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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Postby cekoni » 07 Sep 2011, 09:44

Plushenko "Je suis Malade" test skating, KP RU.mp4:


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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Postby cekoni » 07 Sep 2011, 09:45

Вера wrote:Здесь хорошо получились наши баннеры, на этом видео, я снимала с другой стороны. Неужели никто не заметил? :ne_vi_del: ...

I noticed! :plush45: BRAVO GIRLS! :plush41: :bra_vo: :ya_hoo_oo:

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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Postby let`s talk » 07 Sep 2011, 10:06

Ирина wrote:Видео встречи Жени с поклонниками 3 сентября 2011. КАТОК РУ :mo-ro_zi_vo: :plush31: :plush32: :plush39:
(Evgeni's meeting with fans after Test Skating 03.09.2011 Rublevka, Moscow)

Встреча c поклонниками. Часть 1 КАТОК. РУ 3.09.11
Часть 3 КАТОК. РУ 3.09.11

Hey, girls! What a lovely interview/meeting you had! I wish I had been there :plush27:. I am not sure I recognize all voices, there are some fans asking him questions. One voice sounds more often and louder than others, probably because the person was close to the camera. Is it Irina? Well, since I am not sure, I'll just call "Fans" when I translate the girls' questions briefly.


Fans: Today is not an Olympic day, not the Worlds and yet you looked so committed in your skating. You did it for whom? For the committee, for the specialists?

Zhenya: For you. For you- my fans, for myself, for Piseev (girls: :-) ha-ha-ha), for Gorshkov, for Mutko, well... for everybody!

Fans: How is your knee?

Zhenya: It's okay, more or less, but it still hurts.

Fans: How does the operation change your training routine?

Zhenya: Well, I am trying to keep the schedule normal. But if it hurts too much, I just stop training. If it doesn't hurt, I'll keep it going. But recently because of the test skating I had to train in any case. By the way today I was happy that I didn't feel strong pain when I landed a quad at the training. At a warm-up I touched the ice with hands but the pain in the knee was not awful. The most difficult part to do now, after the operation, is to sit in a sit spin. Also, I had to warm-up the body longer than usual. If I don't do it, the pain in the knee becomes unbearable. But don't worry! I'll do it! I had tougher times in my life.

Fans: Can you tell us a little more about your new programs? Everybody is very interested to know.

Zhenya: The SP will be the same that we planned from the start. The FP was changed. At first we started working on another FS, but then we changed the program and made absolutely another one.

Fans: We asked because Flade wrote in her interview that you chose the music for FS but for SP- not yet.
Another fan: Flade took that interview ages ago!

Zhenya: Yes, that's true. That interview took place long time ago. The point is my new programs, both SP and FS, are ready. We haven't finished footworks yet. My new choreographer is Irina Sharonova. She is not that famous but she is very smart. She is from St-Petersburg and she teaches at the N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov Saint-Petersburg State Conservatory. This year I tried to work with Zhulin, I worked with Lambiel, I planned to work with Browning. David Avdish is my friend, my choregrapher and the person who prepares me for the skating- stretch my body, etc. We discussed with Mishin a new choreographer and decided to work with Irina. We particularly wanted to work with a female choreographer, we think it will bring some new plastic lines in my skating.

Fans: Why your cooperation with Zhulin wasn't continued?

Zhenya: We worked with him and made one program that we thought would be my new FS. But then we changed our mind. It's just not mine yet (about Zhulin's FS- *letsy).

Fans: Have you ever thought at your camp in Italy, and especially after the operations, about finishing your career?

Zhenya: Yes, I thought, more than once. One day I got up, I felt fine, I worked hard, etc. On another day I just couldn't get up, I couldn't control my body, my head, I just wanted to hang my skates somewhere and fly far away on holiday. I sometimes felt angry with myself. It's really hard to come back for the second time, much harder than the first time.

Fans: What inspires you? Yana? (girls- :hi_hi_hi: )

Zhenya: Yana always inspires me. But also, I have the target, I have the idea and I have the desire to skate. Not just skate as #2 or #3, but as #1 of course. I want to skate in Olympics. Not just participate there but I want to win. I alread told in my previous interviews that I see this season as a mid-step. My main target is 2014 year. Before that I want to jump a new quad. I had some successful attemps of 4S and 4Lutz before the operation. But now, after the operation, it's impossible for me to do that stuff. For now.

Fans: What do your doctors say? How long time will the reabilitation take?

