Ladies - Free Skating
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cekoni wrote:Гран-при по фигурному катанию. Прямой эфир / Live stream: ... free-skate
QUAD COUNT: 11 attempted (Machida toe, Fernandez toe, Fernandez sal, Fernandez sal, Kozuka toe, Kozuka toe, Hanyu toe, Takahashi toe, Takahashi toe), 7 clean (Fernandez toe, Fernandez sal, Fernandez sal, Kozuka toe, Hanyu toe, Chan toe, Takahashi toe)
Daisuke Takahashi JPN - quad toe (fall), quad toe-triple toe (nice!), triple axel (turn out), triple axel (hand down)-double toe, triple loop, triple salchow, triple lutz-double toe-double loop, triple flip - TES 87.89, PCS 90.22, FALL -1.00, FS SCORE 177.11, TOTAL SCORE 269.40
Patrick Chan CAN - quad toe (fall, leaning in the air), quad toe (hangs on, no combo), triple lutz, triple axel (hangs on, sort of steps out), triple loop, triple lutz-double toe, triple flip-half loop-triple salchow, double axel-double toe (he just lost all the value in that last jump by putting it in combination - too many combos) - TES 79.75, PCS 90.64, FALL -1.00, FS SCORE 169.39, TOTAL SCORE 258.66
Yuzuru Hanyu JPN - quad toe (beauty), double salchow, triple flip, triple axel-triple toe, triple axel-double toe, triple loop, triple lutz-double toe-double toe, triple lutz - TES 91.96, PCS 85.16, FS SCORE 177.12, TOTAL SCORE 264.29
Takahiko Kozuka JPN - quad toe, quad toe (at least underrotated, fall), triple axel (slipped off the end, two-foot, hand down), triple axel-double toe-double loop, triple flip, triple loop, triple lutz-triple toe, triple salchow - TES 85.58, PCS 82.30, FALL -1.00, FS SCORE 166.88, TOTAL SCORE 253.27
Javier Fernandez ESP - quad toe (hangs on), quad salchow-triple toe, triple axel, quad salchow, triple lutz-double toe (turn out), double loop, triple flip-half loop-triple salchow, triple salchow - TES 95.93, PCS 82.50, FS SCORE 178.43, TOTAL SCORE 258.62
Tatsuki Machida JPN - triple axel, quad toe (downgrade, fall), triple lutz-triple toe, single axel-double toe (slipped off the edge on the axel), double loop (step out), triple lutz, single flip, triple salchow - TES 56.41, PCS 72.64, FALL -1.00, FS SCORE 128.05, TOTAL SCORE 198.63
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