudin’s words.
- What does "not find himself in something different" mean? In what? I have lots of exhibitions; I can skate in hundreds of them. Is this a different life? That's what former skaters do. They think, they have done something new?

- Slutskaya is a news presenter on First channel, she also performs in the theater, Yagudin performs in the theater, conducts some fitness drills. Perhaps this is new...
- Well, any athlete can probably conduct physical trainings ...And something new, which I have discovered for me, is golf.

- I heard, you even want to speak at the 2016 Summer Olympics as a golfer. Is this true?
- Yes. And, you know, I have a son, he is six years old. Soon I will have another son. Here is the news! And I also want to say that not everyone can go through three Olympics! …

- Don’t you regret now that you retired in 2006? In general, how could you at 23 y. o. leave everything when you are a born winner?
- Well, I won all the titles. What else? Where to go? Without Yana I, probably, would not come back...

- And what would you do then?
- I made a decision for myself that it would be a calm rational life. That I gonna participate in the shows – just skate, make money, have a family, maybe open a business or start to train.

- You did many exhibitions; concerning business - I do not know if you opened it or not. You built your family; years later, can you say why it went wrong?
- I guess, Masha and I are not of the same kidney. My ex-wife was very jealous: I waved at someone, I'm photographed with someone – it was enough for jealousy. That bothered, and Masha was not able to overcome herself. With Yana it's quite a different story: she is a public person, she understands everything. Wise, experienced – that's not even comparable. Moreover, I just do not want to remember past life. The only thing – I'm very happy and always thank Masha that she gave birth to my beautiful son.

- Did you deliberately choose a new wife among the girls of public professions?
- No way. We met with Jana accidentally, it happened in Trafalgar Square in London. There was the presentation of the Sochi Olympics; I went to represent Russia as an athlete. There performed Dima Bilan. And we have a mutual friend, he called me and said, "There’s Bilan’s concert, do you want to go?" - "Of course I do, give me the phone number of his manager ..." And I did not even know who is Rudkovskaya, Baturin, because in general I was far from show business ... And I saw Yana, our eyes met… We had to go through the entire square to our poster "Sochi-2014". There were a lot of people, and I started to push apart the crowd, took Yana's hand and was holding it as if she's my girlfriend. That is, it was love at first sight ... Later I started to learn more: who is Rudkovskaya, who is Baturin and the entire story in general. Many said: where are you intruding, why do you need this? But I said that I love this person.

- For a long time your couple was taken as a PR project...
- Yes, they said it was a PR project, that Plushenko is actually gay. There were many things, but we did not pay attention.

"Friendship with Yagudin failed"

- Talking about gay is another story. Our people are so suspect, ever looking for a trick. I heard: once Plushenko in his youth lived with his coach Mishin, everything is clear with them.
- I can tell you where and how I lived. I came to Petersburg when I was 11 years old, my mother moved to me a year later. My father worked at a construction site in Volgograd, it was not enough either food or clothing, and we had to collect bottles. And for a while Mishin let us live in his apartment.

- It was hard?
- Of course. When, pardon me, there's nothing to eat, and one apple a day was divided into three. In Volgograd, we certainly did not live in luxury, but we had all the necessary. And in St. Petersburg we had to rent a room - just terrible one! With alcoholics, drug addicts, with the constant fights. For two years we lived, of course, in dreadful conditions. But at 13 I started to make money, and we took other, better room. At 15 I bought an apartment, my parents moved there, and for fifteen years they have not been working.

- Severe childhood affects in different ways. Some keep saving all their life, some, on the contrary, begin to overspend...
- I also went through such a phase. At 15-16, when I already earned money, I had gold mania. Rings, bracelets, chains - I was hung with them from head to toe. And then it passed. And I was not led to it; no one told me that it was ugly. My gold things just started to crack - literally in half, the chains got torn. Now I wear only the cross and watch ... You see, I have a big family now. My parents, my three nieces, my wife, my son, Yana’s children Kolya and Andrey. I will have another son. I have what to spend my money on.

- Yes, and age also matters - after all, soon you will turn 30. November 7 there will be great show on this occasion; Alexei Yagudin is in the guest list at number one, which is already intriguing. All your conflicts are left behind?
- You know, my position is that we are all the enemies on the ice, but in life we can communicate and be friends. With Yagudin it didn't work out. Since childhood. In the past there was such a position like «me or him», which was, in general, the absurdity and nonsense, but now it has changed and we already skated with Lyosha in many shows.

- Kirkorov, Baskov, Mikhailov also will come to you on the anniversary...
- They are all my friends: Bilan, Volkova, Valeriya, Philip (Kirkorov). And Kolenka Baskov even was a witness (best man, groomsman) at my wedding.

- But they are Yana’s friends - from her life, from her environment.
- Nothing of the kind. I met with Philip when I was 17; I have been familiar with Kolya for a long time too. Actually I feel equally comfortable in sports and show business stars company.

- So, maybe this is the reason for dislike? One thing is the Olympic champion and quite another thing - show business, hangout.
- This is not about me. Actually I love to be at home, watch TV, play with the dog. I like golf, tennis, I love Russian bath. I like to be in my house near St. Petersburg and watch the beautiful view of forest and lake ...

- But such life is not appropriate for Yana, who loves to shine in society.
- Honestly, I can say, we manage to do everything. And if some bite me, so let them bite, that's nothing. The population of our country is 140 million. How many of them are unpleased? Million? No, fewer! One hundred thousand scribble those scribbles on the Internet. So what? Why to think about this? As if there's nothing more. My son will soon be born - that's what I have to think about!
М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 27 Oct 2012, 05:16

Дарина wrote:
Ирина wrote:"Мир Новостей" http://www.mirnov.ru/mn/24-1.php

Евгений Плющенко: «В 11 лет мне приходилось собирать бутылки»

translation :smu:sche_nie:
(rough as always, sorry for mistakes!)

Spasibo dear! :ro_za:
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby simona » 27 Oct 2012, 09:00

ImageLovely interview! Thanx Doll 4 translating!



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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby lala630312 » 27 Oct 2012, 09:50

Дарина wrote:
Ирина wrote:"Мир Новостей" http://www.mirnov.ru/mn/24-1.php

Евгений Плющенко: «В 11 лет мне приходилось собирать бутылки»

translation :smu:sche_nie:

Thank you Darina! :ki_ss: Honestly, I just love this guy!!! :plush31:

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