Zhenya: It depends. You can't predict it. When they operated my right knee, I could get all my skating stuff back in a month. Of course I felt some pain but in general it was okay. But with the left knee things are not that fine. My current diagnosis is related to bone tissues (hell knows how to translate that med term- *letsy :-( ). Before between the bones there was a full cartilage. Then they cut a part of my meniscus and now the bones are rubbing each other directly. It's not that horrible, the docs say, but I shouldn't overexercise my left knee for sometime.

Fans: Your global target is Sochi. But about your plans for this year?

Zhenya: My current one is the Championship of Russia. If I made it to the team, I will go further, to the Europeans and Worlds.

Fans: After this test skate what do you think about our team?

Zhenya: You saw everything, right?

Fans: Yes, we did, and we were disappointed a lot.

Zhenya: Well, I am sure everybody will do his best. We shouldn't think that if the guys couldn't skate well now, so they wouldn't be able to skate well in the future too. That's just not the right way of thinking. Everyone will skate well, with quads, footsteps, combos, etc. Actually, I shouldn't think about how poorly they skated. I should think about my own skating and do my job.

Fans: What about Switzerland and the promised surprise? We are dying to know!

Zhenya: You'll see it soon in the magazine "Hello".

Fans: Will it be a big surprise indeed?

Zhenya: Well, it depends. For me it was a very big surprise and I am interested to know what will come after that.

Fans: Our shouting before the skating to support you, does it disturb you? We are not on your way to concentrate?

Zhenya: NO! I am really grateful to all my fans and I told that in the interview to "Komsoml'skaya Pravda". Your support, your cheering, the banners that I see everywhere, all this helps me a lot and I feel much happier. Please keep doing that!

Fans: How does the new judging system reflect on your training?

Zhenya. It changed things entirely. The FS became much more difficult. For example the footstep that I did today is only of Level 1. It looks emotional but technically it is only Level 1, because it doesn't have a lot of stuff that Level 2-4 requires. I personally like when the footwork looks impressive. But the current judging system requires to perform a lot of tricks during the footstep. Sometimes it might look boring and less colorful when you are in a hush to perform all of them in order to hit the right level. The effectiveness might suffer but the scores will win.

Fans: I agree. Let's take ice dancing. I used to watch it a lot because it was interesting. Now I don't watch it at all because they all skate the same things.
Another fan: That needs a really good choreographer to succeed in both- effectiveness and pleasing the technical commettee.
One more fan: Chan, for example, with his huge second mark. Judges do love him! Or maybe it's because of his origin, he is Canadian after all (girls: :plush42: ).

Zhenya: Chan is good. He is doing a great work. Let him skate and I will tell my word in Sochi. (girls: ;;-))) ::yaz-yk: )


Zhenya: Today (on 3rd- *letsy) I was disappointed that I didn't do a quad. I should have tried it.

Fans: We heard you had a new tattoo.

Zhenya: Yes, I did (showed it). It' s a scorpion. Here I have "Yana" (in Japanese ヤナ- *letsy.) But when we with Yanochka have our children, I will write their names and the name "Egor" too. So here I'll have the names of all my children that the scorpion will be protecting.

Fans: We want to see your son Egor. Can we do that?

Zhenya: Of course you can. He is in St-Petersburg, training in an ice-hokey school almost every day. He is cute, active and energetic. He tried the skates for the very first time when he was 2 and a half. Then he didn't attend any school for sometime. But now we enrolled him in an ice-hockey club.

Fans: His mother doesn't object?

Zhenya: No, Masha is happy with this choice.

Fans: Have you thought about enrolling him in FS?
Another fan: Come one! You should pity your own children! ( :ni_zia: - *letsy)

Zhenya: No, we don't want him to be a figure skater. That's a too difficult sport, especially now. It's better to be in a game sport. You know, if you don't feel well, you can always wait for a while on the bench (joking, laughing). Of course any sport is very difficult. We chose ice- hockey. Maybe because it is on skates too! I am sure Egor will be fine there.
Thanks to you all a lot! :ki_ss:

:son-ce: :son-ce: :son-ce: :son-ce: :son-ce: :son-ce: :son-ce: :son-ce: :son-ce:
Last edited by let`s talk on 07 Sep 2011, 17:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Postby clairdelalune » 07 Sep 2011, 10:20

let`s talk wrote:Hey, girls! What a lovely interview/meeting you had! I wish I had been there :plush27:. I am not sure I recognize all voices, there are some fans asking him questions. One voice sounds more often and louder than others, probably because the person was close to the camera. Is it Irina? Well, since I am not sure, I'll just call "Fans" when I translate the girls' questions briefly.

