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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby cekoni » 09 Apr 2013, 13:58

http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/20 ... story.html

2010 gold medalist Evan Lysacek expects to go for another Olympic title in Sochi

NEW YORK — The optimism and confidence oozing out of Evan Lysacek are worthy of an Olympic champion.

He hopes to make that a two-time gold medalist next year at the Sochi Games.

Even though Lysacek hasn’t competed since winning at the Vancouver Olympics in 2010, he believes — make that expects — to be representing the United States in 10 months.

“I don’t want to come back the same,” Lysacek said Monday. “I want to come back stronger.”

It has been a long and sometimes difficult three years since his triumphant performance in Vancouver, where Lysacek outskated defending Olympic champion Evgeny Plushenko and everyone else. :ps_ih: After a break from the sport so he could enjoy the spoils of victory, including a well-received appearance on “Dancing With The Stars,” Lysacek has aborted each attempt to get back to competitive skating. The biggest challenge has been simply staying healthy.

The 27-year-old Lysacek’s latest setback came in the just-concluded season, during which he planned to skate in the Grand Prix series, U.S. nationals and, if he qualified, the world championships. Instead, a torn abdominal muscle that required November surgery short-circuited a comeback.

And made Lysacek even more determined to re-establish himself in 2013-2014 — the Olympic season — and seek to be the first repeat men’s gold medalist since Dick Button in 1952.

“I love competing and the training and love a physical challenge,” he said. “It will be sad when the day comes I can’t do it, but for now I don’t see that day. My body feels really great now after I’ve given it TLC, and that was probably much needed after all the years of pounding.

“It’s been a long road, but I am healthy now and back to training for a couple months and skating well. I am right where I would normally be in April.”

Physically and mentally.

Lysacek always has prided himself on being psychologically better than his competitors. There are some who believe his steadiness in Vancouver unnerved his main rival, Plushenko, who was sloppy in the free skate while Lysacek was near-perfect. :ps_ih:

To Lysacek, a strong mind is as important as a fit body, which is saying a lot considering what a workaholic Lysacek is; longtime coach Frank Carroll often has had to ask Lysacek to cut back his time on the ice.

“My focus is like a laser right now,” he said. “I guess in a way I am lucky to have so much experiences, all those competitions throughout my career and to really know what works for me and what does not.

“It can be kind of an experimental process for the younger skaters, but I am able to have that laser focus and know what I need to do and, just as important, what I need not to do.”

One thing Lysacek didn’t need much of before was the quad. His presentation, technical strength, emotion and attention to detail were his trademarks and carried him to the top of his profession.

But now ...

“I have a firm plan to put in a quad toe,” Lysacek said of the four-revolution jump that, to him, has had a somewhat negative effect on the sport. “It was going really well before all the complications of the last year, and it is a strong jump for me.

“A totally different question is what I think of the quad in competition, I still think it is more important to skate cleanly, which is still my goal and what I go for. I want to nail every trick and every pass. When I take off my skater’s hat, I like to watch everyone skate clean.”

Lysacek was in New York on a spring-like Monday for Figure Skating in Harlem’s annual showcase. A member of the club’s board of directors, Lysacek set aside all other activities and flew from his Lake Arrowhead, Calif., training base with Carroll to participate.

He not only is supporting the only organization in the country that offers academic and fitness programs to “underserved” girls in an urban area, Lysacek is championing bringing such programs to other cities.

“It is amazing,” he said. “I have been working with them the last eight years and gotten a chance to know a lot of girls through the program and to see their success above and beyond anyone’s expectations, maybe even their own. FSH provides them a chance at a life they will not ordinarily have.”

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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby cekoni » 09 Apr 2013, 23:27

cekoni wrote: :hi_hi_hi:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/20 ... story.html

2010 gold medalist Evan Lysacek expects to go for another Olympic title in Sochi

http://www.sports.ru/others/figure-skat ... 53732.html

Эван Лайсачек: «Все равно считаю, что чистое катание важнее четверных»

Олимпийский чемпион-2010 в мужском катании Эван Лайсачек рассказал о планах по участию в Играх-2014 в Сочи.

«Хотя я не выступал на соревнованиях с той самой победы на Играх-2010, я надеюсь, что буду представлять США через 10 месяцев в Сочи. И я не хочу возвращаться прежним. Хочу вернуться на лед еще более сильным.

Мне нравится соревноваться, тренироваться, я люблю испытания. Это будет грустный день, когда я больше не смогу делать этого, но пока я не вижу этот день. Чувствую себя сейчас по-настоящему здорово после операции по удалению грыжи. Этого ощущения мне очень не хватало после нескольких лет борьбы.

