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Отчёты ,фото,видео очевидцев с ЧЕ-2010 :-)

Postby Ирина » 24 Jan 2010, 14:54

dimi,спасибо за рассказ :plush39: Здорово,как я вам по-хорошему завидую! :plush33: :plush32:
А баннеры классные :co_ol: .Первый крупным планом в новостях только показали.А в репортажах только издалека видно было. Но главное,что Женя их хорошо видел и это ему тоже очень помогало! :mi_ga_et: :plush45:
..."Российский фигурист Евгений Плющенко добился уникального достижения. Он выступил на четвертых Олимпийских играх - и выиграл четвертую медаль,став двукратным олимпийским чемпионом! "...
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Отчёты ,фото,видео очевидцев с ЧЕ-2010 :-)

Postby cekoni » 24 Jan 2010, 17:10

My (same) homevideos on youtube :-):

Plushenko (20.01.'10 morning training SP) - European Championship 2010:

Plushenko (21.01.'10 morning training LP) - European Championship 2010:

Plushenko (Men's Warm up Group 4 before LP):

Plushenko (after LP + winning podium) - European Championship 2010:


This morning we were on training of Gala ... Plushy skate under "old" russian song "Candle" (I hope, that this will be his exibition number :plush47: :plush31: )

... my videos I will upload tonight :plush28: ... for now, tamriko video:

EC 2010 ex practice 2 Plushenko.avi

P.S. we make photos with Plushy, in front of Saku Surhal after training (and with big banner :son-ce: )

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Отчёты ,фото,видео очевидцев с ЧЕ-2010 :-)

Postby Hilfer » 24 Jan 2010, 20:15

Поздравляю всех с победой!

Женя просто красавец. Его теперешняя худоба придаёт уму столько изящности, дух захватывает. Только я бы ещё больше старалась использовать именно корпус, не только руки. Потому что очень красиво смотрится. Особенно в чёрном костюме - супер. Я бы лично совсем убрала виляния бёдрами из произвольной - потому что они как-то не подходят к этой пластике, кажутся лишними.

Ну а в общем, я просто в восторге. Женька так хорош!

Но я недовольна публикой. Очень многие болели не за кого-то, а именно против Жени. Не припомню нигде такой слабой поддержки. И игрушек совсем мало кидали. В принципе, я имею ввиду, не только Жене.

Как будто ничего не изменилось за прошедшие несколько лет - Линдеманн в старенькой футболочке катал, Ван Дер Перрен опять своего "Робин Гуда" :)

Кто-нибудь понял, почему у Ламбеля такие высокие оценки за копоненты и может мне объяснить? Или почему у Жени не такие высокие, не знаю, как лучше спросить.

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Отчёты ,фото,видео очевидцев с ЧЕ-2010 :-)

Postby Вера » 24 Jan 2010, 20:52

Hilfer , приветствую! :plush2:
А мне одна бывшая коллега говорила, что вы сейчас больше не фанатка и живете обычной жизнью :mi_ga_et: :-)
Hilfer wrote:Женя просто красавец. Его теперешняя худоба придаёт уму столько изящности, дух захватывает.

:plush31: :plush32:
Hilfer wrote:Но я недовольна публикой. Очень многие болели не за кого-то, а именно против Жени. Не припомню нигде такой слабой поддержки. И игрушек совсем мало кидали. В принципе, я имею ввиду, не только Жене.

Hilfer wrote:Кто-нибудь понял, почему у Ламбеля такие высокие оценки за копоненты и может мне объяснить? Или почему у Жени не такие высокие, не знаю, как лучше спросить.

:ne_vi_del: Но Ламбьель действительно хорош. Но наш мальчик лучше!!! :son-ce: :co_ol: :-) :plush41:
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Отчёты ,фото,видео очевидцев с ЧЕ-2010 :-)

Postby jst » 24 Jan 2010, 22:38

Что вы против публики имеете,по моему там все только Женю и ждали, и поддержка особенно в четверг было мощная.
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Отчёты ,фото,видео очевидцев с ЧЕ-2010 :-)

Postby Lotus » 25 Jan 2010, 00:18

Hilfer wrote:Поздравляю всех с победой!

Женя просто красавец. Его теперешняя худоба придаёт уму столько изящности, дух захватывает. Только я бы ещё больше старалась использовать именно корпус, не только руки. Потому что очень красиво смотрится. Особенно в чёрном костюме - супер. Я бы лично совсем убрала виляния бёдрами из произвольной - потому что они как-то не подходят к этой пластике, кажутся лишними.

Ну а в общем, я просто в восторге. Женька так хорош!

Но я недовольна публикой. Очень многие болели не за кого-то, а именно против Жени. Не припомню нигде такой слабой поддержки. И игрушек совсем мало кидали. В принципе, я имею ввиду, не только Жене.

