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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby Дарина » 24 Apr 2015, 19:25

themythoftheair wrote:(sorry for any mistakes, it's my first time posting here!)

Thank you! :plush39: :plush39: :plush39:

http://www.telecinco.es/informativos/Ja ... 25209.html

themythoftheair перевела слова Хавьера Фернандеса на англ. язык. Перевожу на русский:

"Никогда никто не будет выигрывать столько, сколько Плющенко"

"Никто не достигнет столько, сколько достиг он. Это как Надаль, который выиграл всё, но продолжает идти вперёд. У него много травм, операций, проблемы со спиной, но он хочет продолжать соревноваться. Он фигурист высокого класса, и если будет много работать, может попасть на пьедестал в 32 или 33 года, поэтому я должен тренироваться [больше], зная, что если он вернётся, со мной это может не случиться".
М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 24 Apr 2015, 23:12

Дарина wrote:
themythoftheair wrote:(sorry for any mistakes, it's my first time posting here!)

themythoftheair перевела слова Хавьера Фернандеса на англ. язык. Перевожу на русский:

Thanks / Spasibo girls! :plush39: :plush39:

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 26 Apr 2015, 22:00

The announcement of tonight's show where Tarasova will talk about Plushy's return - she talk good (as always, as big "diplomat"), but we will see what this TV said also about Plushy (they are quite tabloid media) :plush34:

Татьяна Тарасова о возвращении Евгения Плющенко: Это колоссально!:
http://ren.tv/novosti/2015-04-26/tatyan ... kolossalno

Двукратный олимпийский чемпион Евгений Плющенко решил вернуться в большой спорт.

Заявление о возвращении Плющенко в большой спорт раскололо спортивный мир. Кто-то восторгается немолодым уже спортсменом, который пытается вернуться в мир достижений и триумфов, кто-то вспоминает разочарование сочинской Олимпиады.

Великая Татьяна Тарасова в эксклюзивном интервью РЕН ТВ призналась: возвращение Плющенко – событие мирового масштаба.

"Я впервые об этом говорю: это колоссально!", - заявила заслуженный тренер СССР по фигурному катанию Татьяна Тарасова.

Признание Тарасовой тем более ценно, что именно она тренировала главного конкурента и оппонента Плющенко - Алексея Ягудина.

Подробности смотрите в сюжете программы "Добров в эфире" сегодня в 23:00.

Анонс / Announcement:

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby Kudryavka » 26 Apr 2015, 22:40

I don't know where I should post. One girl found this old article....

Italian ballet star Roberto Bolle comments on Evgeni
La Gazzetta dello Sport (February 18, 2006)

«Invidio Plushenko per le piroette»
http://archiviostorico.gazzetta.it/2006 ... 8181.shtml

