Kings On Ice - Cluj-Napoca, Romania 9.12.2016

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Re: Kings On Ice - Cluj-Napoca, Romania 9.12.2016

Postby lala630312 » 16 Dec 2016, 02:10


I had no time to select the photos and send you. Sorry. I think I can do it in this weekend.
Last edited by lala630312 on 16 Dec 2016, 17:56, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Kings On Ice - Cluj-Napoca, Romania 9.12.2016

Postby Дарина » 16 Dec 2016, 12:40

lala630312 wrote: A little bit later Lambiel walked front of me.. I watched him and he look at me..His eyes told me:"I noticed you, I know you love me, and I know you are happy if I look in your eyes.."

I hope your eyes told him: "Do not waist your time, I'm a Plushenko fan" ::yaz-yk: :hi_hi_hi:
And when I saw him I thought this is one of the secrets of Evgeni's succes. Plushy has really talented, special friends, not to mention Yana! I don't know he found them or they found Plushy but their relationships are very fruitful. They deeply respect and love Plushy and it seems they are happy because they can say Plushy is their friend.

So true, but I wish he had close people who do not make money on him. I think it is important for him but very dangerous when they always push him. Do this, do that, you can do it etc. I'm still in shock about his back flip attempts :kli_ny: :plush44:
М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."

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Re: Kings On Ice - Cluj-Napoca, Romania 9.12.2016

Postby Дарина » 16 Dec 2016, 14:10

lala630312 wrote:перевод
Я не могу сказать, что это был самый прекрасный день моей жизни, потому что я замужняя женщина, и у меня есть двое красивых и умных дочерей. Когда они родились, -это были самые прекрасные дни. Но могу сказать, что прошлая пятница была одним из самых памятных дней в моей жизни.
Днём мы приехали на арену. Я позвонила сестре Эдвина Мартона, которая была одним из организаторов шоу, и она разрешила нам зайти. Лед был пуст, но там было много занятых людей, которые готовили арену, ставили стулья рядом с льдом.
Я увидела Эдвина Мартона и его оркестр, они играли Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody, мою самую любимую музыку. Мурашки!
Потом я увидела ребят: Томаш, Флоран, Брайан, - они играли в футбол.. Не было Жени, Стефана, Аделины. Чуть позже Ламбьель прошел передо мной .. Я смотрела на него, а он на меня.. Его глаза сказали мне: "Я заметил вас, я знаю, что вы любите меня, и счастливы, если я смотрю в ваши глаза. ".
Лед ожил...фигуристы вышли и стали репетировать групповые номера. Это было так весело! Фигуристы играли и шутили друг с другом. Я могу сказать, что они все очень хорошие, веселые, забавные. И Ари Закарян был замечательным... Он один из самых милых людей в мире фигурного катания. Он композитор, хореограф, агент и - последнее, но не в последнюю очередь - он очень хороший давний друг Жени. И когда я увидела его, я подумала, что это один из секретов успехов Евгения. У Жени действительно талантливые, особенные друзья, не говоря уже о Яне! Я не знаю, он нашёл их или они его, но их отношения очень плодотворны. Они глубоко уважают и любят Женю и кажется, что они счастливы, потому что они могут сказать, что Женя является их другом.
Но Жени всё ещё не было!! Я начала беспокоиться .... Он не будет кататься из-за руки ...... А через несколько минут я его увидела. Он стоял на сцене !!! О, МОЙ БОГ! Он высокий! Я подошла к нему .. и дала ему мой подарок. Я собрала более 800 фан артов, только рисунки и картины из интернета. Я отнесла их в типографию, они отредактировали и распечатали и сделали книгу.. Я её подарила!! Я очень горжусь собой! Он поблагодарил меня, и мы поцеловали друг друга ......

Потом был перерыв.

Мы поговорили с Эдвином. Он чрезвычайно хороший человек, у него нашлось время для меня. Он немного нервничал, потому что лёд не был вовремя готов и с ним были проблемы .. В двух местах вода брызгала, как фонтан! Я никогда такого не видела! Но они всё починили и начали вторую тренировку с персональными номерами фигуристов. И Женя вышел на лед! Он был смешной и веселый!
И я также увидела Аделину. Она была такой строгой, не улыбалась ... и не смотрела ни на кого ..