Как будто ничего не изменилось за прошедшие несколько лет - Линдеманн в старенькой футболочке катал, Ван Дер Перрен опять своего "Робин Гуда" :)

Кто-нибудь понял, почему у Ламбеля такие высокие оценки за копоненты и может мне объяснить? Или почему у Жени не такие высокие, не знаю, как лучше спросить.


Аааа, здорово что вы с Марианной посмотрели в живую! :ya_hoo_oo: Да и положительную энергию принесли в арену! :plush46:
Возможно, вместо виляния бёдрами поставить движение из Танго! ну а с корпусом лучше сейчас уже не заморачиваться, хотя дорожка возможно из-за этого была второго уровня.

Ирина, арена там очень маленькая и собралась очень специфичная публика, поэтому и болели против, кто не за...но ЭТО их судьба! :mi_ga_et: Поэтому даже ваше присутствие могло помогать Жене, фанаты по крупинкам несут положительную энергию в противовес... :bra_vo: а игрушек мало...может кризис в Эстонии сильнее чем в Германии :hi_hi_hi:

А обяснить низкую оценку за компоненты можно только запоздалым возвращением Жени в любительский спорт, годом раньше, и всё было бы на своих местах, за все надо платить... судьи: кушал спагети когда другие пахали, получай пониже оценки :hi_hi_hi: а вообще это его первое настоящее международное соревнование после Турина не у себя дома, вот и : он им сюрприз в виде шикарного катания, они ему в виде низких оценок, на всё есть цена.

Но главное чтобы папа Мишин не запаниковал как в 2002 году, и это не передалось Евгению, просто надо выходить и снова всё катать чисто! Надо повторить то что было в Турине, и в тренировках, и создать атмосферу, и рвать всех на части. А главное Олимпийское спокойствие и успеть накопить энергию за три недели...

В Ванкувере зал на 15-16 тысяч, в три раза больше чем в Таллине, да и публика там будет более разнообразная, хотя североамериканцев будет больше, но билеты распространяли во всех странах! Можно пересмотреть победу Жени в Ванкувере в 2001 году, и сразу понять что будет за арена, и где будут ангелы сидеть :mi_ga_et:
Всё будет как должно быть..
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Отчёты ,фото,видео очевидцев с ЧЕ-2010 :-)

Postby dimi » 25 Jan 2010, 21:35

We met Plushy last night!!!

I wanted to open a new topic about european experience and photos and stuff but I cant , i will write here!!! Can you open one so Ceconi, Lila and I will write about our trip?

i want to say lots of stuff...
we went to see practice gala yesterday and all were doing the choreo, plush arrived 30 mins later(diva plushy :k_i_n_g: , i just love it :-) ) and he tried to learn the steps and was goofing around with the guys, played with little boys there who were gathered around him in awe (you should see their face when he gave them autograph, lol :hi_hi_hi: ), spoke with the ladies :plush28: , then practiced his program last , then in the middle of run-through went in front of some russian people and waved (i suppose with irony, unless I m wrong and he was looking elsewhere, you ll see what i mean, i was frozen at that moment, he looked as dark as ever) , his practice was even more breathtaking than exhibition. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xi_9Nqf2IA0 I dont know if it is subconscious but skaters gather around him :hi_hi_hi: , like he is the core player! :foo_t_bol:

i want to say that I m shocked with evgeni's quality. He manages to surprise us everytime for the better. We spoke to him twice . One in front of the arena after the general rehearsal of gala.And one in hotel after. In the arena he was lost cause we were all around him talking alltogether :smu:sche_nie: . He got inside the taxi. Then some other company of people took him out of taxi to get pictures!!!We also took some photos and promised he come back at hotel after gala. Which he did, he was one of the first to arrive there. He was with Ari. I think you need to know when to ask Evgeni for his time , and this is not before the end of gala. During competition most of people could not find him and to be honest we didnt search for him. You know he is not avalaible and he is competing :du_el: and we respected that. I just saw Yana one day and wished her good luck for the Lp.

In the afternoon we spoke to him and he was ultra happy. He saw the banners in the competition, and in gala only one banner was in the arena ;;-))) , a plushy one saying Go PLushy from greek fans (i swear, not me, lol), we had a lot of laugh cause Plush said "oh i saw this" and we said "hmm, the whole arena was looking at it" :hi_hi_hi: . Still i think he is shy more than you would expect, looking down and says thank you all the time . I was wondering if he is the same person who exploded the arena with the Tango. When he stepped on the ice for Lp, Italians screamed MAMA MIA!!!!LOL! Rocking appearance, rocking costume, a BAM comeback for the centuries!! :ya_hoo_oo: It looks like he is from another planet.

Did I say new costumes go perfect with a gold medal? :plush11: The moment he hugged Lambiel on podium, just great! Lambiel fan Club cheered for him! And Russian Anthem is my fav plush48
About the Sp: The way he finishes his Sp, we felt like a thunder killed us, I have no memory of the Sp cause i was anxious, but I remember the crowd went crazy and that moment that he stopped and looked the judges, like I M BACK! :sh_ок: I started laughing, he is the only one who can do this and get away! :hi_hi_hi: Only "problem" i can think in Sp is the music in straight step sequence. Crowd started getting excited after the spin and started clapping but the music doesnt change rythme so they stopped. I hope they change this part a little. Is this Marton's arrangement?It sounds like the original piece of music.