У меня есть план иметь в своей программе четверной тулуп. Он получался у меня очень здорово до всех неприятностей со здоровьем, который были в прошлом году. Это прыжок, который я могу исполнять уверенно.

Совершенно другой вопрос, что я думаю о четверном в плане его соревновательной ценности. Я по-прежнему считаю, что чистое катание более важно, чем четверные прыжки, и я все-равно буду делать ставку на чистоту катания. Хочу отточить каждое движение до совершенства», – приводит слова Лайсачека AP.

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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby cekoni » 20 Apr 2013, 02:48

Константин МЕНЬШОВ: «Буду лечиться консервативно»:
Врачи рекомендовали фигуристу в данный момент воздержаться от операции
http://fsrussia.ru/news/566_konstantin- ... ervativno/

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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby cekoni » 21 Apr 2013, 19:04

http://www.thestar.com/sports/skating/2 ... manno.html

Patrick Chan’s new mantra: figure skaters of the world unite: DiManno

Three-time world champion Patrick Chan supports a union for figure skaters, if only to prevent them from being exploited by the sport’s governing body.

Patrick “Norma Rae” Chan thinks it’s time figure skaters got unionized.

“I would be at the forefront of supporting a union for skaters,” the three-peat world men’s champion from Toronto declares. “This is ridiculous. I just think we’re being manipulated for the benefit of the (International Skating Union) because they’re making all the money.”

The solidarity penny dropped at the recent World Team Trophy championships in Japan, where Chan really didn’t want to be at the end of an exhausting competitive season but was compelled to contend. Either that or forgo the Investors Group Stars on Ice Tour that arrives at the Air Canada Centre on Friday, because a suspension from out-of-competition appearances would undoubtedly have ensued.

“I could have said I was hurt, which is what a lot of skaters did, the Russians and Chinese,” says Chan, who is too honest for wink-wink opt-out excuses. “But I would have paid a penalty. The ISU does not allow me not to do it.”

The 22-year-old was “named” to Canada’s squad for the 2013 World Team event that finished second in Tokyo because of his international ranking. Kevin Reynolds of Coquitlan, B.C., was also on the roster but, in the absence of Chan, the only alternate option for the required second male participant would have been Newmarket’s Andrei Rogozine — fifth at 2012 nationals and not good enough by ISU reckoning. Ice dancers Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir were able to sidestep Tokyo, in part because the second-ranked Canadian duo of Kaitlyn Weaver and Andrew Poje were deemed suitably elite (fifth at worlds) for the assignment. Ditto for the American contingent in dance, with reigning world champions Charlie White and Meryl Davis navigating a pass.

“Scott and Tessa were able to get out of it, so were Charlie and Meryl,” says Chan, “because it’s not like going from the top of the team to the bottom of the food chain. My situation is different. Who else of equal value is going to replace me?”

The World Team Trophy, a gimmicky $1-million purse event inaugurated in 2009 and featuring the top six skating countries on the planet, is designed to squeeze every last sweat bead out of skaters — and every last entertainment dollar out of TV broadcasting revenues. It will make its Olympic debut in Sochi. After the other worlds — the real worlds in March in London, Ont. — it was hugely anticlimactic.

“I’m not particularly fond of this event,” says Chan. “Nobody’s really interested in it. Skating is done after worlds. It’s just so different. There’s no spark, no buzz in the air at the rink. Going from London, where that was so abundant, made it extremely hard to skate.”

Further, the totally unnecessary competition leaves one more risk, at the end of the season, for athletes to suffer injury. That’s precisely what happened to Russian men’s entrant Konstantin Menshov, who dislocated located his shoulder falling on a jump in the free skate segment.

“What if that was me?” wonders Chan. “What if my training for next year, an Olympic year, had gone out the window because of a stupid injury at a stupid competition?”

In past years, Chan admits he scarcely trained for the World Team competition. This season, coming off a controversial gold at the world championships — two falls in his sloppy long program — he put aside his aversion for the event and trained diligently, if only to end the calendar campaign on a strong note.

Chan led after the short but fell three times in the long and finished third overall behind Japan’s Daisuke Takahashi. “Some people had the skate of their lives and I just didn’t. But I did my part to hold the anchor and we came home with a silver medal, which was an improvement over (bronze) last year.”

Tokyo was also the last we’ll see of Chan’s La Boheme program. “That long program is not my favourite. I don’t see myself competing it in the Olympics.”

He has a piece of music in mind for the 2013-2014 season and the choreography, by David Wilson, should be ready next month. For the short, Chan intends to stick with the Rachmaninoff routine he used this year. “It’s such a beautiful piece. It absolutely brings the best out of me.” That includes a world-record short score at worlds.