Женя репетировал Storm. Я немного расстроилась, потому что я устала от этой программы, но он катали Кармину Бурана и номер Il Volo в прошлом году, таким образом, ему нужно было откатать другую программу с Эдвином. И я знаю, что большинство людей не смотрят за каждым его шоу, каждым выступлением. Он легко приземлил несколько тройных прыжков, но он был очень осторожен со своими руками.

Мне понравились все фигуристы, они были чудесные! Но я была в нетерпении в то же самое время, потому что не видела Женю.
Вы можете прочитать отчет Натальи, как всё было. Он вышел и исполнил Шторм и небольшую часть Чардаша в конце шоу. Он был замечательный!
Я снова скажу, что он любим народом. Он любим везде.. Невозможно это объяснить, но люди счастливы, когда видят его ...
Мы сидели у льда в первом ряду. Я близко видела каждого фигуриста. Я видела Брайана и Флорана, и они мне улыбались, я пожала руку Стефана во время его выступления!!!

Я не сфотографировала книгу. :plush29: Я сделала только одну копию с цифрового варианта. :plush34 Но я хочу напечатать еще одну. :mi_ga_et:
М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."

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Re: Kings On Ice - Cluj-Napoca, Romania 9.12.2016

Postby lala630312 » 16 Dec 2016, 17:54

Дарина wrote:
lala630312 wrote: A little bit later Lambiel walked front of me.. I watched him and he look at me..His eyes told me:"I noticed you, I know you love me, and I know you are happy if I look in your eyes.."

I hope your eyes told him: "Do not waist your time, I'm a Plushenko fan" ::yaz-yk: :hi_hi_hi:

:hi_hi_hi: I'm a kind person. :mi_ga_et: You can be calm later Lambiel noticed who is my favorite.. :-)

And when I saw him I thought this is one of the secrets of Evgeni's succes. Plushy has really talented, special friends, not to mention Yana! I don't know he found them or they found Plushy but their relationships are very fruitful. They deeply respect and love Plushy and it seems they are happy because they can say Plushy is their friend.

So true, but I wish he had close people who do not make money on him. I think it is important for him but very dangerous when they always push him. Do this, do that, you can do it etc. I'm still in shock about his back flip attempts :kli_ny: :plush44:[/quote]

What I saw on shows: Ari worked a lot, and he run all the time,teaches the choreography,conducts the rehearsals... Edvin negotiates with the organizers, the orchestra, talks with the person of public-address system...Evgeni just skates and everybody is crazy about him!!! LOL! :plush46:

I'm not in shock about his back flip attempts.. :a_g_a: I'm in shock because how unfortunate is he, that was an unlucky situation! :plush44: I'm a PE teacher so If I would have been Evgeni (and I would be in his age) I also would have tried it ! Joubert did it, many skaters can do it.. Why not???? :plush41:

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Re: Kings On Ice - Cluj-Napoca, Romania 9.12.2016

Postby ~Natalia~ » 16 Dec 2016, 20:32

Дарина wrote:So true, but I wish he had close people who do not make money on him. I think it is important for him but very dangerous when they always push him. Do this, do that, you can do it etc. I'm still in shock about his back flip attempts :kli_ny: :plush44:

It's not really like that, I think you should really not worry about that.
You know-- Evgeni has a very strong character. If he does something it's because he wants it. If he doesn't want to do something, nothing can push him.
If he tried the back flip it's because he wanted to. No one makes money of him, if he makes money it's because he is so wanted all over the world, people ask him to come everywhere. His name alone makes money because his presence ANYWHERE is a guarantee for success.

I can tell you for sure he is ok. I saw him. All I can say is that the only ones who do not respect him or his privacy or the ones who do not like him are mostly the media/journalists. Not the people in his team.

The people who kept supporting him to go to competition did it to support something he always adored. With the risks that he had, with the injuries he had, but is he the only skater in the world to have 4 Olympic medals, or isn't he? I'm very proud of that, very proud of him.

The real winners are not those who never fail but those who keep going despite hardships.

I was worried myself too, you know I told you. But then, when I saw him in front of me-- god, this man exhales fire. He is pure energy, pure strength.

You know, those of you who saw him face to face-- despite his rather fragile appearance-- in reality he is smaller than he seems in the videos, he is very very strong. Not shorter, no, but his body is fragile, delicate. By the way, a side note-- he's definitely not 1.78m. I am 1.69m, and I stood next to him in the photo (I'm the brunette), and I had some boots with very high heels and platform and especially I measured myself on those boots and I was 1.77m. In the photo you can clearly see he is definitely 1.80m. That's why lala630312 says he is tall. He really is! Just that he is delicate, and don't get me started on how gorgeous his body is; you can see every single muscle on him. There, I said it.

