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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby Жюли » 07 Sep 2013, 12:41

On the picture, his eyes look like extremely tired. Let's hope that soon his look will change.
И неважно, как ты выглядишь снаружи - главное, чтоб сору не было внутри.

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 07 Sep 2013, 12:51

Жюли wrote:

On the picture, his eyes look like extremely tired. Let's hope that soon his look will change.

This is his "old" photo - from (around) 2011 test training :mi_ga_et:

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby Вера » 07 Sep 2013, 13:05

cekoni wrote:This is his "old" photo - from (around) 2011 test training
Это фото с ЧР 2013 :mi_ga_et:

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 07 Sep 2013, 14:38

Вера wrote:
cekoni wrote:This is his "old" photo - from (around) 2011 test training
Это фото с ЧР 2013 :mi_ga_et:

Really? :du_ma_et: I thought from this "series":
http://visualrian.ru/ru/site/gallery/in ... %22%7D%7D/

.... anyway, they intentionally chose a picture where he appears almost "desperate" :plush34: ... why they not chose this, for example? :plush41:
http://visualrian.ru/ru/site/gallery/in ... %22%7D%7D/

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby Жюли » 07 Sep 2013, 15:05

cekoni wrote:
.... anyway, they intentionally chose a picture where he appears almost "desperate" :plush34: ... why they not chose this, for example? :plush41:
http://visualrian.ru/ru/site/gallery/in ... %22%7D%7D/

I also wonder. :du_ma_et:
И неважно, как ты выглядишь снаружи - главное, чтоб сору не было внутри.

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby lovplush » 07 Sep 2013, 16:08

cekoni wrote:
Вера wrote:
cekoni wrote:This is his "old" photo - from (around) 2011 test training
Это фото с ЧР 2013 :mi_ga_et:

Really? :du_ma_et: I thought from this "series":
http://visualrian.ru/ru/site/gallery/in ... %22%7D%7D/

.... anyway, they intentionally chose a picture where he appears almost "desperate" :plush34: ... why they not chose this, for example? :plush41:
http://visualrian.ru/ru/site/gallery/in ... %22%7D%7D/

They want a tired fading hero instead of still vivid living warrior. This is a NA minded magazine so I do not blame them :-)
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby whitebamboo » 07 Sep 2013, 16:50

lovplush wrote:
They want a tired fading hero instead of still vivid living warrior. This is a NA minded magazine so I do not blame them :-)

Yes, this. Oh well...I am very curious as to the actual interview with Tatjana Flade, though.

(I am slightly amused by the faux "Soviet" font in the title and the first line of the article, too. If Evgeni does make it to Sochi, I wonder how NBC will try to depict him this time... :-) )

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 07 Sep 2013, 17:06

lovplush wrote:They want a tired fading hero instead of still vivid living warrior. This is a NA minded magazine so I do not blame them :-)

Well, this is just their "wishes" ::yaz-yk:

whitebamboo wrote:Yes, this. Oh well...I am very curious as to the actual interview with Tatjana Flade, though.

(I am slightly amused by the faux "Soviet" font in the title and the first line of the article, too. If Evgeni does make it to Sochi, I wonder how NBC will try to depict him this time... :-) )

Here is Tatjana's answer about article: :mi_ga_et:

... and about "such" title...
@Tatjana21 oh, great - thanks! Confused me a "bombastic" title ;)

@cekoni Bombastic? I wanted it to be dramatic. :) You want to make it sound interesting, right? The interview with Evgeni was really good.

@Tatjana21 OFC! It's all good, when you're the author! :) I was afraid u're not, as in IFS can sometimes be "not so good" texts on Plushy ;)

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 07 Sep 2013, 20:29

cekoni wrote:Vaytsehovskaya really can not find like-minded people ::yaz-yk:


Этери Тутберидзе: "На Плющенко можно сделать ставку в командных соревнованиях"

Translation :ni_zia: by quiqie from http://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/showthr ... ost3988552 :plush39:

Elena Vaitsekhovskaya speaks to Eteri Tutberidze, coach of Julia Lipnitskaya and Sergei Voronov, former coach of Polina Shelepen:

Eteri Tutberidze interview: "Plushenko can be a good bet at the team event in Sochi"

- EV: It is such a situation in Russian men's skating now, that there is only one athlete to claim the single spot on the Olympic team - Evgeni Plushenko. Do you think anyone else can fight for Russian National title, if Plushenko skates with at least one quad?
- ET: I don't think it is likely. Zhenya will probably do two triple Axels - it was always an easy jump for him. And that, complete with quad, will be enough for him to win. In general, I honestly do not know, is it necessary to compete with Plushenko?

- EV: In what sense?
- ET: I don't really see any other Russian athlete who could fight for the Olympic podium. All of them are fighting mainly to get in top ten. Yes, Maxim Kovtun has triple Axels and two different quads. But at the level we're talking about, almost everyone does. You cannot count on the chance all other skaters fall?
Plushenko is still good enough to fight in the team event, where Russia could well win a medal. This, I think, is the most logical bet. Especially as a team event is the first in the Olympic program .

- EV: Evgeni is is much more of an old generation skater than Kostner. Probably you could say about him as well that he is accustomed to long jump entries, has limited transitions. At the same time, I see that he is still interesting to you as a figure skater. Why is it so?
- ET: I see him differently. It's really hard - to learn at his age something that children learn at four or five. But you can say something to a child hundred times, and he will repeat an element hundred times. Adults always have this thought etched in their subconsciousness: "I won't do it, because I can't." This is why many people refuse to learn at all.
When Plushenko skated at his first Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, he could not even sit properly into the sit spin - he didn't need to. And there was no change of blade in the camel spin either, for the same reason. So now when I see him trying to do on the ice complex variations of some positions, as a coach I understand the amount of work invested in it.

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby Дарина » 07 Sep 2013, 23:03

Первым стартом для Евгения Плющенко в олимпийском сезоне станет ноябрьский турнир в Латвии

МОСКВА, 7 сентября. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС Артем Кузнецов/. Турнир по фигурному катанию "Вольво оупен кап" станет первым соревнованием в новом сезоне для олимпийского чемпиона Евгения Плющенко. Об этом корреспонденту ИТАР-ТАСС рассказал тренер российского спортсмена Алексей Мишин.

"У Евгения Плющенко первый старт будет в начале ноября в Риге. Он готовится именно к нему. Пока он не готов выступить на том уровне, который соответствует имени Плющенко, поэтому мы решили перенести прокат на более позднее время", - сказал Мишин в ходе телефонной беседы.

Таким образом, Плющенко не примет участия в первых предсезонных прокатах, которые в эти выходные проходят в сочинском ледовом дворце "Айсберг".

При этом собеседник информагентства отметил, что до старта в официальном соревновании Плющенко проведет серию показательных выступлений, в рамках которых он продемонстрирует как короткую, так и произвольную программы. "Так что время для "наката" у него еще будет", - отметил специалист.
Прокаты пройдут в Вероне и Санкт-Петербурге. Ожидается, что выступление олимпийского чемпиона в Италии состоится во второй половине октября

В прошлом сезоне Плющенко стал десятикратным чемпионом России, но снялся с чемпионата Европы после короткой программы из-за травмы спины. Позже ему была сделана операция по замене межпозвоночного диска.
М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."

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