It’s been an erratic season, if ultimately successful, with many changes in the Chan camp. At the conclusion of the Stars on Ice tour — 12 Canadian cities — he will be packing up his dolls and dishes and moving formally from his Colorado Springs training centre to the Detroit Skating Club, where he teed up worlds. While a disapproving chorus had questioned Chan’s skating decisions over the past season, with a new coach and different choreographers, he’s proven doubters wrong.

“At my level, I can find the best out of any kind of change. I was due for one. I didn’t want to go to the Olympics without having done that. I wouldn’t be a fulfilled skater, an Olympic champion who’s done everything possible to get to where he is. So, that was a risk I took. I knew what was best for me. The ice sessions in Detroit are much more catered to elite skaters. I don’t have to fight for music, I don’t have to fight for my space on the ice. I don’t have to deal with drama with coaches, everyone gets along.

“Making the change to Detroit right before worlds was a huge risk, a leap of faith. But it really was the best thing that happened because I wouldn’t have squeaked out another gold medal if I hadn’t made that change.”

As many head-shaking observers have learned, never bet against Chan.

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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby cekoni » 21 Apr 2013, 21:37

2 interviews (on russian) with Brian Joubert by our friend Alexandra :plush45:
Автор: Александра Ильина

Встреча в поезде:

Брайан Жубер: я чувствовал себя как раньше:


Part from 2nd interview...

Когда начнешь работу на следующий сезон?
- Через неделю.

А как же каникулы?
- Ну, вот есть одна неделя. Вообще были бы две, но у меня несколько шоу – в Женеве, Петербурге.

В Петербурге? Когда?
- В конце мая, но мне надо готовиться к шоу, поэтому отдыхать буду всего одну неделю.

Уже есть идеи на музыку для короткой программы на следующий сезон?
- Нет, еще нет.

А что с произвольной?
- Я оставляю на следующий год «Гладиатора».
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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby lala630312 » 21 Apr 2013, 23:18

cekoni wrote:http://www.thestar.com/sports/skating/2013/04/20/patrick_chans_new_mantra_figure_skaters_of_the_world_unite_dimanno.html

Patrick Chan’s new mantra: figure skaters of the world unite: DiManno

Patrick, Patrick, you never disappoint me... :-) :ze_le_ny:
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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby lovplush » 22 Apr 2013, 00:30

cekoni wrote:http://www.thestar.com/sports/skating/2013/04/20/patrick_chans_new_mantra_figure_skaters_of_the_world_unite_dimanno.html

Patrick Chan’s new mantra: figure skaters of the world unite: DiManno

Since it is an article from Dimanno, the contents probably has been twisted a bit (especially regarding Menshov's injury). However, Chan did his own hater's work by saying all these negative stuff about WTT. I really cannot recall any Chan's interviews which sound not self-centered and arrogant :plush34: . He is really something :plush44: .
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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby cekoni » 22 Apr 2013, 23:07

French skaters say 'au revoir' to long season:
http://web.icenetwork.com/news/article. ... y=ice_news


Бриан Жубер: «Планирую остаться в Париже до Олимпиады»:
http://www.sports.ru/others/figure-skat ... 52672.html

Евгений Рукавицын: «Вместе с врачами приняли решение – операции у Меньшова не будет»:
http://www.sports.ru/others/figure-skat ... 55132.html
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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby whitebamboo » 23 Apr 2013, 16:41

lovplush wrote:Since it is an article from Dimanno, the contents probably has been twisted a bit (especially regarding Menshov's injury). However, Chan did his own hater's work by saying all these negative stuff about WTT. I really cannot recall any Chan's interviews which sound not self-centered and arrogant :plush34: . He is really something :plush44: .

Personally, it's fine with me if he says that he himself didn't want to go to WTT, or that ISU exploits skaters (which is true to a large extent). But to call it a "stupid competition" is insulting not only to the ISU (which I confess I don't care that much about), but also to the audience. And, I know skaters have said all sorts of things, but frankly I don't ever recall anyone else calling their teammates "bottom of the food chain" before...

But actually, what bothers me more is that he seems to be saying that "a lot of Russian and Chinese skaters" pretended injuries to avoid WTT. I am curious as to what this "a lot" consists of.

But then again, I suppose it's a DiManno article...I really think this woman just hates figure skating (to put it mildly).

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Re: Мужчины || Men

Postby cekoni » 27 Apr 2013, 22:24


Takahiko Kozuka's programs next season:
FS: Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso,
SP: not revealed but "something fun"
http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/sport ... 00236.html

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