Last edited by ~Natalia~ on 17 Dec 2016, 00:52, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Kings On Ice - Cluj-Napoca, Romania 9.12.2016

Postby little_Lady97 » 16 Dec 2016, 23:01

lala:"I asked Edvin about it. He lives in Budapest, that would be evident if they make a show in it. "

Yeah, that's why I've asked.

"He answered me there is no ice in Budapest. Ok. But in Cluj the organizers also made a very simply ice that wass not a permanent ice. :plush34: And Edvin said the show is not very profitable in Hungary .."

There might not be a professional skateing rink in Bp., but a few years ago, we held the European Championships, and we have the NikolausCup each year... :plush38:
Furtheremore, we have hockey rinks... :du_ma_et:
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Re: Kings On Ice - Cluj-Napoca, Romania 9.12.2016

Postby Дарина » 17 Dec 2016, 02:01

Natalia, Lala, I know that Evgeni is a strong person. But as well I know about two artifical disks in his spine. And also I saw that the only one commentary pushing him to try back flip was Yana's one. Maybe it's just what he needs. But I saw his answer. He did not look excited about trying it... And why he should do this acrobatic element now if he didn't try it in his life ever? :ne_vi_del: This is dangerous and childish. That's what I think. We need him healthy.
М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."

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Re: Kings On Ice - Cluj-Napoca, Romania 9.12.2016

Postby lala630312 » 17 Dec 2016, 02:05

little_Lady97 wrote:lala:"I asked Edvin about it. He lives in Budapest, that would be evident if they make a show in it. "

Yeah, that's why I've asked.

"He answered me there is no ice in Budapest. Ok. But in Cluj the organizers also made a very simply ice that wass not a permanent ice. :plush34: And Edvin said the show is not very profitable in Hungary .."

There might not be a professional skateing rink in Bp., but a few years ago, we held the European Championships, and we have the NikolausCup each year... :plush38:
Furtheremore, we have hockey rinks... :du_ma_et:

Ice is not a cheap thing to make...The ECH was sponsored by our state, the ISU, the MOKSZ. The other ice arenas are too small. How many seat are there? That's what Edvin spoke the show isn't profitable. In Cluj last year were 7500 viewers, this year slightly less..
Can you imagine how many Euros Plushy, Lambiel, Brian's and the other skaters' costs? I'm sure they are very expensive.. :mi_ga_et:

But as I said if the organizer would make a great advertisement, posters everywhere, etc they can sell many tickets.

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Re: Kings On Ice - Cluj-Napoca, Romania 9.12.2016

Postby lala630312 » 17 Dec 2016, 02:13

Дарина wrote:Natalia, Lala, I know that Evgeni is a strong person. But as well I know about two artifical disks in his spine. And also I saw that the only one commentary pushing him to try back flip was Yana's one. Maybe it's just what he needs. But I saw his answer. He did not look excited about trying it... And why he should do this acrobatic element now if he didn't try it in his life ever? :ne_vi_del: This is dangerous and childish. That's what I think. We need him healthy.

I also remember Yana's post. Dangerous and childish...yes. :-) Probably he didn't try because he was a professional athlete he competed continously. And because he had no chance.
But I understand .. :co_ol: and I agree with you he needs to be very careful. We need him healthy.. :plush47:

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Re: Kings On Ice - Cluj-Napoca, Romania 9.12.2016

Postby ~Natalia~ » 17 Dec 2016, 04:05

Дарина wrote:Natalia, Lala, I know that Evgeni is a strong person. But as well I know about two artifical disks in his spine. And also I saw that the only one commentary pushing him to try back flip was Yana's one. Maybe it's just what he needs. But I saw his answer. He did not look excited about trying it... And why he should do this acrobatic element now if he didn't try it in his life ever? :ne_vi_del: This is dangerous and childish. That's what I think. We need him healthy.

You are perfectly right, of course it was a stupid thing to do, I think he was carried out by the adrenaline, maybe he was like "Joubert can do it? Whoa, why can't I?" and well....
I saw Yana's comment and Evgeni's answer, but it was in a joking way.
Anyway, I saw the video of his salto, even if it was from far away, and he didn't fall. He actually landed it. It was the other idiot next to him who was holding him that fell at the end exactly when Evgeni landed it, and I think it was then when he hit him over his hand with the skate.

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