dal nostro inviato TORINO Daprimo ballerino a pattinatore d' oro. Dalla Scala di Milano al ghiaccio olimpico del Palavela di Torino. Da fuoriclasse a fuoriclasse. L' italiano Roberto Bolle, stella del balletto classico italiano, applaude il russo Evgeny Plushenko, medaglia d' oro nell' individuale della figura. Bolle, cos' ha notato nell' esercizio di Plushenko? «A parte la gara, che è stata molto emozionante di per sé, non è propriamente la qualità dell' esercizio quello che mi ha esaltato di questo campione. La sua vera forza viene dal carisma, dalla personalità, dalla sicurezza, dalla presenza. Fa capire di essere bravo, dimostra la grande considerazione che ha di sé, e la fa pesare anche agli avversari. Si vedeva che altri non erano così sicuri, lui gli ha detto subito, sin dal primo movimento: "Io sono il numero uno"». Che impressione fa una simile esibizioneaunprofessionista come lei? «E' qualcosa di molto spettacolare per tutti, e anche per noi che siamo particolarmente vicini, coi nostri assoli, soprattutto a questa gara. C' è un parallelo evidente nel modo di tenere la scena, nel modo di porsi, nella volontà di colpire l' attenzione». Il pattinaggio su ghiaccio consente evoluzioni ancor più difficili di quelle della danza sui palcoscenici tradizionali. «E' sicuramente così. Noi riusciamoa farne due di giravolte e non possiamo fare tutte quelle piroette e tutte quelle figure, per via dell' attrito maggiore rispetto al ghiaccio. Loro riescono addirittura a fare 6-8 giri su se stessi. Fantastico». Le sue parole tradiscono ammirazione. «Questi pattinatori sul ghiaccio sono meravigliosi. Hanno una tecnica davvero sopraffina. Ho visto la finale con la mia partner, inglese, e ci chiedevamo come fanno ad avere sempre l' esatta consapevolezza del proprio corpo, in qualsiasi momento dell' esercizio». Però, fra tanti fenomeni ultimamente vince solo Plushenko. «Ce ne sono tanti che hanno un gran fisico, e molti possiedono pure elasticità e morbidezza ed estrema capacità di estensione. Sinceramente, senza essere un esperto, non mi sembra di notare un elemento in più a favore del russo. Se non questa visione artistica, questa qualità nella danza nel proporsi e in questa completezza». RobertoBollehamaiprovato a fare il Plushenko? «Qualche tempo fa, avevo 13-14 anni, ho provato, sì, a danzare sul ghiaccio. E ho avuto grandissime sensazioni. Sono rimasto affascinato dalla velocità e dalla libertà di movimento, ma nello stesso tempo ho preferito non rischiare. Temevo troppo una distorsione alla caviglia o un altro infortunio». Perché la gente ama tanto il pattinaggio su ghiaccio? «Perché questo sport è molto ricco di contenuti. Unisce alla spettacolarità degli esercizi l' eleganza, il portamento, i salti, la morbidezza, la forza, fino ad arrivare a interpretazioni sempre molto belle da vedere». Il mestiere di ballerino e quello di danzatore sono mestieri duri. «Sì, è duro. Ma ancora di più lo è sul ghiaccio. Lì gli esercizi durano più dei nostri e alla fine vedi gente davvero stravolta dallo sforzo, che respira a bocca aperta. Eppure parliamo di gente allenatissima». A parte l' attrito che, sul ghiaccio, permette più che alla Scala, cos' invidia ai pattinatori su ghiaccio? «Posso dire che la mia curiosità verso questi atleti è somma, in generale, ma lo è ancor di più, nello specifico, per quanto riguarda la preparazione atletica. Noi ballerini siamo un po' lasciati a noi stessi. Decidiamo noi cos' è meglio per ognuno, invece sarebbe davvero interessante lavorare con questi preparatori del ghiaccio. Per vedere se ci sono margini di miglioramento». Vincenzo Martucci

Can someone translate this? :plush38:
He didn't compete for three years, but as soon as I saw him, I knew that there was a true Olympic Champion on the ice. - Takahiko Kozuka, Rostelecom Cup 2009

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby lelo » 27 Apr 2015, 18:01

difficult translation
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 27 Apr 2015, 22:30

lelo wrote:difficult translation

Try dear, at least, most interesting parts :plush39:
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 27 Apr 2015, 22:50

cekoni wrote:The announcement of tonight's show where Tarasova will talk about Plushy's return - she talk good (as always, as big "diplomat"), but we will see what this TV said also about Plushy (they are quite tabloid media) :plush34:

Татьяна Тарасова о возвращении Евгения Плющенко: Это колоссально!:
http://ren.tv/novosti/2015-04-26/tatyan ... kolossalno

Like I assumed, except Tarasova statement, all else was intrigue, manipulation with old Plushy's interview (from RN 2014) as if it was his interview after the withdrawal from the Olympics ...twisted Trankov's words, bad quotes of Yagudin about Plushy, and in general - quite hostile toward Plushy :ps_ih:

So, here is what Tarasova said (but do not forget - what she do not want to say openly, talks her pupils - Averbukh and Yags)... :plush34:

"Plushenko's return is a global event. I only have respect for his great coach, and for him too. It will be a colossal.... If this really happens, I will be happy."

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 28 Apr 2015, 13:32

Виталий Мутко: Плющенко? Мужчинам не помешает конкуренция


Министр спорта РФ Виталий Мутко в эфире ТК «Россия 2» дал оценку организации Сурдлимпийских игр и выступлению россиян на командном ЧМ по фигурному катанию, а также отметил успех наших девушек в Кубке Федерации и невероятную победу на домашнем чемпионате мира по хоккею с мячом в Хабаровске.