We talked a little before photos, he said he feels his fans and enemies and talked about positive energy and good vibes. I joked cause too many women were expecting to photo with him, and i said "too many women around always"and he laughed. He didnt say NO to anyone. Then italians told him about Worlds and he said he wants to go to Torino, cause it is a circle, euros olympics and worlds there. We told him that health is first priority. I think there will be a video of this although we interrupted him lots of times! He is very nice person and so funny you get enthusiastic! I have no clue what of all these he listened cause it was noisy and with a bunch of people jumping around him, lol!

Then he saw the bracelet I wear that he had given to me last year and he said "oh you were my bracelet"", he asked if the others have one, and when they said no, he said wait and went to his room and came back to bring for all.

He needs support and I got shocked of how he asked it, he said he needs scream and support from his fans. From what I understood, Plush knows about this forum( :ze_le_ny: ) on internet (not his official :plush33: ) and what they say about him. It is the the "other" russian one. I dont believe he doesnt know all these forums dedicated to him, italian, english, devotion, korean forum, and if he takes a look at youtube, 85.000 views of his videos for european championships on the first days :sh_ок: with mostly great comments for his comeback!!! 95% of skating community believe that he is the man to beat right now(even if they dont want to say it, if you go to some skating boards it looks like it ). And in the arena people went loud when he finished his program. They went loud for Lambiel also but honestly I didnt measure, I saw the King back on his throne, Europe welcomed him! :ya_hoo_oo:

I know polyphony is welcomed and different opinions of course in a forum but if you see how he looked his face when speaking about enemies, your heart would be broken. For this man who has such will and power and made so many people happy and cry when he was on the podium, this stuff with russian forum has hurt him. I felt awful, Awful! It looked like he trained back to his comeback with bitter sentiments to prove them wrong. And I speak as much objective as I can now. He thinks russia fans have disappeared? Thats why in interview of the winner he said the best thing is that he saw russian flags for him? They were many MANY russian fans in audience, by the way! He didnt name any forum or anyone but it was clear he was referring to his ex forum that still brings his name, now joubert's one. But you see he needs people's good thoughts about him, he asked it blatantly. But In the arena people were great with him! I told him to check internet or listen to the crowd screaming but I dont know if he understood, it was a pandemonium in there. He said he will try for medal in Vancouver. I think he doesnt like to hear that he will win, although we did say it with the best of love, to assure him that we believe in him. :smu:sche_nie: We gave him present a fluffy kitten that says good luck plushy on its back to take it with him in Vancouver. And we wrote him a letter(lol, it is funny, it took us some hour) and in that letter we say that for us, no matter what happens in Olympics, he is already a champion again. :plush46:
He signed the huge banners and I kid with him and said this you ll take it to Vancouver also, dear god, he looked at the size (3x 2 meters long) and looked desperate, nevertheless he said thank you very much.LOL!I told him i joke and we gave him a very small sticker same as the banner.We wished him good luck. He was with us around 30 mins, or more maybe.

We talked also to Yana, she was very kind, came to talk to us, she is very supportive of Evgeni and and very interesting to talk too. And we spoke about many things, I think Plush is too upset from russian nonsense for no reason. Although i dont get honestly whats the use of having a huge russian flag of Joubert when Plush skates. But i wish he knew this was not the rule, people were very warm in arena, you can hear it from videos also. :plush33: It was like Plushy party this Europeans! :ta_n_cor:

I just want him to do well and be happy, i dont care the result in Vancouver. It is a pleasure to see him back on competitive ice, have you listened to the eurosport commentary!!!Fantastic. Sp: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e84MdoB2RJo , Lp: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14gKSEJDYz8
I also met the greek journalist who comments for greek tv and he was extatic that he saw plush on competition again and he said all commentators were talking about this comeback! :mi_ga_et:
Last edited by dimi on 26 Jan 2010, 10:11, edited 1 time in total.

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Отчёты ,фото,видео очевидцев с ЧЕ-2010 :-)

Postby Вера » 25 Jan 2010, 21:59

Девочки, переведите, пожалуйста, что написала Дими :smu:sche_nie:
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Отчёты ,фото,видео очевидцев с ЧЕ-2010 :-)

Postby Gal4onok » 25 Jan 2010, 22:03

Вера wrote:Девочки, переведите, пожалуйста, что написала Дими :smu:sche_nie:

хорошо :-ok-: смотрю, она там так подробненько описала :co_ol:
Last edited by Gal4onok on 25 Jan 2010, 22:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Отчёты ,фото,видео очевидцев с ЧЕ-2010 :-)

Postby MiLa » 25 Jan 2010, 22:16

dimi, you remember every detail :-):
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