Let´s talk, amazing job!!! Thank you so much!!!!
:plush39: :plush32: :ki_ss: :ro_za: :gir_l-fri_end: :lo_ve:
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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Postby Ирина » 07 Sep 2011, 10:42

let`s talk wrote:Hey, girls! What a lovely interview/meeting you had! I wish I had been there :plush27:. I am not sure I recognize all voices, there are some fans asking him questions. One voice sounds more often and louder than others, probably because the person was close to the camera. Is it Irina? Well, since I am not sure, I'll just call "Fans" when I translate the girls' questions briefly.

Привет :-): . Да там многие вопросы задавали,не только я)).
Спасибо тебе огромное,что перевела :plush40: :plush39:
Ещё видео выложим,снятое с другого ракурса :plush45: ,там слышны вопросы и реплики,которые плохо или совсем не слышны на моём видео!
..."Российский фигурист Евгений Плющенко добился уникального достижения. Он выступил на четвертых Олимпийских играх - и выиграл четвертую медаль,став двукратным олимпийским чемпионом! "...
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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Postby Ирина » 07 Sep 2011, 10:44

[quote="cekoni"]Plushenko "Je suis Malade" test skating, KP RU.mp4:

Как классно Ремизова сняла видео :plush45: . И Тарасову видно,как она с открытым ртом :hi_hi_hi: смотрит на Женю,и как аплодирует ему стоя :plush46: :co_ol:

И нас видно,как мы закидываем цветы и игрушки :-)
..."Российский фигурист Евгений Плющенко добился уникального достижения. Он выступил на четвертых Олимпийских играх - и выиграл четвертую медаль,став двукратным олимпийским чемпионом! "...
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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Postby dimi » 07 Sep 2011, 10:47

fantastic interview , you asked him great questions! Bravo!

Please next time can you tell him to keep Zhulin??? I mean that was gorgeous program with some changes it would have been perfect, why did he changed it again? Anyway Ihope I ll see this program again somewhere.
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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Postby Вера » 07 Sep 2011, 10:48

cekoni wrote:I noticed! BRAVO GIRLS!

Там еще видно, как Женя показал нашей трибуне большой палец и послал воздушный поцелуй, оценил нашу поддержку, так приятно :plush33: Еще хочу сказать про эту видяшку, что я стояла рядом с маленькими девочками, которые дарили цветы фигуристам, такие смешные, всё время хихикали, но на Женю смотрели затаив дыхание, ахали на прыжках, а в конце, когда он лег на лед, засмеялись, не поняли ничего, глупенькие :hi_hi_hi:
Интервью КП, уже конец, здесь говорит, что благодарен болельщикам, что знает, что его любят, им живут, что для него это большая честь... И еще о сыне. Здесь очень красиво смотрится его стрижка новая и вообще на фоне этих голубых гор он изумительно хорош :-):

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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Postby alysonshade » 07 Sep 2011, 12:28

let`s talk wrote:Hey, girls! What a lovely interview/meeting you had! I wish I had been there :plush27:. I am not sure I recognize all voices, there are some fans asking him questions. One voice sounds more often and louder than others, probably because the person was close to the camera. Is it Irina? Well, since I am not sure, I'll just call "Fans" when I translate the girls' questions briefly.

I'm deeply grateful for transcription, Let's Talk! :plush39: .. :plush40: .. :co_ol:

Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Postby alysonshade » 07 Sep 2011, 12:44

let`s talk wrote:
Ирина wrote:Видео встречи Жени с поклонниками 3 сентября 2011. КАТОК РУ :mo-ro_zi_vo: :plush31: :plush32: :plush39:
[b]Встреча c поклонниками. Часть 1 КАТОК. РУ 3.09.11


Часть 3 КАТОК. РУ 3.09.11

Fans: We want to see your son Egor. Can we do that?

Zhenya: Of course you can. He is in St-Petersburg, training in an ice-hokey school almost every day. He is cute, active and energetic. He tried the skates for the very first time when he was 2 and a half. Then he didn't attend any school for sometime. But now we enrolled him in an ice-hockey club.

Fans: Have you thought about enrolling him in FS?

Zhenya: No, we don't want him to be a figure skater. That's a too difficult sport, especially now. It's better to be in a game sport. You know, if you don't feel well, you can always wait for a while on the bench (joking, laughing). Of course any sport is very difficult. We chose ice- ockey. Maybe because it is on skates too! I am sure Egor will be fine there.

This is a wise choice. Even if the boy were good at skating, the comparison with the father will persecute him all along his whole life. Not a good way to grow up! Let alone if he will not be excellent as the father: he might be classified as a loser! Better for him to be involved in a different sport! :plush34:



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