О фигурном катании
— Туктамышева все усложняет программу, она молодец. Лиза — безусловный лидер. Дело не только в результате, а в качестве катания. Радионова — еще одна наша звездочка. Девушки и решили судьбу нашего второго места на командном ЧМ. Ковтун и Воронов немного переволновались. Но на ребят мы очень рассчитываем. Наши спортсмены были в Японии действительно командой. Но нужно иметь ввиду, что это пока лишь коммерческий вид программы. Плющенко? В мужском одиночном катании не помешает конкуренция.

Видео - Министр спорта России Виталий Мутко в эфире телеканала «Россия 2» и Sportbox.ru в течение сорока минут отвечал на вопросы телезрителей и посетителей нашего портала:
http://news.sportbox.ru/regional_sport/ ... ?ci=208244

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby lelo » 01 May 2015, 15:14

Kudryavka wrote:I don't know where I should post. One girl found this old article....

Italian ballet star Roberto Bolle comments on Evgeni
La Gazzetta dello Sport (February 18, 2006)

«Invidio Plushenko per le piroette»
http://archiviostorico.gazzetta.it/2006 ... 8181.shtml

Can someone translate this?

Here the fast translation of Roberto Bolle interview


From etoile (prime dancer) to gold medal skater. From La Scala in Milan to the Olympic ice of Palavela in Turin. From champion to champion. The Italian Roberto Bolle, star of the Italian classic ballet applauds the russian Evgeny Plushenko, gold medal in individual figure skating.

Bolle, what did you noticed in Plushenko’s performance?
- "Apart from the competition, that was very exciting, is not just the quality of exercise that excite me. His real strength comes from charisma, personality, by the presence on ice. He demonstrates how much he’s good, by showing the high consideration has about himself, and this effects his opponents. You could see that others were not so sure, he told them right away, from the first movement: "I am the number one”.

As a professional impression do you have of a similar performance?
- "It’s something very spectacular for everyone, even for us who are particularly similar, with our solos, especially in this race.
There are definete similarities, the way he steals, in his manner, his desire to get the attention '.

Skating on ice allows evolutions even more difficult than those of the traditional dance on stage.
- "Sure. We are able to do two piruette/turns but we can't do more, and all those figures, because of greater friction compared to skating on ice. They can even do 6-8 turns on themselves. Fantastic (Bolle is a layman for FS)"
His words betray admiration. "These ice skaters are wonderful. They have a really superfine technique. I saw the final with my English partner and we were wondering how they always manage to have exact body awareness, in every moment of the performance '.

However, among the many phenomenal skaters, lately only Plushenko wins.
- "There are many skaters who have a strong body, and many are flexable and have softness and extreme extensibility in their movement. Honestly, I’m not an expert, I don’t notice one element that stands out the Russian. It is his artistic vision, the quality of dance and of how he presents himself , he has completeness."

Roberto Bolle did you ever tried to do Plushenko?
- "Some time ago, I was 13-14 years old, I tried to dance on the ice. It was a great sensation. I was fascinated by the speed and freedom of movement, but at the same time I decided not to take the risk. I was afraid of a possible injury.

" Why do people love ice skating so much?
- "Because this sport is very rich in content. It is a combination of spectacular exercises and elegance, carriage, the jumps, the softness, the strength, the interpretation. A combination that is Always a pleasure to watch. "

A dancer and a skater are very hard job.
- "Yes, it's hard. But even more so on ice. There, performances last longer than ours, and at the end you see people really breathless! Even if we are talking about well trained athletes. "

Apart from the friction, that doesn’t exist on the ice, allowing more difficult elements to skaters than to dancers, what else do you envy to skaters on ice?
- "I can say that my great curiosity about these athletes regards the athletic training. Dancers train themselves. We personally decide what is better for everyone, however it would be really interesting to work with these trainer on ice. To see if there is greater possibility of improvement.

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby Лаврик » 07 May 2015, 07:58

cekoni wrote:
Двукратный олимпийский чемпион Евгений Плющенко решил вернуться в большой спорт

Я думаю что хуже от этого не кому не будет. И поклонников своих порадует и молодых фигуристов многому научит. Я так считаю)) Я сам внуку тренера нашел вот здесь http://www.novosel.ru/ тоже из бывших спортсменов. Но ему уже по возрасту большой спорт закрыт, вот и взялся тренировать мальчишек Не могу сказать что это реклама нашего тренера. просто мастер должен передавать свое умение
Last edited by Лаврик on 15 Feb 2017, 21:36, edited 1 time in total.

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